Review:CG4U Redux Grade A++ For Style....LOL

asian_nuts's Avatar
that is funny I PM you before I made reviews and then another one beginning of this year so how can you figure me out maybe you need to get your facts straight
Precious_b's Avatar
If anything at all, is there an unwritten or documented rule/code about what the minimum period of time is to elapse before a board announcment of a NC/NS?

I hope that some form of proper etiquette can be established for such events.
I have ADD...can someone summarize for me...
Yeah chick stood guy up, guy wrote ncns without waiting a day or so to let her respond, chick flips out insults a bunch of people in a long winded rant looking like a prima donna, a handful of guys praise her for looking foolish, then a few tell her she was wrong and looks horrible doing so.

Since this thread is labeled Review, it should be attached to her showcase, see if she still thinks it LOL.
I see few guys here are showing their true classless colors, I don't have to mention names, they are easy enough for everyone with a brain to see.

Cgfu is a smart cookie and that is easy enough to see too...
I see few guys here are showing their true classless colors, I don't have to mention names, they are easy enough for everyone with a brain to see.

Cgfu is a smart cookie and that is easy enough to see too... Originally Posted by canyonman
Truer words couldn't have been spoken. These dumb nuts do all of their thinking with the little head. They view providers as objects of pleasure, rather than real people who have real world lives that interfere, same as us mongers.

Asian Nuts is the best example! He's too ill informed, or can't read well enough to get the point that CG4U had personal issues that took her out for months, starting late last year and in to this year. He should really change his handle to Castrated Asian because few providers of quality will want to see him now!

These young, and or new, mongers don't get it that the girls that are worth seeing are SELECTIVE as to who they see, have lives and family outside the hobby, and are not machines to be turned on and off like a gas pump!

If mongers like Periprinces want a guaranteed appointment, they need to use an agency that will send in the 2nd or 3rd string if something happens to the 1st! I too drive a long way to see ladies of quality (for me it's 5 hours round trip) and I always have a backup plan - precisely because RW issues interfere and have to me many times!

As for CG4U, based on what I KNOW, I can't fault her actions given the circumstances! As we all know hindsight is 20/20 and as she admitted, had she been clairvoyant she would have cancelled much sooner - but Periprinces would still have "wasted" his drive and time!
Unless she were unconscious in the hospital there's no excuse for not taking 2 seconds to text. Let alone not respond at all.
inspector farquar's Avatar
Unless she were unconscious in the hospital there's no excuse for not taking 2 seconds to text ... Originally Posted by digitsman
or graciously accepting the predictable blowback.
Truer words couldn't have been spoken. These dumb nuts do all of their thinking with the little head. They view providers as objects of pleasure, rather than real people who have real world lives that interfere, same as us mongers. Originally Posted by Louigi

Well said Louigi

Unless she were unconscious in the hospital there's no excuse for not taking 2 seconds to text. Let alone not respond at all. Originally Posted by digitsman
You still don't get it! She did texted him informing him of her delays - at 3:05 he texts that he's headed home - he fucking told her he gave up!

Wow! Some of you mongers are completely brain dead!
brain dead? this must be going around.... i was curious about the name calling and i must be brain dead as well... went back to see the 3:05 reference where it is mentioned that she texted him of delays??? cant find it? she references what he said right above her 3:05 response...and he clearly says "no word" at a all.... then her first line response was she "assumed" he was just heading back...

but lets look at the OBVIOUS!!! or what is OBVIOUSLY being over looked. the man wasted 5 hours thats F-I-V-E hours of driving and waiting. the SPIRIT of his ncns and what EVERYONE else seems to get is....drumm roll please!!!! a simple notification PRIOR to the START OF THE FIVE 55555 hour journey started would have been nice?

now i would 100% agree that WE all (me included) who are dead heads and us showing our lack of humanity for all hookers in the world...who refuse to understand that when a someone suffers paralysis from the puffer fish which afflicted the hands only unable to send a message PRIOR to the 5555555 hour ordeal. or quite possibly held at gun point by ISIS to NOT pick up the phone long enough to text? how horrible it is for us to just simply not understand! terrible just terrible....
asian_nuts's Avatar
Hahaha hoes before bro. Some of ya guys sale your family down the river for pussy. I don't need to change my handle, I can still hook up with providers with no problems. I'm hooking up with on later to day be for I leave town
BD1969's Avatar
Thank you for taking the time to communicate your perception of what went on or didn't go on. I personally don't think you should have even responded to the group. Real life stuff does happen to all of us.
A one or first time issue with a provider can happen and does happen. Do your best to communicate and be on time. When your running late communicate and suggest alternate times if available. If you have more than a one time issue with someone Please learn your lesson and move on.

I personally think this board should be used for good. Lets try and keep if informative and fun.
Thank you Lasvegas and numb nuts for proving my point!

You’re right and after your text message at 3:05 saying you’re going to head back home I assumed that meant you were heading back home. Originally Posted by collegegirlforyou
I think it reasonable to assume "I'm headed home" means you're fucking going home!

I'm hooking up with on later to day be for I leave town Originally Posted by asian_nuts
You mean one before? Another Moco beotch?

read your post! YOU said "she texted him" ... ??? are you trying the the Jedi mind trick??? "you're right after your text message at 3:05" that was from the GUY to the Girl!!! thus the WHOLE POINT SHE DID NOT COMMUNICATE...HE DID!??? and look at YOUR post... YOU KEEP SAYING SHE TEXTED HIM? is this a joke ? lol seriously...? what is being missed here??? LOLOLOLOL