I am being black mailed by burner2157

burner2157's Avatar
Funny how outing is such a serious offense, but slander is not around here.Please disable my account mods.Wakeup put me down for a dime(grand) and steak dinner on the over me coming back.I'll never collect, but you guys can make your own bets.
Hezus Piche Christo!!! The only positive thing that I got out of this thread is that Shayla comes across quite educated and has some smoking awesome calves. Too bad that she's in CANADA... eh!!!
Mojojo's Avatar
Burner you need to relax, take a deep breath and move on. You booked for a certain amount of time, then reached that limit. She asked if you'd like to extend, you accepted. Then you reached that time limit. Went over it too. Then you return 5 minutes later for a photo with her? WTF? Why do you want a photo of you and her? Why would she want a photo floating around of you and her? Originally Posted by Jack Flash

Jack pretty much summed up my thoughts on this one.... Leslie no one knows exactly what went down but you two, both of you stated your sides now its up to the readers to make their own conclusion, the only thing you can do provide/keep providing good service.
Sarunga's Avatar
Crap...I didn't get a chance to comment on this. Had some "words of wisdom" for these two, after all the drama I've experienced here...

Anyway, Shayla, now, when are you going to head over to Houston....this is really too much teasing you know....