Donald Dipshit to the Rescue

Jaxson66's Avatar
What "cover up" is your puddy Adam Shit so worried about...will you be able to SEE that...DO TELL!! Originally Posted by bb1961
Oh no! Not another dreaded Nunes memo or a Barr memo where he cherry picks the files to back up the Lying Looney. He could also be gathering information on open investigations for his Papi. Roger Stone needs help.

While here in the real world the courts have given the Orange one his third loss in one week.
Oh no! Not another dreaded Nunes memo or a Barr memo where he cherry picks the files to back up the Lying Looney. He could also be gathering information on open investigations for his Papi. Roger Stone needs help.

While here in the real world the courts have given the Orange one his third loss in one week. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
I don't know about the nonsense your spewing here...the newly released FISA documents will have you dancing on the head of a pin like Adam Shit and the rest of the left wing loons.
Comprehension is your friend.
Like TWK says...DANCE!!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Handwritten Note Proves Trump Is a Dotard as He 'Intentially' Sought to Bash Democrats' 'Achomlishments'
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Waco's evidence "Trumps" yours.

well since Game of Thrones is over, let's play Game of Presidential gaffes shall we? you may have heard these before ... or not.

these are just the warm up round ... here's a few that you will enjoy i'm sure!!

and my all time moment .. those "patriotic" Obamas disrespecting the US flag Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
oilfieldace's Avatar
Is 16 billion as much as 750 billion? Drop in a bucket to what burden that Kenyan jackass put on the American taxpayer. Libs are enemies of the state and must be hung by the neck till dead
  • Tiny
  • 05-25-2019, 11:10 AM
Is that Dumb bo?

Listen up stupid! The tariffs were the only way this would have to go. The Damdemocrats don't understand that giving away our jobs has really hurt America: and you know it.

The fucking chinks go not play by the same economic plans as the US. The Demcraps keep yelling about how we should tax "big business" and give the money to the poor. What crap.

I will give you one example: it is steel. The steel plants that the US had have gone down the tubes thanks to China. In China the built modern steel plants when they had none. They sold the steel to the US for less money than we could make it, and the government did nothing about it except raise the taxes that help put the mills out of business: the Damdemocrates were the cause of this.

Wait you idiots say; if they could make it cheaper, than why not buy from China: They didn't make it cheaper, they sold it for cheaper than they could make it because the Government of China gave them the money. The mills could operate at a loss because the government owned the mills.

Why would they do that? Because they could, and they got the jobs for their people.

Why should the US Government have suplimented, or given the steel mills the tax incentives to modernize the factors? The loss of the US steel mills has cost this country greatly. Basic manufacturing payroll is worth much more than the McDonalds Burger Fliping payroll because the payroll of manufacturing turns over much more than other types of payroll.

For example: The steel worker takes his check and spends it on food, clothing, eating out, a new car and ect. That money becomes, in part, the wages of the grocery clerk, the barber, the school teacher and etc. Got it? The wages of manufacturing turns over at least ten times, some economists say more. Each time it is taxed, and the Government makes money on the same payroll at least ten times. Originally Posted by JRLawrence
Trump came up with three solutions to this problem, two of which are spot on and the third of which is dead wrong. Cutting the corporate tax and deregulation have put American companies back on a level playing field.

The tariffs on the other hand don't make a lot of sense. I don't know enough about steel to argue with you on that. It could be that we have massive unused capacity in steel making and our steel makers won't use tariffs to make out-sized profits. It could be that our trading partners haven't retaliated, reducing their imports of items that we produce the most efficiently. It could be that we could manufacture steel just as efficiently as foreigners if not for government subsidies to their steel industries. I kind of doubt all this. Usually, tariffs are what crony capitalists and labor unions use to shelter themselves from competition, so they never become lean, mean competitors.

With respect to the industries I know something about, Trump's strategy has been dead wrong. I gave an example for electronic manufacturing services higher in this thread. I'd add that if Trump's main goal was to make it where U.S. companies would be treated fairly by the Chinese, he shouldn't have abandoned the Trans Pacific Partnership. And he should have been working with the Europeans, Mexicans, Canadians and Japanese to make China play by everyone else's rules, instead of imposing steel and aluminum tariffs on them and threatening to impose tariffs on their exports of autos.

I get your steelworker / Burger King analogy. Still, when you've unemployment at all time lows, I don't understand how this helps. The forecasts I've read about all say the tariffs are going to cost hundreds of thousands of jobs.

Historically, more Democrats have supported tariffs, while more Republicans have supported free trade. Trump's on the side of the Democrats, like Chuck Schumer, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, on this one.
Jaxson66's Avatar
I don't know about the nonsense your spewing here...the newly released FISA documents will have you dancing on the head of a pin like Adam Shit and the rest of the left wing loons.
Comprehension is your friend.
Like TWK says...DANCE!! Originally Posted by bb1961
In the words of the self proclaimed stable genius “ we’ll see what happens “.

Mueller report...
Volume I

Footnote 465

This footnote addresses a question that has been raised time and again, and which was echoed by Attorney General William Barr in his testimony to Congress on April 10: What was the basis, or predicate, for the Russia investigation?

The White House has claimed that the investigation was based on the “Steele Dossier,” an intelligence report compiled by a former British spy and financed by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC), which alleged that there were ties between Trump and the Kremlin. But in this footnote, Mueller explains the sequence and timing of events that gave rise to a credible threat to national security, warranting an investigation. First, Mueller notes earlier in the report that in July 2016, Wikileaks began disseminating emails stolen from the DNC. A few days later, the U.S. intelligence community assessed with “high confidence” that the Russian government had orchestrated the hack of these emails. Within a week of that release, a foreign government informed the FBI that George Papadopoulos, a foreign policy advisor to the Trump campaign, told a representative of their government that Russia had offered to “assist the campaign through the anonymous release of information that would be damaging to Hillary Clinton.” Mueller states that this information “is contained in the case-opening document and related materials.” This means that it was these facts, not the Steele Dossier, which raised an open question on whether Russia had attempted or was trying to attempt to coordinate with members of the Trump campaign to influence the 2016 presidential campaign and led to the official opening of an investigation.
JRLawrence's Avatar
Handwritten Note Proves Trump Is a Dotard as He 'Intentially' Sought to Bash Democrats' 'Achomlishments'

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

Make up a joke from a fake picture and try to get a laugh. Everyone can see that this is fake. That is the facts, not an opinion.

Now you are the dipshit. it is easy to see this is fake.
Take a screen shot of the picture.
Crop the screen shot so only the paper he is holding shows
Click on the screen shot to bering up the preview tools
Go to the Adjust Color Tools
Adjust the sharpnest to the maximum
Adjust the darkness of the writing to bring up the clarity.
Close the file and then reopen it.
Not take the tool that allows us to double the size of the screen shot
Open the picture clip that is not bigger and clearer.

Hey dipshit. This is a fake.
The printed material at the top of the page is backwards
The picture has been reversed.
After the picture was published, it was modified and written on by hand.
The hand written gibberish is written from left to right.
It was added to a picture that was reversed.
The printed word has won again.
I B Hankering's Avatar
In the words of the self proclaimed stable genius “ we’ll see what happens “.

Mueller report...
Volume I

Footnote 465

This footnote addresses a question that has been raised time and again, and which was echoed by Attorney General William Barr in his testimony to Congress on April 10: What was the basis, or predicate, for the Russia investigation?

The White House has claimed that the investigation was based on the “Steele Dossier,” an intelligence report compiled by a former British spy and financed by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC), which alleged that there were ties between Trump and the Kremlin. But in this footnote, Mueller explains the sequence and timing of events that gave rise to a credible threat to national security, warranting an investigation. First, Mueller notes earlier in the report that in July 2016, Wikileaks began disseminating emails stolen from the DNC. A few days later, the U.S. intelligence community assessed with “high confidence” that the Russian government had orchestrated the hack of these emails. Within a week of that release, a foreign government informed the FBI that George Papadopoulos, a foreign policy advisor to the Trump campaign, told a representative of their government that Russia had offered to “assist the campaign through the anonymous release of information that would be damaging to Hillary Clinton.” Mueller states that this information “is contained in the case-opening document and related materials.” This means that it was these facts, not the Steele Dossier, which raised an open question on whether Russia had attempted or was trying to attempt to coordinate with members of the Trump campaign to influence the 2016 presidential campaign and led to the official opening of an investigation.
Originally Posted by Jaxson66
That's a bullshit story! Comey went to the FISC with non-substantive bullshit, and the FISC refused his application because he didn't have shit. Comey re-applied using hildebeest's foreign sourced dossier to justify spying on American citizens and obtain the first FISA warrant. Further, when Papadopoulus was interviewed by the FBI, he denied any Russian-Trump collusion -- and that statement of fact was withheld from the FISC by the likes of Weissmann who is notorious for withhold exculpatory evidence in violation of the law.
JRLawrence's Avatar
It could be that we have massive unused capacity in steel making and our steel makers won't use tariffs to make out-sized profits.
It could be, but it is not. China intentionally targeted the US Steel manufactures and put many out of business. The Damndemocrates knew it, and ignored it: maybe they took bribes in the back door, but what do I know about that.

The example given about the steel manufactures is a classic example that is a fact, not an opinion and not a maybe what if. It happened in the 1970's and by the 1990's many steel mills were gone. This lession is taught in a graduate level course in economics. Micro-economics and Macro-economics were required courses for one of my graduate degrees. At the time I was working nights for the graduate degree, I was working during the day as a consultant to industrial plants. One of my customers was Armco Steel that went out of business because of this situration.
It could be that we could manufacture steel just as efficiently as foreigners if not for government subsidies to their steel industries.

The offset to China directly funding the steel companies that they own would be for the Damndemocrates to quit going after industry and start supporting the economic base of the USA. At the time discussed, China has invested in the moderization of the steel industry: Remember, the Chineese government owned the industrial plants. In the USA corporations own the industrial plants: and they pay heavy taxes on thest plants, and the profits they make before giving the profit returns to the individual investors who buy stocks.

Remember also, everyone who works for private companies in the USA pay taxes on the wages they receive. It just doesn't make sense for the Damndemocrates to punish industry for employing people who pay taxes to the government and also the supporting businesses in town who provided services and supplies to industry. The barber who cuts the hair of the prople working in industry also pays taxes. The industrial payroll times 10 to 12 (because of the turnover) all pay taxes. Everytime a new car is sold to an industrial worker, it has sales taxed. His trade in is sold, and that car again has sales tax because it is resold: Remember it has sales tax the first time it was sold several years ago.

With our system of government, we should always help the main employers; wheather that is steel, electronics, or computers. Instead the Damndemocrates have given away the technology we created to create competors from other countries. China has stolen our inventions and our methods of manufacturing.

I kind of doubt all this. Usually, tariffs are what crony capitalists and labor unions use to shelter themselves from competition, so they never become lean, mean competitors.

Bull Shit!

With respect to the industries I know something about, Trump's strategy has been dead wrong. I gave an example for electronic manufacturing services higher in this thread. I'd add that if Trump's main goal was to make it where U.S. companies would be treated fairly by the Chinese, he shouldn't have abandoned the Trans Pacific Partnership.

Bull Shit! You have been listening to the Damndemocrats who know nothing.

And he should have been working with the Europeans, Mexicans, Canadians and Japanese to make China play by everyone else's rules, instead of imposing steel and aluminum tariffs on them and threatening to impose tariffs on their exports of autos.

I get your steelworker / Burger King analogy.
Hey dipshit: This is not an analyogy. It is a fact, not an opinion. That is how the economy works.
Still, when you've unemployment at all time lows, I don't understand how this helps.
What? Trump has put the country back to work, and employment is higher than in the 50's. Unemployment, expecially in the inner city is at an all time low, and people have jobs. You don't understant, or want to understand.
The forecasts I've read about all say the tariffs are going to cost hundreds of thousands of jobs.
Where have you been reading this, on CNN? This is completely false!
Historically, more Democrats have supported tariffs, while more Republicans have supported free trade. Trump's on the side of the Democrats, like Chuck Schumer, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, on this one. Originally Posted by Tiny
BULL SHIT!, You need to study economic history insteed of making false statements and expecting anyone to believe you.
Hillay lost! Odumbo was the worst President we have ever had. Get over it. Either help form a new political party to help get rid of the Damndemocrates, the party of slavery and the KKK, or join the Republican party to help drive the Damndempcrates out of every office in the land.

One way or another a new alternative to the present day Democrate party will happen. How and when is the question.

Keep up the crap and the second civil war is predicted.

As an aside. Last month I was called by the owners of a new steel mill that, unknown to me, started construction of a new rebar plant (for use in concrete construction) immediately after Trump began giving incentives to our steel industry. Most of the rebar has been recently supplied by China. The Armco Steel plant I was referring to was a major supplier in the USA of rebar, before it closed. All the rebar is made by melting down scrap steel. Our scrap steel has been going to China, made into rebar and sold back to us.

Hooray for Trump. Kick the shit out of the Damndemocrates. The idiots, the fools, the power hungry immoral tradors.
That's a bullshit story! Comey went to the FISC with non-substantive bullshit, and the FISC refused his application because he didn't have shit. Comey re-applied using hildebeest's foreign sourced dossier to justify spying on American citizens and obtain the first FISA warrant. Further, when Papadopoulus was interviewed by the FBI, he denied any Russian-Trump collusion -- and that statement of fact was withheld from the FISC by the likes of Weissmann who is notorious for withhold exculpatory evidence in violation of the law. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
This is what happens when they enter the death throes...they pull out all the stops.
  • Tiny
  • 05-25-2019, 08:44 PM
Thanks JR, Replies in red,

BULL SHIT!, You need to study economic history insteed of making false statements and expecting anyone to believe you.
Like the Smoot Hawley Act that set off a trade war and made the Great Depression worse?

Hillay lost! Odumbo was the worst President we have ever had. Get over it. Either help form a new political party to help get rid of the Damndemocrates, the party of slavery and the KKK, or join the Republican party to help drive the Damndempcrates out of every office in the land.

Can't say much about before 1980 because I was too young or not born, but Obama might be the worst since then. Bush's war in Iraq and deficit spending makes him a contender. If Trump follows through on his threats to get us into a full fledged trade war with the rest of the world and throws us into a deep recession then he might just edge out Obama for the honor, in spite of his very positive steps to cut corporate taxes and deregulate.

One way or another a new alternative to the present day Democrate party will happen. How and when is the question.

Keep up the crap and the second civil war is predicted.

Trump's the alternative for Democrats, isn't he? He used to be one. Now he's working shoulder to shoulder with Chuck Schumer, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren on trade. There's no room for true Republicans like Jeff Flake in the party any more.

As an aside. Last month I was called by the owners of a new steel mill that, unknown to me, started construction of a new rebar plant (for use in concrete construction) immediately after Trump began giving incentives to our steel industry. Most of the rebar has been recently supplied by China. The Armco Steel plant I was referring to was a major supplier in the USA of rebar, before it closed. All the rebar is made by melting down scrap steel. Our scrap steel has been going to China, made into rebar and sold back to us.

Hooray for Trump. Kick the shit out of the Damndemocrates. The idiots, the fools, the power hungry immoral tradors.

Like I said, I don't know much about the tariffs on steel. Forbes Magazine has had a lot to say about them. I guess they must be Damndemocrates:

And here's one of their articles on jobs lost to tariffs:

Originally Posted by JRLawrence
Chung Tran's Avatar
The minorities under 3 years with Trump have seen the best improvements for their lives in since the 1960's. Originally Posted by JRLawrence
ask them, and they will disagree.. all you understand is employment numbers and making more money. Minorities feel under attack to a much greater extent than 3 years ago, lack of Health care, student debt, stagnant wages, gentrification are all working against many people. these are foreign concepts to you, obviously. every Republican who defends Trump plays the "lowest minority unemployment in 50 years card", and has nothing else to say.. but during Obama's last year, unemployment was almost as low. you act like Trump came in and waved his magic wand. the economy was in the toilet in January 2009, Obama rescued the economy, and created millions of jobs during his tenure. you guys hate that fact.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
ask them, and they will disagree.. all you understand is employment numbers and making more money. Minorities feel under attack to a much greater extent than 3 years ago, lack of Health care, student debt, stagnant wages, gentrification are all working against many people. these are foreign concepts to you, obviously. every Republican who defends Trump plays the "lowest minority unemployment in 50 years card", and has nothing else to say.. but during Obama's last year, unemployment was almost as low. you act like Trump came in and waved his magic wand. the economy was in the toilet in January 2009, Obama rescued the economy, and created millions of jobs during his tenure. you guys hate that fact. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

under attack by whom? The media? certainly for they are the prime drivers of racist division as was Obama the hateful racist. under attack by the Democrats who knowingly enslaved them again .. and called it "civil rights"

prove your point if you have one that minions .. er minorities feel that they are under attack.

they are under attack but only by you. and the press and the Demonratic party.

vote Demonrat if you favor racial slavery!!

Or not!!!!!
BuffettDude's Avatar
Another ass sore Hillary supporter who is still crying about the election from over 2 years ago.
ask them, and they will disagree.. all you understand is employment numbers and making more money. Minorities feel under attack to a much greater extent than 3 years ago, lack of Health care, student debt, stagnant wages, gentrification are all working against many people. these are foreign concepts to you, obviously. every Republican who defends Trump plays the "lowest minority unemployment in 50 years card", and has nothing else to say.. but during Obama's last year, unemployment was almost as low. you act like Trump came in and waved his magic wand. the economy was in the toilet in January 2009, Obama rescued the economy, and created millions of jobs during his tenure. you guys hate that fact. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Obama didn't create millions of jobs and Trump won't create millions of jobs either. Governments don't create anything. Governments are really nothing more than a construct of the mind. Where some people (Politicians) believe they have the moral right to rule others and those others have the moral obligation to obey them.