This Lab puppy is starting to growl.

What a pleasant surprise. It's good to see you posting Lily. Welcome back. Originally Posted by Ansley
Thanks, Ansley... I am very slowly catching up on the threads, but I am enjoying what I've been reading so far. One of the nicest things is seeing the people I've enjoyed getting to know in the past, and all the ways in which they've evolved. (In your case, I'm dying to see your new haircut!)

Dear Lilly,

Woof, woof!

SRO Originally Posted by SR Only
Gooood boy! What a goooood SRO!! Who wants a kiss from Lily?


Hey Lily welcome to D&T

You are right, once I was over being pissed off I realized that most of these people are doing these things more out of desperation for money than anything else.That does not excuse the crappy things that many of them pull, but does make it easier to not take what they do too personally.

As an update to this thread I did email him once I felt I could write something that would not be taken the wrong way, and he did respond back to let me know that my page was now down. Of course this is the second time now that he has told me that my site has been deleted, so I have to take what he says with some humor. I was glad to see that this person was at least willing to respond back to me, because even though what he did was illegal the reality is I probably have far more to lose than he does if we were to start going at it online. I really did appreciate all of the info, and support that I had through this thread. I am sure that was what helped me to calm down in the first place. Plus some of the information is very helpful if I ever have any future problems with him. Originally Posted by Becky
I'm glad to hear that he did respond, but it would certainly still be nice to see a doberman in a 3-piece suit scare the living bejeezus out of him for abusing the rights of others in the ways that he has. I think he probably is responding because he knows he's in the wrong and responding is a way to keep you from reporting him for just another couple of weeks or so.... but based on what you're saying, he certainly sounds like he's playing on your lack of desire to go public with his abuse. A very convoluted situation indeed....

Thank you , I did more lurking than posting on the HDH forum My postings on HDH were also pretty well behaved back then. That's the biggest problem with me once I feel at home I stop censoring myself Now if my volunteer web designer really wanted to see an identity crisis all he has to do is read some of my 500 plus posts here on D&T they make my web site look fairly sane in comparison..
Originally Posted by Becky
I love that you have come out of your shell, and I would venture to say that most people hereabouts do as well. I've always loved your quirkiness, and it brings me no small amount of pleasure to see it out in the open, where it belongs. Your 'quirkiness,' btw, is a way for me to say that you're incredibly unique, funny, kind, sweet, and generous in a combination that is uniquely yours. I love that about you and always will.

Gooood boy! What a goooood SRO!! Who wants a kiss from Lily?


Lily Originally Posted by Lily Ling
Pant, pant, yes, kiss the puppy! LOL But will you rub my belly and scratch me behind my ears?
discreetgent's Avatar
Pant, pant, yes, kiss the puppy! LOL But will you rub my belly and scratch me behind my ears? Originally Posted by SR Only
Check out her website, it might give you an answer
John Bull's Avatar
Welcome to D&T Lily. It appears some of our folks already know you. Now about SR...
discreetgent's Avatar
Welcome to D&T Lily. It appears some of our folks already know you. Now about SR... Originally Posted by John Bull
Fortunately Lily does not need to be warned about PJ
John Bull's Avatar
Has anyone warned her about me? No! Oh Good! I shall debauch her immediately.
discreetgent's Avatar
Has anyone warned her about me? No! Oh Good! I shall debauch her immediately. Originally Posted by John Bull
Nah, we all see you as harmless; heh
Now about SR... Originally Posted by John Bull
Just doin' my job.
discreetgent's Avatar
Just doin' my job. Originally Posted by SR Only
All talk??
It looks like my stepford site has undeletd itself again. I just brought Edward home from the vet about an hour ago ( he is having tummy troubles) and was attempting to keep myself busy, so I do not bug him while he rests .I checked the latest link , and there it is back up again . I give up. He can censor it ,use it to advertise, or shove it up his ass for all I care.

I just want my dog to feel better.
It looks like my stepford site has undeletd itself again. I just brought Edward home from the vet about an hour ago ( he is having tummy troubles) ...
I just want my dog to feel better. Originally Posted by Becky
Do you think he ate something funny that was not approved by his mommy? When she wasn't looking?
Do you think he ate something funny that was not approved by his mommy? When she wasn't looking? Originally Posted by SR Only
Yes, I was afraid he may have a blockage.His vet seems fairly sure that he does not, but gave him a shot so he can rest, and give the antibiotics a chance to start working.I will stay up, and keep an eye on him if he vomits again we will be visiting the emergency vet tonight, so send a good thought his way please. Our vet thinks I am paranoid I want him to be right.
Sisyphus's Avatar
Yes, I was afraid he may have a blockage.His vet seems fairly sure that he does not, but gave him a shot so he can rest, and give the antibiotics a chance to start working.I will stay up, and keep an eye on him if he vomits again we will be visiting the emergency vet tonight, so send a good thought his way please. Our vet thinks I am paranoid I want him to be right. Originally Posted by Becky
It was the damn list! That thing has been a source of indigestion for all from inception!

Hang in there...the lad will back to his ole' self in no time!!

Now as for that other d-bag.....sounds like a blanket party may be in order...