Will Biden face impeachment articles?

Why don't you post the evidence here? It might as well be here since it has to be shown to get an indictment.
You would think they would show some probable cause for an impeachment but why would the repubs tell the truth?

... The Impeachment Inquiry is a bit more than just asking
for a yay or nay decision on actual impeachment.

... Good thing for Joe that the actual vote happens thru Congress,
because IF the American people were doing the voting, he'd
already be out. ... How 'bout we do the Inquiry and
show the American people all the EVIDENCE of corruption
and wrong-doing.

... What could be more fair that that?

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
To impeach a POTUS is much different than convicting a POTUS. Trump was impeached twice, not convicted. I personally would not have removed Trump from office on the first impeachment charge and the second charge was after he had been defeated in the 2020 election so conviction was a moot point to me.

At some point in time the committee investigating Biden may finally find a cause for impeachment but it is doubtful conviction will follow based on the possible claims made against him.
Ripmany's Avatar
It the end January and nothing