pimp stoppers

ck1942's Avatar
Dear Mr. Newbie:

I know this will be difficult to hear, but

since there's lots of good advice above and you don't appear to be listening,

1) why not ask the LIQ (lady in question) if indeed she wants to escape?

2) failing that, find the nearest pay phone, yes, they are still out there, and drop a dime, or a quarter, I think thee days....

3) dial 210-207-2313 which is the SAPD Special Victims (Sex Crimes) Unit and let them know that you have observed a certain pimp-like person with what appears to be an underage victim.

(Make sure, of course, that you leave no fingerprints on the phone, wear a bit of facial disguise just in case the cameras are watching, and beat it!)

Do your research and find a better class of companion w/o *management* although I acknowledge that may be difficult to do.

= = = = =

Still wondering why you posted in the "Business Services for Providers" forum, but now I have added a third "explanation" tomy stock answers for any/every hobby question.

She's a provider

He's a hobbyist

Yeah I think you're right but there will always be pimps and prostitution will always be around. Because at the end of the day both are profitable businesses.

The way I see it , no one should get too attached. Whether it be a hooktard to a john or vise versa . That way if a girl goes down the wrong path ..the john can easily see a new provider and just wish the old one luck.

We are here to fuck ,
Not to GIVE a fuck. Originally Posted by MsTaylorLong
I swear I could quote and applaud EVERYTHING you have said because it is SO TRUE! And thank you for saying it! AMEN GIRL!