What's up with all of the Scientology commercials?

I agree. But I also think that it's cause for concern.

I REALLY wish that one topic could just STAY on topic. Couldn't you say these things about Scientology and not about each other? It's so damn distasteful.

I LIKE reading fights and train wrecks. I think that I've become rather jaded with moderating, etc. But I prefer SMART fighting or snarkiness that causes me to raise my eyebrows are the best. But these? Jeesh.

I can see how the broken record of sexual insults, that aren't even that clever, can be annoying. I just don't get it.

I wonder if there is any type of perverted sexuality going on in Scientology? I never heard of any type of sex stuff with regard to this group. Usually, people try to figure out the sexuality (or the driving motivation) of other cults, if there is any.

I always thought that Hubbard thought of this church as a joke and it wasn't meant to really be a religion. Thought I read that somewhere.

Happy Memorial Day!
Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Hubbard was a con man. But, so is Billy Graham, at least in my opinion. No offense to the good reverend, he seems like a decent enough fellow, but how is he different than Hubbard? Bilking the elderly and the stupid into giving him their hard earned dollars. The only difference is that Graham's magic show has main-stream popularity,
Hubbard was a con man. But, so is Billy Graham, at least in my opinion. No offense to the good reverend, he seems like a decent enough fellow, but how is he different than Hubbard? Bilking the elderly and the stupid into giving him their hard earned dollars. The only difference is that Graham's magic show has main-stream popularity, Originally Posted by timpage
I agree. Whether the person believes or not, is of little importance to me. Hubbard was a con man, who didn't believe what he preached. I believe that Graham likely believes every word of what he preaches, but in the end they're accomplishing the same goal. A fool and his money are easily separated. Natural selection of the economic persuasion.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Hubbard was a con man. But, so is Billy Graham, at least in my opinion. No offense to the good reverend, he seems like a decent enough fellow, but how is he different than Hubbard? Bilking the elderly and the stupid into giving him their hard earned dollars. The only difference is that Graham's magic show has main-stream popularity, Originally Posted by timpage
I agree. Whether the person believes or not, is of little importance to me. Hubbard was a con man, who didn't believe what he preached. I believe that Graham likely believes every word of what he preaches, but in the end they're accomplishing the same goal. A fool and his money are easily separated. Natural selection of the economic persuasion. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Can't argue with that logic. Same could be said of the Catholic Church.