If they take the time to look you up and send you an email, they're bangin hookers left and right. That's how people operate. I don't care if they're Christians or whatever.
So since this is one of my areas of expertise (I've written a few of books on the subject), I'll give a quick explanation.
The Bible is literally true. Just not on this physical level. It is entirely based on visions and mystical experiences. The characters mentioned were not persons as we are, but they represent states of consciousness. You start at Abraham and you end at Jesus (God fully awake as the man/woman doing the waking). That's why the character Jesus was accepting of everyone without judgement. He knew the whole world was just himself pushed out. Remember this is an allegory. So don't think I'm talking about a man that they put on some wood on the first Sunday after the new moon in Aries. I'm talking about a state of consciousness that everyone from Shirley Temple to Hitler is going to experience.
So it doesn't matter what you do, because it's god doing it. If you have the desire to hobby, make a ton of cash, or have a candle up your ass it doesn't matter in the greater scheme of things--as that's what we (the Elohim or "compound unity") came here to do. I'm saying that you/me/we are The Lord Jesus Christ...god in action--with the ability to change our world as we see fit.
Now the truth of the bible is not condusive to producing a society of people who follow strict rules. You can be manipulated if you know you're god and that this is all just for fun. So systems and beliefs are put in place to enable community control, respect of kingdoms and governments, and various other reasons.
My point is, "just do you". If it feels right to you, it's the right thing todo right NOW. Maybe not in ten years, but now is all you've got.
That's far outside my Eccie persona (which is my real persona plus a cigar and 2 bourbons), but it is truth based on study and cross-referencing what I've experienced and what I have heard others experience.