Medical emergencies

BU,I believe you missed the point of the thread. Btw, are you a bandle? Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
It's Ricky.
Whispers's Avatar
More curious now
Which provider was it?
What you're saying is because this poor guy chose a provider that shares an incall with another less discrete provider he had his life ruined?
Sounds like a good reason not to see providers that share incalls! Originally Posted by bottoms up
That's not totally fair. Many whores share incalls successfully.

This is a typical "Claire" issue and it would be more fair to say there may be a good reason to not see whores that share incalls with Claire..... or even associate with her.....

Claire's indiscretion has hurt others in the past.... Clients as well as other whores.

It's not hard to imagine a whore more afraid of repercussions from Claire than to the client in this case. It's a shame a guy got caught up in it...
Kitty Bunny Fuck's Avatar
IT WUZN'T MEH! Ah dun said Ah wuz askin' on bee-half of a friendt o' mine. Nee-thar one o' mah freestone peach pits has e'er gone AWOL frum tha fuzzy compoundt! Originally Posted by David.Douchehurst
Seriously!!! You make me laugh EVERYTIME I read your post!! You are a toot and I love the laughter you bring to the board!
Kitty Bunny Fuck's Avatar
It's Ricky.
Originally Posted by Observing
Kbf likes Ricky!! He's Just a hot mess sometimes.
Oh yeah, I call EMS - you can always make up some bull shit story - nobody really cares. But - and I know this is funny - until it happens to you. It happened to me and I don't think it's funny anymore.
MMM...Claire, that pussy sounds like it hot enough to leave me weak at the legs...I am game!! HAHA

Although.. I may have you cumming and shaking like your having seizures with my lips and so I may need to give YOU a warning!! LOL
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Seriously!!! You make me laugh EVERYTIME I read your post!! You are a toot and I love the laughter you bring to the board! Originally Posted by Kitty Bunny Fuck
Watch it wif all tha sweet talk, missy! Folks is a-gonna thinck yer a-tryin' ta git meh ta donate a kidney 'r co-sign a car loan for ya! An if'n yer a-tryin' ya git inta mah pantalones, yew kin ask 'round. Ah don't cum cheep. It's gonna cost yew at least one hamburger jus'ta lay eyes on meh. Mebbe e'en fries an' a malt'd milk shake if'n Ah wakes up feelin' fussy thet day. An' jus''cos Ah accepts tha invite is ZERO guarantee thet Ah'm a-gonna put out. Ain't no buddy tha boss o' meh!
Watch it wif all tha sweet talk, missy! Folks is a-gonna thinck yer a-tryin' ta git meh ta donate a kidney 'r co-sign a car loan for ya! An if'n yer a-tryin' ya git inta mah pantalones, yew kin ask 'round. Ah don't cum cheep. It's gonna cost yew at least one hamburger jus'ta lay eyes on meh. Mebbe e'en fries an' a malt'd milk shake if'n Ah wakes up feelin' fussy thet day. An' jus''cos Ah accepts tha invite is ZERO guarantee thet Ah'm a-gonna put out. Ain't no buddy tha boss o' meh! Originally Posted by David.Douchehurst
I'll take ya for a burger this week
Kitty Bunny Fuck's Avatar
Watch it wif all tha sweet talk, missy! Folks is a-gonna thinck yer a-tryin' ta git meh ta donate a kidney 'r co-sign a car loan for ya! An if'n yer a-tryin' ya git inta mah pantalones, yew kin ask 'round. Ah don't cum cheep. It's gonna cost yew at least one hamburger jus'ta lay eyes on meh. Mebbe e'en fries an' a malt'd milk shake if'n Ah wakes up feelin' fussy thet day. An' jus''cos Ah accepts tha invite is ZERO guarantee thet Ah'm a-gonna put out. Ain't no buddy tha boss o' meh! Originally Posted by David.Douchehurst

I like it when you play a little hard to get sugar dick!! It makes me appreciate you so much more!

I'll take ya for a burger this week Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
Hey!! Back off sugar britches, go ahead and give him your burger, but I got the fries and We both know my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard!! Bahahahaaaa

I like it when you play a little hard to get sugar dick!! It makes me appreciate you so much more!

Hey!! Back off sugar britches, go ahead and give him your burger, but I got the fries and We both know my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard!! Bahahahaaaa

Originally Posted by Kitty Bunny Fuck
You back off! I had him first goddammit!
Kitty Bunny Fuck's Avatar
You back off! I had him first goddammit! Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
That's cool. I'll have him last. Besides he and I speak the language of love.

Wait a whole min... Men do save the best ...for errrrrr last... So yeah just walk away CSB ... Lol (slicks back hair, winks and struts away).
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Y'all two bee-hayve!!!

Ah'm fat enuff thet thar's plenny o' meh ta go 'round fer tha both o' ya.

Have a l'il self cunt-trol, ya high-spirit'd fillies. R'member, yer dign'ty an' yore virg'nity are a-lotta like. Oncest ya lose 'em, thar ain't no a-goin' back.

Now, thet Ah said thet, Ah laiks mah burger media-yum ta media-yum rahr, wif must'rd, no mayo, no ketchup. An' it's a MALTED milk shake thet maiks mah heart skip a beat, tho thet's frum all tha fat. An' Ah pree-fers chock'lit.

Git crackin', ladeez!!!
johnnyatx's Avatar
Please do call EMS for an actual medical emergency... now if we don't set a safe-word ahead of time, well then that's probably on me. Otherwise, living>repercussions for seeing you pretty ladies.
Otherwise, living>repercussions for seeing you pretty ladies. Originally Posted by johnnyatx