Trump Accuser Caught Lying

Munchmasterman's Avatar
The Clintons can't find cancelled checks in shoe boxes in her closet and can't find emails on Libya, but I bet they drag up all the tickets issued on the flight their "witness" took to prove Trump was on it next to her, but not the Trump witness!

What do you think?

And I won't even mention, much, that HillariousNoMore can't remember emails and communications she had when chatting with the FBI, but her witness can remember 30+ years ago the details of a sexual assault, but the guy sitting across the aisle can't!

If your memory needs a little boost .... just call Gloria .. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I think you're full of shit. No wait, I know you're full of shit.

I think we'll wait, I mean I'll wait and see what evidence comes out.

Good thing your felony keeps you off juries
LexusLover's Avatar
... B. Clinton (who isn't running by the way, dumb ass). ... Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
And you call ANYONE a "dumb ass"?

If you administered a "truth pill" to those allegedly going to vote for HillaryNoRemember and asked them why they were voting for HER ... well over 50% would say HIM!

Then half the other group would ask: "Isn't Bill running?"

After you learn how to spell .. "name recognition" start posting.
I tend to agree. Strange timing despite what the 5 women give as the reason for coming out now. Trump and his campaign have stated that they have proof that at least some of the women are lying. If Trump can cast doubt on just 1 or 2 of the women's allegations, it will go a long way to invalidating all. But why did Trump have to imply that Jessica Leeds was not good looking enough for him to make advances on her? He continues to be his own worst enemy. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Even if Trump did any of those things these women did not make any effort to file a criminal complaint, there is no excuse for it. By not reacting that's consent after twenty or thirty years. It's just like if someone punched you in the face back in High School and you didn't tell the teacher and twenty years later you want to press charges it's ridiculous and nobody is going to give a shit. This may seem different because Trump is running for president but it's not it's total bullshit. The women who was supposedly sitting next to Trump on the plane stated if he would've just stayed in the area of her upper body that would've been ok but once he started putting his hand up her dress is where she said she drew the line, lol It's not about crime or being violated . These bitches didn't give a shit, it's about destroying Trump that's all it is.

And what have you've done with women Retarded Lenny? You're on a hooker board Retarded Lenny. Are you a Saint? You also insult women Retarded Lenny. You're a lying, hypocrite Retarded Lenny. Originally Posted by bambino
check his reviews on his mother Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
that's some funny shit
that's some funny shit Originally Posted by gary5912
It was you mammy hillbilly.

Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You babbling buffoon the most clueless fucktard on the forum. Did you know you are on a hooker board also bimbo? DUH! Originally Posted by i'va biggen
So as that.
Even if Trump did any of those things these women did not make any effort to file a criminal complaint, there is no excuse for it. By not reacting that's consent after twenty or thirty years. It's just like if someone punched you in the face back in High School and you didn't tell the teacher and twenty years later you want to press charges it's ridiculous and nobody is going to give a shit. This may seem different because Trump is running for president but it's not it's total bullshit. The women who was supposedly sitting next to Trump on the plane stated if he would've just stayed in the area of her upper body that would've been ok but once he started putting his hand up her dress is where she said she drew the line, lol It's not about crime or being violated . These bitches didn't give a shit, it's about destroying Trump that's all it is.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
So by your logic Jim- Cosby should be a free man? Do you realize that there are children who were abused and didn't speak out to many years later- guess they should have spoke out when it happened right? You are really off your rocker Jim.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Even if Trump did any of those things these women did not make any effort to file a criminal complaint, there is no excuse for it. By not reacting that's consent after twenty or thirty years. It's just like if someone punched you in the face back in High School and you didn't tell the teacher and twenty years later you want to press charges it's ridiculous and nobody is going to give a shit. This may seem different because Trump is running for president but it's not it's total bullshit. The women who was supposedly sitting next to Trump on the plane stated if he would've just stayed in the area of her upper body that would've been ok but once he started putting his hand up her dress is where she said she drew the line, lol It's not about crime or being violated . These bitches didn't give a shit, it's about destroying Trump that's all it is.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
A woman is in a bar and a stranger puts his hand up her dress. No witnesses. What's going to happen if the woman takes the complaint to the law? Nothing. Trump says he has proof that some, if not all, of the incidents are lies. If he does, he should present it. It's easy to say the women simply want to destroy Trump. None of them had to come forward. Trump had already done enough before that to destroy himself.
Solemate62's Avatar
Sure glad this was posted, because Humpty Trumptie NEVER lies, ("The election is rigged") guess I will vote for the Hump!!
LexusLover's Avatar
I think you're full of shit. No wait, I know you're full of shit.

Good thing your felony keeps you off juries Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
A flaw of yours is you "think" you "think"!

Is lying just a reflexive response for you or do you have to work at it?
LexusLover's Avatar
... This may seem different because Trump is running for president but .....

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
It is ... different ...

....... he didn't wait to grope until he was elected!

I just hope he has enough sense to prey on swallowers!

In fact I trust he will make that a question on the intern app!

25. Do you
a. spit
b. swallow
c. both
d. neither
A woman is in a bar and a stranger puts his hand up her dress. No witnesses. What's going to happen if the woman takes the complaint to the law? Nothing. Trump says he has proof that some, if not all, of the incidents are lies. If he does, he should present it. It's easy to say the women simply want to destroy Trump. None of them had to come forward. Trump had already done enough before that to destroy himself. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

A Man and his Boy's are on Bicycles at a Red Light, Waiting for it to Turn Green. They Ride to His House and Have a Gay Orgy and They all Walk their Bikes Home Because Their ASSES are So SORE, They Can't Sit on the SEAT's... OK, You are a FAG... Speedy

LexusLover's Avatar
A woman is in a bar and a stranger puts his hand up her dress. No witnesses. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I can recall having done that years ago. She had on a sun dress and was sitting in my lap grinding her ass cheeks on my cock trying to make it harder in a teasing sort of way .... and I slid my hand under her dress and started massaging her clit and slipped my finger into her soaking pussy ..... until the lady sitting next to us on the coach leaned over and suggested we go get a room. Then I realized there was a witness.

After I told her we didn't need one any more, she left us alone.

It was still only a little after six p.m. at happy hour.

That woman would have testified it was consensual and my dress pants soaked with our body fluids would have been good supporting evidence of the mutual recreational effort.

Besides her husband was expecting her home by around 7 p.m.

"Girls' Night Out"!

Sure glad she didn't file assault charges and allegations today!

FYI: There is only one reason the woman hired Gloria Allred: MONEY!

There is only one reason Gloria Allred is representing her: MONEY!

Allred spells it princiPAL. Not princiPLE.
A woman is in a bar and a stranger puts his hand up her dress. No witnesses. What's going to happen if the woman takes the complaint to the law? Nothing. Trump says he has proof that some, if not all, of the incidents are lies. If he does, he should present it. It's easy to say the women simply want to destroy Trump. None of them had to come forward. Trump had already done enough before that to destroy himself. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
If a women is the victim of a sexual battery then she should still file a complaint for no other reason the perpetrator may repeat the offense on another victim where there maybe a witness. She should do this in a timely manner not wait twenty years when the statute of limitations has expired.

So by your logic Jim- Cosby should be a free man? Do you realize that there are children who were abused and didn't speak out to many years later- guess they should have spoke out when it happened right? You are really off your rocker Jim. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
I think the logical thing to do in any case of physical or sexual abuse is to speak out at the time the incident occurs. By not doing so the victims testimony has less credibility and any evidence associated with the case has likely been destroyed. Besides Crosby's case is different than Trump's. Crosby's case involves rape which by the way is a Felony and doesn't have a statute of limitations especially involving juvenile victims. Trump's case involves groping or in real legal terms Sexual Battery involving an adult victim which is a Misdemeanor it does have a statute of limitations and for all of Trump's so called victims the statute of limitations has passed. This case regardless how anyone feels about it must be dealt with by the letter of the law not by your fucking emotions, ok.

If a women is the victim of a sexual battery then she should still file a complaint for no other reason the perpetrator may repeat the offense on another victim where there maybe a witness. She should do this in a timely manner not wait twenty years when the statute of limitations has expired.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Jim, you should be ashamed. There are many women who were abused in their childhood, there are women sexually harassed at work. There's a lot of reason why they don't come forth right away are you drinking Jim?
Maybe you should read this report Jim:

Reporting Sexual Assault: Why Survivors Often Don’t
Not all survivors find it necessary to report sexual assault to the criminal justice system in order to move forward from their experience. In fact, some feel that the criminal justice system re-victimizes them in its process. Some survivors find that the services provided by a rape crisis and recovery center or similar provider are the only services they feel comfortable pursuing.
While measuring rates of sexual violence can be difficult, there is no uncertainty in the national data that the majority of sexual assaults are never reported to police.
It is believed that only 15.8 to 35 percent of all sexual assaults are reported to the police.
U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics, M. Planty and L. Langton, “Female Victims of Sexual Violence, 1994-2010,” 2013; Wolitzky-Taylor et al, “Is Reporting of Rape on the Rise? A Comparison of Women with Reported Versus Unreported Rape Experiences in the National Women’s Study- Replication,” 2010
A survivor’s relationship with the offender has a strong effect on the likelihood of reporting.
• When an offender is an intimate partner or former intimate partner, only 25 percent of sexual assaults are
reported to the police.
• When an offender is a friend or acquaintance, only 18 to 40 percent of sexual assaults are reported.
• When an offender is a stranger, between 46 and 66 percent of sexual assaults are reported.
U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics, T. Hart and C. Rennison, “Reporting Crime to the Police, 1992-2000,” 2003
Survivors cite the following reasons for not reporting a sexual assault:
• Fear of reprisal
• Personal matter
• Reported to a different official
• Not important enough to respondent
• Belief that the police would not do anything to help
• Belief that the police could not do anything to help
• Did not want to get offender in trouble with law
• Did not want family to know
• Did not want others to know
• Not enough proof
• Fear of the justice system
• Did not know how
• Feel the crime was not “serious enough”
• Fear of lack of evidence
• Unsure about perpetrator’s intent
D. Kilpatrick et al., “Drug-facilitated, Incapacitated, and Forcible Rape: A National Study,” 2007; U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics, M. Planty and L. Langton, “Female Victims of Sexual Violence, 1994-2010,” 2013; Wolitzky-Taylor et al, “Is Reporting of Rape on the Rise? A Comparison of Women with Reported Versus Unreported Rape Experiences in the National Women’s Study-Replication”, 2010
Due partially to low reporting rates, only 9 percent of all rapists get prosecuted. Only 5 percent of cases lead to a felony conviction. Only 3 percent of rapists will spend a day in prison. The other 97 percent walk free.
Probability Statistics Calculated By the Rape Abuse and Incest National Network, “Reporting Rates,” 2013