
dearhunter's Avatar
Ok fucktards.....if you are SSOG, you don't get to charge as much as the MSOG fucktards......are we clear on that?
dh are you coming with pocket rocket in hand to get a piece of the pie?
dearhunter's Avatar
Sorry, I am a hddh.......and I'm kinda particular about the fucktards I hang out with........I'm just saying.
now that that's been established....
dearhunter's Avatar
You tricked me didn't you.........this whole threAD was an attempt to get me to post an AD........and I fell right into it........most excellent.
stonetammy's Avatar
Daph, I want to play too and Im game either way Gbang or French blow. PM me let me no when and where....thanks gal

my world won't be complete until I get DH to join in...

unfortunately he's not telling me anything good pointing towards that direction though.

maybe he'll make room for someone else, I'm sure there's work to be done in the Spidey Hole.

you yourself should know, if you have nothing fresh to add to a threAD, it's really like pissin in the wind.
dearhunter's Avatar
But, hasn't it all already been said.........before..........t hus, all of this is "pissing in the wind"
notanewbie's Avatar
I thought it was cumming in the wind.
that too...

thanks you guys for your PMs. I don't wanna draw this out like some of the others were, sooner rather than later would be ideal so I can scratch it off my bucket list for good.
notanewbie's Avatar
a quick question, can I just whack off into an envelope and mail it in?

You could open it when things get rolling and dump it on yourself incase someone misses a spot.

I have been very busy at work and would like to add a little something to your quest.
no NaN, you can keep that. just put some cash in an envelope and send that. lol
notanewbie's Avatar
TX Bulldog's Avatar
NAN's mailing it in? He must be close to vacation time at work.

LD...any chance you can read the news in Japanese during the session?

Done....Sorry LD
we're not allowed to post lincks to porn on the board. I'm sure it'll be removed but great video anyways.