Thanks Obama

offshoredrilling's Avatar
The vast majority of the new addicts are poor white trash. Originally Posted by jokacz
All Lives matter ?
jokacz's Avatar
Plastic Man's Avatar
oh commie ...mummy

...ya finally done ...founds a thread where yer true fizzle ...flop mindset can shine
It's the 2 bullshit wars on the boogeymen, which have accomplished nothing. This was a criminal act requiring a police response. But it was used by the the Repugnant Party to consolidate their power and to make money for their contributors. And to scare the ignorant into voting for them. Originally Posted by jokacz

"In 1998, Bill Clinton ordered the bombing of a medicine factory in Sudan. The country has yet to recover."
jokacz's Avatar
offshoredrilling's Avatar

History of a few terms some seem to like to use
she finds them non racist in the end. I disagree, they have become racist
but the history of I agree with

Also when she flash's a pic of Trump, I think she should have used LBJ .
Originally Posted by jokacz
yah going to

Vince Foster Us ?

offshoredrilling's Avatar
Hillary Clinton did a marvelous job of confirming their suspicions when she said — in New York City, at an LGBT event — that “You could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic — you name it. And unfortunately, there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.”
Being called names such as these is exactly what gets the white working class fired up. She might as well have told everyone from Pennsylvania to Wisconsin, “Don’t vote for me.” Outside of Chicagoland, they didn’t.

The vast majority of the new addicts are poor white trash.
No many/most(in my view) from middle class White working family's
That someone just put down as less value being they white is not racist mmmmm ya right

Hay jokacz is a white provider a person or a servant/slave
Ceremony's Avatar
Does anyone else find it pointless to argue with someone that uses Germany 1941 as an example for healthcare as a right?
jokacz's Avatar
No many/most(in my view) from middle class White working family's Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
If they voted for Trump, they are trash.

Isn't it pathetic that Nazi Germany had universal healthcare and the U.S. doesn't?

Only a moron would disagree.
jokacz's Avatar
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Originally Posted by jokacz
but but but your 1865 example is liberal Democrats
errrrr again
or in your view LBJ was a saint like ahem Oblama

''ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country.'' Kennedy

yet you seem to be how can I stick it up my country's ass
offshoredrilling's Avatar
If they voted for Trump, they are trash.

Isn't it pathetic that Nazi Germany had universal healthcare and the U.S. doesn't?

Only a moron would disagree. Originally Posted by jokacz
in your view I'm trash then. Oh well
and a moron mmmmm ok with that from you

Lets go for 's anyways. Somewhere we can watch lady's you care less about strip. No matter how they voted if they did at all.
Ceremony's Avatar

Isn't it pathetic that Nazi Germany had universal healthcare and the U.S. doesn't? Originally Posted by jokacz
It's pathetic to think that universal healthcare in Nazi Germany was actually universal.