Thread age and closings

ElumEno's Avatar
I never believed in closing threads just because the OP asked. I always felt that the thread belongs as much to the others who posted as to the OP - except for setting the topic. I wouldn't close a thread just because the OP put his foot in his mouth and was catching hell for it. Originally Posted by Omahan
Here is a perfect example of when a mod should NOT close a thread at the OP request. IMO
Adeptus32's Avatar
If you knew the back story on that thread, then you would know it was closed appropriately.
ElumEno's Avatar
I am not privy to any of the back story nor should I be... the thing is that to the general membership this is how that thread appears.

OP opened a thread to make a complete.
OP started getting her feelings hurt so she asked for it to be closed.
Mods closed thread at OP's request.

Maybe if the mod said something besides.. "Closed at OP request" we would not be having this debate.

I am not saying that the thread should not have been closed..
I think most of as agree that was a runaway train that needed derailed way before reaching the depot.