Knowing what we know now, would Obama and Hillary have still abandoned Iraq like they did?

No i didnt let Dum-bama in. It was those gays and people who believed he's American when its proven hes not. Its all those young guns that think the old dont know what we are talking about as they have had i nice cushy like with no sense of struggling or hardship. All those self entitled to respect when none is given and are all woe is me no one cares or will give me free hand out for not even trying. Originally Posted by D.G.
Interesting that you call him dumb and yet you struggle mightily to string together a goddamn coherent sentence.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Do you have a degree from Harvard you would like to share with the rest of us? You don't have the 'above the neck' ability, as you put it, to construct a complete sentence. Originally Posted by WombRaider
So I see you're all about Cruz Control are you. Good to know that you're coming over to our side. After all, Ted Cruz has that Harvard degree that you think so much of and he was at the top of his class instead of just being "present".

As for you little time machine quip; can you get much more stupid? We're not talking about the past as with Bush, we're talking about the here and now plus Hillary wants to be the future which will get here next year. The question is very relevant. I wish I could take credit for coming up with it. I have split the credit between Liz Cheney and Laura Ingraham.
So I see you're all about Cruz Control are you. Good to know that you're coming over to our side. After all, Ted Cruz has that Harvard degree that you think so much of and he was at the top of his class instead of just being "present".

As for you little time machine quip; can you get much more stupid? We're not talking about the past as with Bush, we're talking about the here and now plus Hillary wants to be the future which will get here next year. The question is very relevant. I wish I could take credit for coming up with it. I have split the credit between Liz Cheney and Laura Ingraham. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Cruz also thinks the earth is 6K years old. Not all Harvard grads are created equal. Cotton is also a Harvard grad. Look at his dumbass.

The truth is that we shouldn't have been there in the first goddamn place. You're basically asking if hindsight is 20/20, which is a stupid fucking question.

You have split the credit? What is it with you and syntax? It's every fucking time. It's such a short little word, two letters.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Does it bother you that you can only comment on two letters rather than the argument? Is that how small your mind is? I bet you wet the bed as a child until you were about 11 years old. I am right? (don't worry, we both know that I am and it will be our secret)

Interesting why you bring Cotton into this. Are you attacking him because he did what you didn't do (besides going to Harvard), he went into the military.

Here is what Wikipedia has to say about Cruz's college career:
After graduating from Princeton, Cruz attended Harvard Law School, graduating magna cum laude in 1995 with a Juris Doctor degree.[6][38] While at Harvard Law, he was a primary editor of the Harvard Law Review, and executive editor of the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, and a founding editor of the Harvard Latino Law Review.[4] Referring to Cruz's time as a student at Harvard Law, Professor Alan Dershowitz said, "Cruz was off-the-charts brilliant."[39][40] At Harvard Law, Cruz was a John M. Olin Fellow in Law and Economics.[10]
Does it bother you that you can only comment on two letters rather than the argument? Is that how small your mind is? I bet you wet the bed as a child until you were about 11 years old. I am right? (don't worry, we both know that I am and it will be our secret)

Interesting why you bring Cotton into this. Are you attacking him because he did what you didn't do (besides going to Harvard), he went into the military.

Here is what Wikipedia has to say about Cruz's college career:
After graduating from Princeton, Cruz attended Harvard Law School, graduating magna cum laude in 1995 with a Juris Doctor degree.[6][38] While at Harvard Law, he was a primary editor of the Harvard Law Review, and executive editor of the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, and a founding editor of the Harvard Latino Law Review.[4] Referring to Cruz's time as a student at Harvard Law, Professor Alan Dershowitz said, "Cruz was off-the-charts brilliant."[39][40] At Harvard Law, Cruz was a John M. Olin Fellow in Law and Economics.[10] Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Cruz could cure cancer. He still believes that a virgin got pregnant and gave birth to a skydaddy that will take him to a magic place after he dies. It would be funny, if it weren't so sad.

I commented on the argument. We shouldn't have been there. Knowing what you know now, would you have started this stupid fucking thread?
RedLeg505's Avatar
Cruz could cure cancer. He still believes that a virgin got pregnant and gave birth to a skydaddy that will take him to a magic place after he dies. It would be funny, if it weren't so sad.

I commented on the argument. We shouldn't have been there. Knowing what you know now, would you have started this stupid fucking thread? Originally Posted by WombRaider
>>"He still believes that a virgin got pregnant and gave birth to a skydaddy that will take him to a magic place after he dies"

SO which is it WombatRaper? If, as you claim, you are a "GOD FEARING CHRISTIAN.. you think the same. Or.. are you not what you claim?
  • shanm
  • 05-19-2015, 10:15 PM
>>"He still believes that a virgin got pregnant and gave birth to a skydaddy that will take him to a magic place after he dies"

SO which is it WombatRaper? If, as you claim, you are a "GOD FEARING CHRISTIAN.. you think the same. Or.. are you not what you claim? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
Lmao you are a dumbass. You come in full force without even knowing what the fuck you're talking about.
>>"He still believes that a virgin got pregnant and gave birth to a skydaddy that will take him to a magic place after he dies"

SO which is it WombatRaper? If, as you claim, you are a "GOD FEARING CHRISTIAN.. you think the same. Or.. are you not what you claim? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
Oh this is too good. If you find one reference on here by me where it says I'm religious in any fashion, you will be the proud owner of a crisp $100 bill.

You've barked up the wrong tree on this one, Mildred. I'm an atheist.

god-fearing christian
that's a good one

In post #30, of this very thread, I said that everything in the bible was crap. Guess you missed that one.
Lmao you are a dumbass. You come in full force without even knowing what the fuck you're talking about. Originally Posted by shanm
I'm not sure where he got that idea. I mean, I know his reading comprehension is poor, but I had no idea it was THAT poor.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It was Constantine that incorporated the OT into the "official" Christian handbook. In fact, all the documents included in the Bible, OT and NT, predate Constantine, so I don't get your point. Nonetheless, the primary purpose of the Bible is not spiritual direction, but government control. There is spiritual direction to be found in the Bible, but you have to read it with a discerning eye.
It was Constantine that incorporated the OT into the "official" Christian handbook. In fact, all the documents included in the Bible, OT and NT, predate Constantine, so I don't get your point. Nonetheless, the primary purpose of the Bible is not spiritual direction, but government control. There is spiritual direction to be found in the Bible, but you have to read it with a discerning eye. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
There is no proof that the Council of Nicaea was when the biblical canon was decided. I don't think the gist of it is government control, either. Seeing as how when it was written, it was in several places at several different times, with no central government to use it as such. It may have been co-opted later for such purposes. It was written to explain the unexplainable. Things that science now explains were considered magical.

"A number of erroneous views have been stated regarding the council's role in establishing the biblical canon. In fact, there is no record of any discussion of the biblical canon at the council at all."

"In 331 Constantine commissioned fifty Bibles for the Church of Constantinople, but little else is known (in fact, it is not even certain whether his request was for fifty copies of the entire Old and New Testaments, only the New Testament, or merely the Gospels), and it is doubtful that this request provided motivation for canon lists as is sometimes speculated."
unlike the hypothetical question being asked republican presidential hopefuls which involves unknowables at the time and is also based on subsequent revelations not just in opposition to president bush's beliefs but in opposition to most if not all the intelligence services of western society

this question is not a hypothetical nor is it based on any unknowable nor on any requirement of future revelations

obama and hillary's ideological decision to withdraw was made in the face of predictable and predicted outcomes

from president bush's detailed warnings, to the advice of military advisors and others, to common sense itself Obama and Hillary ignored all
the enlightenment helped restore Christianity not change it

theres a difference
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Osama Bin Laden is part of the Saudi royal family. He had a degree in civil engineering. Didn't stop him from becoming a terrorist.

So called "Jihadi Bob" had a degree in IT work.

Maj. Nidal Hasan had a job. That didn't stop him from going on a shooting spree at Fort Hood in the name of Allah.

By the way, the Bible does not command Christians to kill non-believers. Christians are commanded to spread the gospel of Christ, not to kill people. In fact, just the opposite.

Christians are told not to cast their pearls before swine. They are told that if they enter a town, and none will hear them, they are to shake the dust of that town from their boots. Lastly, Christians are commanded to follow the law of the land, "Render unto Ceasar, that which is Ceasar's, and to God that which is God's".

In centuries past, when Christians persecuted or executed non-believers, they did so in direct contradiction to the teachings of the Bible. Today, when Muslims kill non-believers, they do so in precise obedience to what the Koran teaches them to do. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Christians are commanded to follow the word of God, beginning with the Ten fucking Commandments.

Do YOU follow the Ten Fucking Commandments? Or do you pick and choose?

How about the rest of your fellow Idiot Jihadists?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Just give them enough rope....Baby Killer the biblical expert keeps talking about the enlightenment and he also says that he is an atheist. Nope, I just don't believe it. I think Baby Killer is a scared bed wetting little boy who is afraid of daddy.