Social Security and it's Surplus. Over 2 Trillion

I get want a European style government with a big nanny state and a hollowed out military and defense that depends on someone else.

And our "form of govenrment" isn't broken...what is broken is a culture of Americans who want free shit from a big centralized government, that ignores it's primary responsibility to protect itslef from enemies both here and abroad (i.e. strong miltiary, strong defense and strong borders).
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  • 04-24-2012, 09:25 AM
I get want a European style government with a big nanny state and a hollowed out military and defense that depends on someone else. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Yes we are paying for Europe's Defense by robbing our senior citizen's retirement fund.

Is that wtf you want to continue to do?

We police the world , yet we pay for it with our seniors' retirement fund. You think that is ok?

That really is the crux of the question.

1)Shall we continue to pay for Defense of the world with our senior's retirement savings or...

2) Shall we raise taxes to continue to do so? or...

3) Should we scale back on Defense spending on the rest of the world, without being paid back for it? What if Japan and Germany were paying for our Defense? Our you sure you are a Conserative? You spend money on other like a liberal.

Should the citizen of New York City pay for the police work of the citizens in Houston , Texas?

How fair would that be?
You want to cut defense to prop up SS; how about cutting the over promised benefits of SS?

Better yet; cut defense spending and pay off our debt with the saving.

Not shift the funds to pay for an over-promised SS program!

Why do you lefties keep wanting more spending?

Answer: Because you like the power that comes with dispensing goodies. It is irresponible to rob from defense to pay for an over promised federal program.
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  • 04-24-2012, 09:41 AM
You want to cut defense to prop up SS; how about cutting the over promised benefits of SS?

. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Over promised? SS has a 2.6 Trillion dollar surplus. How is wanting your savings now considered over promised.

I totally agree that we need to get Medicare cost under control and Sara Palin needs to STFU when we try and do so.

Yes we need to adjust SS/Medicare but it has to be in line with huge military cuts, if notthe Defense Department will continue to spend the SS surplus.

Better yet; cut defense spending and pay off our debt...not just shift the fund to pay for an over-promised SS program!

. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Do you understand that if we do nothing to will pay out 100% benifits until 2033 and 75% after that.
I am all for changing SS so that it will be self funding; but not taking it from Defense........

If we cut defense - great ! But the savings should go to pay down debt...not bail out SS............

Again, the Democrats can't be I have posted multiple times...they reneg every time on any spending cuts !
Solvency is a matter of question for social security that has more to do with longevity of the American people which is directly tied to health care and a swell of retiring Americans with not enough people in the work force to support them than with defense. Social Security holds money in trust for the American people until they reach retirement age. It is running out of money. At it’s current run rate it will be bankrupt before mid-century and that’s providing that the federal government pays back that they raided from the SS Trust Fund.

We should cut the defense budget just like we should cut all departmental budgets. How hard could it be to find 10% in cuts from low hanging fruit? Everybody’s pet project / department / social program needs to pay the piper. I’m not saying gore their ox, but everyone needs to pay. It’s the only fair, and only real way, to get any corporation between the warring parties to cut spending.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
TF, let me remind you of my stance on the military and defense; We do not need to be the worlds police force. If the rest of the world wants our assistance they can pay us the cost of that assistance, The only requirement of the Constitution is that we have a navy, look it up. If we are in a country that is not specifically strategic to our supply routes we either need to close it aned move our people out or be paid to be there by that nation.
If we allow Israel to keep the spools of war why can we not keep the spoils of war?

I am personally in favor of cutting it all across the board, turn the management of Medicaire over to private contractors and reward those that catch the fraud.

We have paid a tax for SS that the idiots in DC have cut in order to reduce the amount that is coming in to the SS trust fund that is full of IOUs from the government. We are printing money as fast as possible and inflation is running rampant and the Democrats blame the ones that provide the real jobs instead of the government that is spending Mooney it does not have.

The reality is that SS is a socialist program that should be abolished as soon as it is feasible.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I know where the requirement of the federal government to have a navy is but I am having a hard time finding that Article of the Constitution that says we must provide Social Security and Medicare.

I can also find where a standing army is to not be funded for a period of more than two years.

I can also find where it is the congress that has the authority to declare war. Why is it that we have allowed the executive branch to run around the world in "wars" without the declaration of war.

I dont blame the woes of this government on one party, both parties are resp0onsible for fucking our government up. The question is which party will be the one that can pick up the pieces when it fails and restore us to what we were intended to be.
Af-Freakin's Avatar
You want to cut defense to prop up SS; Originally Posted by Whirlaway

no, u didnt listen 2 wtf he said. he wants 2 cut european defense spendin 2 prop up ss. u stupid crackers dont want 2 give poor people free shit but dont complain about giving the Eurotrash freebie. Hypocrisy!
Right on AF; I don't want to cut defense spending and use the savings to prop up SS..........

Cut defense but use the savings to pay down the debt...........Cut benefits in SS to save it long term.........

But you being a lazy ass, want to prop up the over-promised SS with defense cutbacks. You just want the Great Welfare Society scam to continue. Hoping the working schmucks remain stupid and pay up.
Af-Freakin's Avatar
Right on AF; I don't want to cut defense spending and use the savings to prop up SS..........

Cut defense but use the savings to pay down the debt...........Cut benefits in SS to save it long term.........

But you being a lazy ass, want to prop up the over-promised SS with defense cutbacks. You just want the Great Welfare Society scam to continue. Hoping the working schmucks remain stupid and pay up . Originally Posted by Whirlaway

lazy azz? wtf? i work harder than all the crackers in my office. i put in a solid 3-4 hrs a day. u should try managing these lazy azz crackers. they sit around all fuckin day playin around. just look @ u lazy crackers wit thousands ov posts hangin out here morning, noon & night spoutin out ur conservatard bullshit about workin hard & self reliance, bla bla bla. fuck.
What you talking about AF; clipping bond coupons is hard work.

And making sure my Section 8 tenants pay on time is hell.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
That section 8 is some good shit. No way I could rent these dumps for that kinda money in a free market. I did not even know how you could make so much until this brother in real estate showed me how. Now he gits all my business.
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  • 04-24-2012, 01:52 PM
Right on AF; I don't want to cut defense spending and use the savings to prop up SS..........

. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Holy shit, nobody wants to cut Defense to prop up SS!

But I have said you can not cut SS without cutting Defense.

Even those cuts to SS will not effect people in their mid 50's. Both parties agree to that.

Had the Defense Department not spent SS reserve cash, it would be on the plus side of 2.6 TRILLION dollars.

SS needs to be looked at and adjusted every ten years or so, people are living longer so you might have to retire later or any number of things but you can not blame overspending on SS when it has a 2.6 Trillion dollar surplus. The Defense Department is the one writing hot checks.

Cut defense but use the savings to pay down the debt...........Cut benefits in SS to save it long term.........

. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You and a few other Tea wacko's at least see that. People like JD and joe blow do not want to cut Defense spending.

Argue if Defense spending is good or bad 'till the Cows come home, that is just a matter of opinion but you can not argue wdhere the deficit came from. It has come from Defense spending. That is just a fact.
Holy shit, nobody wants to cut Defense to prop up SS!

But I have said you can not cut SS without cutting Defense.

Even those cuts to SS will not effect people in their mid 50's. Both parties agree to that.

Had the Defense Department not spent SS reserve cash, it would be on the plus side of 2.6 TRILLION dollars.

SS needs to be looked at and adjusted every ten years or so, people are living longer so you might have to retire later or any number of things but you can not blame overspending on SS when it has a 2.6 Trillion dollar surplus. The Defense Department is the one writing hot checks.

.............. Originally Posted by WTF
Why should we cut SS? We should be adjusting it like you said to account for the bulge in baby boomers retiring.

Every department / program / pet project / pork should be cut and then cut year over year again until our spending and revenues come into line.