Appears to be an unmarked car outside a verified provider addy

pyramider's Avatar
Yep. The OP will not be missed.
TheEccie214's Avatar
I've been to a popular complex for providers in the Galleria area several times and there's usually a cop car there. My first time going there it scared the crap out me. I'm showing up to see a girl I don't know to perform an illegal activity and see a cop? Doesn't sound crazy to be worried to me. I texted the gal and she explained he lived there and made sense so I went forward and have not worried since.

Put yourself in his shoes, and being new he felt he should share, but I don't think he did anything wrong yet he gets ganged up on. Maybe some people have been in the lifestyle so long they don't have concern about LE but for many guys here who have a lot to lose if a situation went wrong it seems like he was trying to help by bring it up.
Nicole Cox's Avatar
I've been to a popular complex for providers in the Galleria area several times and there's usually a cop car there. My first time going there it scared the crap out me. I'm showing up to see a girl I don't know to perform an illegal activity and see a cop? Doesn't sound crazy to be worried to me. I texted the gal and she explained he lived there and made sense so I went forward and have not worried since.

Put yourself in his shoes, and being new he felt he should share, but I don't think he did anything wrong yet he gets ganged up on. Maybe some people have been in the lifestyle so long they don't have concern about LE but for many guys here who have a lot to lose if a situation went wrong it seems like he was trying to help by bring it up. Originally Posted by TheEccie214
I agree. YOU ARE RIGHT That he shouldn't be ganged up on. People are human and make human mistakes. The only place I see him making a mistake was by not letting me explain before leaving. I would have offered for him to come and just get a feel of the situation with no donation being required unless he chose to stay. I've had to do that one other time here recently because something else entirely freaked out a new client. He left but came back and we enjoyed each others company.
I posted an alert on a client after a misunderstanding and not only was I wrong and had to apologize to him personally but had to apologize on the alert because I felt horrible and didn't want an innocent guy to suffer for me not knowing better. Thank God he was forgiving and turned out to be a great client. I was embarrassed and afraid I would never live it down.
There's ALWAYS a condescending undertone on the board and it HAS stopped me from posting an recently. And a provider was ripped off after I didn't post.
Nicole is hot and I saw her once.

However, her neighbors are nosey, and I was asked not to come back again by one of her neighbors! It is none of his business when I am a guest of a tenant, but some people don't seem to be minding their own business but trying to interfere with other people's lives.
Nicole is hot and I saw her once.

However, her neighbors are nosey, and I was asked not to come back again by one of her neighbors! It is none of his business when I am a guest of a tenant, but some people don't seem to be minding their own business but trying to interfere with other people's lives. Originally Posted by dagdag

Wow that's awkward! I hate nosey neighbors.
pyramider's Avatar
dagdag, what did you do to the neighbor? Did you pee on their patio?
dagdag, what did you do to the neighbor? Did you pee on their patio? Originally Posted by pyramider
hah ha, nothing like that! I was minding my own business. After leaving her place walked a little further and tried to get out of the complex, and while i was trying to figure out the way out of the door he was looking at me from a distance. Noticing my novice approach to the door he asked me if I was living there! I simply stated no with a friendly look. He told me that "he thought so" and he told me not to come back anymore! I thought, this guy is crazy so I turned around and left towards another exit to avoid any further "friendly" conversation and left the place...
doug_dfw's Avatar
NO, she couldn't be because she is a Jedi and she doesnt get down with the dark side.

Maybe if this guy stopped and asked and explained then he wouldve had all the info he needed before he bailed after wasting my time and before he posted an alert with misinformation in it.

Yes there is a cop car that is parked in my complex. And it belongs to a cop. He has to live somewhere. He is also considered oncall security after hours for my complex.

I also have a white charger AND NO it doesnt have police lights on it. Its the one with that was parked further down the driveway so that you could utilize my reserved space infront of MY building. Which you never made it to because instead of inquiring about the situation you jumped to paranoid conclusions and bounced without any consideration for my time you wasted..

When Originally Posted by Nicole Cox
I did point this out to LeeBeezy and I guess this is what he means by "attacked his time".
Like I originally said in THAT text to you LeeBeezy .."common sense goes a long ways."

And I also pointed out to him that maybe he should reconsider how he spends his sparetime. Because being labeled a time waster is going to get him blacklisted with reputable providers. Which I assume is why he put up this bs alert because his response was that he didnt care and could care less about eccie and this site is full of nothing but BS and fake reviews..

And this is the Type of BS he was referring to...
Get some big girl panties Originally Posted by Nicole Cox
Nicole is right. I am familiar with the complex. I am not alone. that car is a cop's car- been there for years. Never been a concern to me. Have exchanged pleasantries with him. Cool guy and has never let on I was other than a tenant. He is not Vice. Stop the denigration.
Nicole Cox's Avatar
Dagdag I moved to another unit,you should come back a see me. I nipped that in the bud.
Nicole Cox's Avatar
Nosey lonely and not enough $$ to get in where he fit in.
Dagdag I moved to another unit,you should come back a see me. I nipped that in the bud. Originally Posted by Nicole Cox
PM sent :-)
When I first got into this hobby, I was forced to buy a new car. A Black 2005 Crown Victoria caused many ladies to go radio silent when I pulled up.
BBW Katrina's Avatar
Discretion goes a long way. If you owned (not rented) a condo and there was a substantial amount of traffic coming and going next door on a daily basis you might feel differently. It puts everyone at risk when it's so apparent and done so blatantly and carelessly. High volume, attire, aimlessly wandering clients, rigged or broken gates, parking spaces being taken and tennant's cars being damaged all fall into play here. Nosey neighbors? Maybe. Reasons for them to be concerned? More than likely.
Blend in instead of drawing unwanted and possibly detrimental attention.
Gnostalgia's Avatar
Discretion goes a long way. If you owned (not rented) a condo and there was a substantial amount of traffic coming and going next door on a daily basis you might feel differently. It puts everyone at risk when it's so apparent and done so blatantly and carelessly. High volume, attire, aimlessly wandering clients, rigged or broken gates, parking spaces being taken and tennant's cars being damaged all fall into play here. Nosey neighbors? Maybe. Reasons for them to be concerned? More than likely.
Blend in instead of drawing unwanted and possibly detrimental attention. Originally Posted by BBW Katrina
Paranoia is not the hobbiests friend. Calm down. If i see le at a place i am visiting, he is sitting in his vehicle close to the entrance I most times approach him to ask if he's tgere for a particular reason. With a smile.
well, thanks to this thread, I saw Nicole this morning! She is elegant, sweet, professional and no issues with the neighbors or with LE. I'll post a review after I recover from the festivities of this morning...