2 Decades Of American Blood and Treasure Gone Almost In Minutes, Thanks Joey Bibs!

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
This was stated way back on March 17.

"The May 1 timetable is part of an agreement the Trump administration forged with the Taliban in February 2020. Under that deal, the U.S. agreed to withdraw all its forces; in exchange, the Taliban promised to sever its ties with al-Qaeda and end its attacks on American forces. The Trump administration began a drawdown of U.S. forces, and about 2,500 U.S. troops remain in Afghanistan now."

The fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban was inevitable whether we followed Trump's withdrawal plan or Biden's. Does anyone trust what the Taliban says? The same scenario will play out in Iraq.
texassapper's Avatar
Leaving the US embassy on the 20th Anniversary of 9/11 should make a great photo op. Twitter will be abuzz! Hail our Swamp Overlords! Originally Posted by gnadfly
Well at least the Globalists all made their money. The Patriot act is now being used to spy on US citizens, Obama used hellfires on US citizens so that's another precedent set. We're the ones being locked down and held hostage... how much difference a generation makes.

We truly fcuked ourselves by not demanding that we obliterate the Islamofascists by close of business on 9-12-2001.

I still remember after 9-11 someone in Manhattan put a sign up in their store window to the effect that since the US taxpayers paid to build our nukes, we expect them to be used.

Now we've got US Congressmen advocating using them on US gun owners LOL.

I'd despair for the nation, but I cannot be a summer soldier or sunshine patriot.
LexusLover's Avatar
I'll go ahead and quote you on that.

But the dumpster-fire ex-president isn't a real anything. He's whatever he needs to be at the moment. He's a real nitwit.

When the Russians do slide back in, he's not going to be Rambo. Despite his stupid photoshop poster. Not even photoshop, just puts his head on the image. A real loser for sure.

You and all your pro-Russian agenda cohorts can rejoice as Putin uses the dumpster to distract from the bigger picture behind the scenes. Where they lie, cheat and steal for glory.

Thanks for allowing another enemy state to regerminate.

We know exactly where the real madman is. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
"ProRussian"? You keep feeding yourself pablum.

Your "proRussian" bullshit won't float any more. And it actually never did to any intelligent thinkers who actually know the facts! You, and yours, keep giving an opportunity!!!

Exhibit #1: The Obaminable/Bitten Administration

Exhibit #2: The Obaminable/Bitten/Clinton Administration

Exhibit #3: Bitten Bullshit (Even Putin laughing at him!)

Exhibit #4:
Biden waives US sanctions on Russian pipeline
  • oeb11
  • 08-13-2021, 07:01 AM
95 and zeros - ignoring the actions of fiden - yet blaming Trump
Your arguments are just partisan blame game - and supportive of Yo0ur Very own Taliban terrorists coddled criminals You love along with total idiots like Communist chomsky.
Where are teh Robespierre pics ???

as dictated by XiNN and your Communist narrative.

DPSTs cannot see truth - that Afghanis kicked out teh Brits, russians - and US - and the only thing they like better than killing each other and crucifying 'heretics' - is doing it to outsiders.

DPSTs are the party of War and military industrial complex that Eisenhower warned against.

i know - 'History- forbidden because it is ''r.....t"

95 and zeros does love the fiden spending spree and all the money , lives and 'Capital' sent to waste in Democrat Wars.

Tax and spend - they are immature creatures with no concept of consequences of action
Their reaction to failure =- 'Blame Trump" - SMH at the foolishness of DPSTs Communism.
LexusLover's Avatar
This was stated way back on March 17.

"The May 1 timetable is part of an agreement the Trump administration forged with the Taliban in February 2020. Under that deal, the U.S. agreed to withdraw all its forces; in exchange, the Taliban promised to sever its ties with al-Qaeda and end its attacks on American forces. The Trump administration began a drawdown of U.S. forces, and about 2,500 U.S. troops remain in Afghanistan now."

The fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban was inevitable whether we followed Trump's withdrawal plan or Biden's. Does anyone trust what the Taliban says? The same scenario will play out in Iraq. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Your alleged facts ... unwittingly reveal THE FACTS ..

.."...is part of an agreement..." I'll repeat for clarity: "part"!

Since this administration continues the RussianChineseAssKissing policies of the Obaminable/Bitten Administration .... the current RETREAT initiated by Bitten following Obaminable's Retreat from Eastern Europe to facilitate the Russian invasion and takeover ... is consistent with their favorable treatment of Communists and Socialists "FRIENDS" THEY WORSHIP!
This was stated way back on March 17.

"The May 1 timetable is part of an agreement the Trump administration forged with the Taliban in February 2020. Under that deal, the U.S. agreed to withdraw all its forces; in exchange, the Taliban promised to sever its ties with al-Qaeda and end its attacks on American forces. The Trump administration began a drawdown of U.S. forces, and about 2,500 U.S. troops remain in Afghanistan now."

The fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban was inevitable whether we followed Trump's withdrawal plan or Biden's. Does anyone trust what the Taliban says? The same scenario will play out in Iraq. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
As I said in post #18. The Taliban is a group of ruthless Muslim Fundamentalist who will cut your throat because you are not.

When are we going to realize that it is still all about Islam. These religious thugs have not gone away. Their aim is still to destroy all things Western, all things that are not what they are.

If Islam did not exist, if billions did not follow the dictates of a 12th century pedophile. Think how much better the world would be.
  • oeb11
  • 08-13-2021, 07:21 AM
'karens' and liberals do love to 'adopt' those who hate them - and frankly - rightfully so -

Cannot blame the Afghanis for hatingliberal 'karens' who see them as pets to adopt , change, and impose their own liberal foolishness on.
texassapper's Avatar
If Islam did not exist, if billions did not follow the dictates of a 12th century pedophile. Think how much better the world would be. Originally Posted by Jackie S
You can add in Marx to that question too.

LOL the world is full of murderous cultists but the most offensive name to Libtards is a man who simply commanded us to treat others as we wish to be treated...

You think they'd wonder why that is.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Facts bad ,,,Just look to puddens Keystone pipeline bad "for the environment ,,Nord pipeline to help Russia all good ,,,,,,,,They hate Amerkic
Now we've got US Congressmen advocating using them on US gun owners LOL.

,,, Originally Posted by texassapper
Biden said that.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-13-2021, 09:45 AM
Kabul is about to fall along with the rest of Afghanistan. Get ready for the horror of retribution of the people who assisted us get slaughtered. Was it inevitable? Maybe. But the speed of which this takeback is happening I doubt would be happening under Trump's watch.


Now a return to the good old days of soccer stadium executions.

Thanks Dims. Thanks Taliban. Thanks Squad. Coming to a stadium near you. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Typical BS from the RWWs. Wasn't it just a few months ago Der Fuhrer unilaterally said we are returning troops home? Against the advice of DoD. And the Zombies shouted "What a great decision by a great man!"

This was inevitable from the day we went into Afghanistan. We have had multiple presidents think THEY can fix it, but found out they couldn't. Just like the Soviets found out. It's a bad day, but of course the RWW crowd on here will very selectively pick and choose which pieces of reality to keep and which to revise.

It will be a bad, ugly blood bath. It would have been exactly the same if Trump was president when it happened. It isn't Biden's fault, or Trumps. We were too stupid to learn from the Soviet Afghan experience or from VN.
  • oeb11
  • 08-13-2021, 09:48 AM
oldt - typical nonsense from DPST Communists!
Blame Trump is all you and your communist party have to offer.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-13-2021, 09:54 AM
oldt - typical nonsense from DPST Communists!
Blame Trump is all you and your communist party have to offer. Originally Posted by oeb11
What part of "It isn't Biden's fault, or Trumps. We were too stupid to learn from the Soviet Afghan experience or from VN." is too complicated for you to comprehend?
Typical BS from the RWWs. Wasn't it just a few months ago Der Fuhrer unilaterally said we are returning troops home? Against the advice of DoD. And the Zombies shouted "What a great decision by a great man!"

This was inevitable from the day we went into Afghanistan. We have had multiple presidents think THEY can fix it, but found out they couldn't. Just like the Soviets found out. It's a bad day, but of course the RWW crowd on here will very selectively pick and choose which pieces of reality to keep and which to revise.

It will be a bad, ugly blood bath. It would have been exactly the same if Trump was president when it happened. It isn't Biden's fault, or Trumps. We were too stupid to learn from the Soviet Afghan experience or from VN. Originally Posted by Old-T
Strange. You call it "Typical BS from the RWWs" then you basically enforce my every assertion. Perhaps you need to re-read my post. BTW, this happened on Biden's watch. He's been President during the final pull out and he was vice president during 8 years of this mess.

KIAs have been pretty consistent under Trump and Obama. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
The KIA data on your link stops at 2016.