Draw the prophet

rioseco's Avatar
What the fuck are you talking about Cornholio?

You're foaming again! And stalking.

Creepy! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

You are not quite that stupid.
You know what Im talking about !
I refer to your latest obsession of bungholes and so forth. I refer to the newest cranny in your miserable life that you seek to find acceptance into.
Now turn your forward facing dick-receptacle toward the print and read it again.

No dumb-fuck the other forward !
Mythical characters ?
So you got your panties in a knot over me insulting a "mythical character" ?
I can bet by now that your depends are soiled and your feminie knapkin needs a change as well.
You do know that I slammed the camel riding prophet just for your benefit. I laughed the whole time I did it and especially now !
Not much of a challenge, but you are amusing as hell. Originally Posted by rioseco
Please stop implying that Yssup is a woman. It is an insult to women. We are far more intelligent, sane, and attractive than Yssup will ever be. Thanks

If you need to compare him to something, you could say that he is somewhat slightly like, but entirely more worthless than pond scum. That is almost a fair comparison. Almost.

PS. I did my best to draw an accurate picture of the Prophet. This is what I came up with:

Please stop implying that Yssup is a woman. It is an insult to women. We are far more intelligent, sane, and attractive than Yssup will ever be. Thanks

If you need to compare him to something, you could say that he is somewhat slightly like, but entirely more worthless than pond scum. That is almost a fair comparison. Almost.

PS. I did my best to draw an accurate picture of the Prophet. This is what I came up with:

Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Is that your new showcase picture?
Please stop implying that Yssup is a woman. It is an insult to women. We are far more intelligent, sane, and attractive than Yssup will ever be. Thanks

If you need to compare him to something, you could say that he is somewhat slightly like, but entirely more worthless than pond scum. That is almost a fair comparison. Almost.

PS. I did my best to draw an accurate picture of the Prophet. This is what I came up with:

Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Uncanny likeness. But aren't you being disrespectful to all of the other piles of shit on the planet by comparing them to a murdering, genocidal pedophile?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
First of all, what did I ever do to you, SOTF?

Secondly, do you fuck Muzzies?

Finallly, SLUNT ALERT! SLUNT ALERT! The only scum growing in here is creeping down your thigh! Look on the bright side, it may help relieve that nasty chafing!

  • DSK
  • 02-24-2015, 02:22 AM
First of all, what did I ever do to you, SOTF?

Secondly, do you fuck Muzzies?

Finallly, SLUNT ALERT! SLUNT ALERT! The only scum growing in here is creeping down your thigh! Look on the bright side, it may help relieve that nasty chafing!

Yow! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Perhaps the two of you should press the reset button?
Islam is a political movement disguised as a religion.
Islam is Islam, there are no modifiers. Democracy is the train we ride to our ultimate objective
Erdogan, President of Turkey
rioseco's Avatar
Please stop implying that Yssup is a woman. It is an insult to women. We are far more intelligent, sane, and attractive than Yssup will ever be. Thanks

If you need to compare him to something, you could say that he is somewhat slightly like, but entirely more worthless than pond scum. That is almost a fair comparison. Almost.

PS. I did my best to draw an accurate picture of the Prophet. This is what I came up with:

Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Understood. Did not mean to drag womanhood down while conducting a war on shite !
  • DSK
  • 05-04-2015, 05:41 AM
At least they didn't blow the city up whilst trying to massacre the people at the "Draw the Prophet" venue. The police performed their job admirably in stopping the Muslim terrorists who objected to the event and wanted to kill the people inside.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Did you kick their asses with your bare fists, Kayla? Or were you busy abusing sex slaves from Kampuchea?
wellendowed1911's Avatar
At least they didn't blow the city up whilst trying to massacre the people at the "Draw the Prophet" venue. The police performed their job admirably in stopping the Muslim terrorists who objected to the event and wanted to kill the people inside. Originally Posted by DSK
If the organizers had any balls why don't they go to a mosque and try drawing the prophet.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
If the organizers had any balls why don't they go to a mosque and try drawing the prophet. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

Most artsy-fartsy people are like WE, afraid of offending someone anywhere. What a meek little bunny WE has turned out to be. Some old man hiding under his blanket whispering, please leave me alone, I'll be a good boy.

Maybe WE doesn't know that this is the site of an anti-free speech rally some months ago by Muslims supporters. Maybe he was there for that.
  • shanm
  • 05-04-2015, 10:00 AM
Is anyone surprised that this is happening on a hooker board? The closer you move to the margins of society, the weirder and uglier shit gets.

I have an idea for a contest. Put all the weird Christians in a room with the weird Muslims. Last man standing is the one true religion.....for the couple of seconds before we nuke the whole goddamn place.

Fucking weirdo Christians and anti-muslim people are not one ounce better than jihadi muslims. They're both founded on hate and bigotry. But at least those idiots have conviction, and have the will power to believe in something. That's more than I can say for any of you on here.
Fucking weirdo Christians and anti-muslim people are not one ounce better than jihadi muslims. Originally Posted by shanm
Except that, you know, the weirdo Christians and anti-muslim people aren't committing mass murder every day, right, amadan?

They're not better except for that piece, right?

They're both founded on hate and bigotry. Originally Posted by shanm
Familiarize yourself with that great expression "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me."

I don't care about somebody's "hate and bigotry". It's when they try killing others that I take exception.

But at least those idiots have conviction, and have the will power to believe in something. Originally Posted by shanm
Oh yeah! That's the ticket.

Conviction trumps all, doesn't it. It doesn't matter how stupid your belief is, if you are willing to kill for it, Shanm is impressed by you, snookums.

The "will power" to believe that it is OK to decapitate gays, Christians, Jews, atheists, etc. doesn't impress me.

What an exemplary post. Liberal guilt doesn't get much guiltier than this.
Except that, you know, the weirdo Christians and anti-muslim people aren't committing mass murder every day, right, amadan?

They're not better except for that piece, right?

Familiarize yourself with that great expression "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me."

I don't care about somebody's "hate and bigotry". It's when they try killing others that I take exception.

Oh yeah! That's the ticket.

Conviction trumps all, doesn't it. It doesn't matter how stupid your belief is, if you are willing to kill for it, Shanm is impressed by you, snookums.

The "will power" to believe that it is OK to decapitate gays, Christians, Jews, atheists, etc. doesn't impress me.

What an exemplary post. Liberal guilt doesn't get much guiltier than this. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Here comes this old bitch again. If you want to get down to it, muslims like ISIS are doing exactly what their holy book tells them to do. Christianity went through an enlightenment. Islam has not. That's why christians don't stone people, etc. They can't get away with it anymore. No one is defending islam or muslims. Religion is a cancer. You see the fruits it bears in these very incidents. You have people on the right, convinced their god is superior and america and free speech and all the rest of it. And on the other side, they're convinced their way is the one true way. One side following a book written by goat herders who didn't now where the sun went at night and the others following a book written by the 7th century middle-eastern version of L Rob Hubbard. People are killing over these fucking fairytales. Innocent people are dying because of these convictions.