Boots on the ground....yet we act as if that is not combat. If it is your boots that are on the ground, you damn sure better know it is potential combat. He was in a country where they/we/the government would not acknowledge that there were Boots on the ground.
Originally Posted by WTF
I'm in agreement with this statement with a few reservations ...
#1: "we" don't "act as if that is not combat" .... (The President does!)
Rewriting history by injecting "word games" into the dialogue is the standard of this administration with the goal of CREATING a legacy that the current President can publicize when he leaves office .... Hide and watch. He will profusely brag about who he "ended" our military COMBAT operations throughout the World during his occupancy of the White House ... that's his goal ... narcissistic personalities have an offensive habit of ignoring the reality around them and attempting to refocus the attention of others from their behavior or simply distorting reality to fit their point of view.
#2: You injected your "cousin" into the dialogue about "boots on the ground"? I'm not going to dissect a third-party story of someone's "cousin" injected into a discussion about the meaning of "boots on the ground" but I didn't inject the story into the conversation as "proof" as to a definition of "boots on the ground" .... and now you want to claim ...
"He was in a country where they/we/the government would not acknowledge that there were
Boots on the ground..
With all due respect to your "cousin" for his military service whether or not the "government acknowledges" his presence in a particular spot at a particular moment there is a process by which the event can be confirmed without "the government acknowledging" what might be considered as Title 50 information, or even "embarrassing' information to the Government.
It just happened with the death of an "adviser" when it was revealed he was killed "in combat"! That was publicly announced. For a variety of reasons records of activities related to military intrusions into other countries and/or "agency" intrusions (with or without the blessings of the "other countries") are documented and retained .... but not "acknowledged" by our government.
That doesn't mean your "cousin" was intentionally deprived of benefits.
Did you vote for this guy?