The fact that I don't want the government to take care of me cradle to grave does not make me heartless. And while I don't currently have employees, when I had a business I did pay for health insurance for my employees. It was part of their compensation. They earned it, I didn't give it to them.
And I don't know all the facts behind Dr. Paul's actions. But the system is not set up to let people die. There's more to this than the little soundbite Tex shared.
Yeah, the Tea Party has a lot of idiots, more now since they have been co-opted by the Republicans.
And my suggestion that medical bills for people who choose not to buy insurance be non-dischargeable was in response to the claim of who pays for those people. This makes the patient responsible. It might provide incentive for people to buy insurance. That's a hell of a lot better than the government mandating that a person buy a product. If the government can do that, there is nothing the government can't make us do.
You're the heartless one, Tex. You want higher oil prices so everybody will suffer while you live in peace. But you're welcome to your opinion.