Who Needs the Second Amendment?

You want to influence the Second Amendment debate? Put your money where your mouth is... (1) Only buy products from companies that don't support anti-gun policies (like Pepsico, Coors beer, etc), (2) Let your elected officials know of your stance and that yes, you are a voter and (3) make campaign donations to politicians who are gun friendly. All of the pictures in the original post are great and influence us all, but let's face it, politicians are NOT watching this website (especially if they wish to remain politicians), so those pics won't influence them. Just quit buying stuff like Pepsi, Taco Bell and KFC, and quit sending your money to politicians and political parties that don't support your way of life. They can have my guns when they pry them from my cold dead fingers. Originally Posted by txscubaman

While my opinions on gun control differ (and I will not get into them here under any circumstance) this is great advice. If you feel strongly about an issue the best thing to do is figure out ways you can help support it.
LexusLover's Avatar
While my opinions on gun control differ (and I will not get into them here under any circumstance) this is great advice. Originally Posted by Victoria of Houston
Victoria economic "boycotts" can sometimes have an impact, but in this case, IMO, it is "pissing in a hurricane."

For current events as they relate to the benefits of controlling access to firearms in order to reduce violence (which seems to be the ONLY reason GIVEN to control firearms), one only has to tune in on the WAR being fought near our Southern border, which sometimes flows over it.

Mexico has STRICT gun control laws in place.
