It's Starting! ---

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
... Biden is "gaining"? ... Gaining WHAT?? ...
Shouldn't Joe Biden be waaay ahead??

... Ny Times/Siena Poll shows that "Bidenomics" is a Disaster!
More than half of the respondents say it's a piss-poor economy
- with almost 65% sayin' America is on the WRONG track.

This aint Fox News - it's the New York Times making the claim.
Ya know... the LIBERAL Ny Times...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Again, please take a course in Market Research 101. Just because an entity like the NY Times (or FOX News)conducts a survey does not mean the results are in any way biased.

Almost every recent poll has Biden either closing the gap on Trump or taking the lead. For example, the most recent NBC poll has Biden trailing by 2 points, withing the margin of error, where the previous NBC poll had Trump +5. Echelon Insights poll in March had Trump +2 and April poll has Biden +3. NY Times/Siena poll went from Trump +5 to Trump +1. Continue to watch this trend.

Biden leading in Pa. Trump ahead in Wi. and Mi. All 3 states within the margin of error.

"Joe Biden Has Stunning 9-Point Lead Over Donald Trump Among Actual Voters"
... Newsweek?? ... Now THAT surely explains it...

Crikey! ... I just read that Biden has a 20 point lead
of Trump with Dead Voters! ...
Surely hope THAT doesn't hold up...
'Course The World is surely full of exaggeration. ...

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Again, mate, for someone who boasts about polls as much as you do, you surely don’t know a whole blooming onion about the science behind it.

Blinded by the right, you are.

SpeedRacer nailed it.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
... Newsweek?? ... Now THAT surely explains it...

Crikey! ... I just read that Biden has a 20 point lead
of Trump with Dead Voters! ...
Surely hope THAT doesn't hold up...
'Course The World is surely full of exaggeration. ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Again, take a course in Market Research 101.

Newsweek reported the RESULTS of survey conducted by Public Opinion Surveys and paid for by NBC. Newsweek was in no way involved in the survey. FOX News would have said the same thing about the results. Look at the survey methodology used by Public Opinion Surveys and then tell me what they did to bias the results. I know you can't.

There are very few market research companies that run surveys based on incorrect methodology.
Again, take a course in Market Research 101.

Newsweek reported the RESULTS of survey conducted by Public Opinion Surveys and paid for by NBC. Newsweek was in no way involved in the survey. FOX News would have said the same thing about the results. Look at the survey methodology used by Public Opinion Surveys and then tell me what they did to bias the results. I know you can't.

There are very few market research companies that run surveys based on incorrect methodology. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Most of these polls are really not worth the paper they are printed on. They might call 3000 people but only 1000 will actually take the survey or answer the phone.

The hard part here is I bet 90% of the people already have their minds made up about Trump or Biden, the hard part is figuring out who is the most motivated to actually take the time to vote.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Most of these polls are really not worth the paper they are printed on. They might call 3000 people but only 1000 will actually take the survey or answer the phone.

The hard part here is I bet 90% of the people already have their minds made up about Trump or Biden, the hard part is figuring out who is the most motivated to actually take the time to vote. Originally Posted by farmstud60
You too should take a course in Market Research 101 and at least TRY to understand survey methodology.

A survey will have goals as to respondents and will poll respondents based on those goals. A survey will be conducted among all voters, registered voters, or likely voters. Then the respondents will be broken down by categories such as party affiliation (Republican, Democratic, Independent), male/female, state, urban/suburban/rural, etc. Every cell will be represented by their population. A survey done in California will have many more Democrats in it and a survey done in Alabama will have many more Republicans in it. When done correctly, as most surveys are done, bias is eliminated as much as possible.
I do not look at this as a Trump vs Biden ompsrison.

Make no mistake, both of these men are deeply flawed in different ways.

I would rather choose based on expected policy decisions and their anticipated implementation through executive actions.

Both have a track record. Ignore each man's personality traits, their peccadillos and indecencies, and focus on what we except from them going forward based on what we know they have done. Originally Posted by ICU 812
I certainly agree both are flawed. Polls mean nothing they only exist to create more division. If anyone thinks that the problems in this country and around the world will somehow cease to exist simply on who becomes the next President then they are also deeply flawed.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
The only "polls" that actually matter won't take place until November. All of this shit between now and then is meaningless to me when you think about how fickle people are with two shitty candidates to choose from.

I won't vote for the third straight election for a reason. Why waste my time? These candidates are both a fucking joke to me. Thankfully there are term limits so either way, there will only be 4 more years of this geriatric comedy shit show.

If anyone thinks that the problems in this country and around the world will somehow cease to exist simply on who becomes the next President then they are also deeply flawed. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Yep. I 100% agree.
VitaMan's Avatar
Polls have become more sophisticated and are useful.....but only measure a point in time. Unless there is significant difference in the items polled about at the time, they don't give much forecast for future results.

Advertisers conduct market research (polls) all the time. Then events can happen. Remember Bud Light
and their disastrous ads recently ?

We can take comfort that Trump will be in the dustbin of American politics before the end of 2024.
The only "polls" that actually matter won't take place until November. All of this shit between now and then is meaningless to me when you think about how fickle people are with two shitty candidates to choose from.

I won't vote for the third straight election for a reason. Why waste my time? These candidates are both a fucking joke to me. Thankfully there are term limits so either way, there will only be 4 more years of this geriatric comedy shit show.

Yep. I 100% agree. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Crikey! .... please tell us how you really feel. ...

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Biden and Trump are in no way comparable except for age. Yet MAGAs would equivocate hair sniffing and forced entry.

The “deeply flawed” and “senile corrupt piece of shit” mantra is how MAGAs try to normalize the criminal behavior of their fascist leader. And somehow make themselves feel better about following the most morally bankrupt person ever to stain our
Democracy… not to mention fouling the air of the New York courts.

The MAGA Big Lie extends from top to bottom. And no, it’s not normal. Trump is in a class of his own.

What’s “starting” is the realization that Americans will not allow Trumpism to continue. Your preciois polls bear that out.
... Which "Americans"?? ... Corrupt Joe Biden and the Deep State?

... The VOTERS will Win the Day for Trump... In the Swing States.

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Wanna bet?

Trump’s gonna swing!

... I'll let Bambino know that you're up for a wager.

... uh... Is Joe even gonna be the Dems's November candidate??
... See? ... It's Starting - and Joe may be replaced...

#### Salty
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Crikey! .... please tell us how you really feel. ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Okay. I will be more specific and tell you what I really feel. If I was contacted by a Salty MAGA approved entity conducting a poll and they asked me whether I would vote for Trump or dog shit, I would tell them that I would vote for dog shit. If they asked me the same question about Biden, I'd say I'd definitely vote for Biden over dog shit. Is that more detailed to explain how I really feel? To summarize: Trump < dog shit and Biden > dog shit