Yssup Rider's Avatar
You never post a link.....and it is a new story.

As EW mentioned, Powers was given an ultimatum, step down or be fired. And GOP heavyweights are retaliating......impeaching a UT Regent....Dewhurst is leading the charge to protect Powers...

Did you not read the article ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You are so off base on this... Perry is leading the charge to oust Powers and using his Yappy lap dog Wallace Hall to lead the charge. RWW nut Jeff Sandefer is pulling the strings as well. Did you not pay attention?

YOU made this about liberal and conservatives in this post, you incredible liar.

I love are standing side by side with Texas's top GOP leaders........people like Dewhurst and KB Hutchinson.....

Figures a left wingtard will stand up for corruption and cronyism........ Originally Posted by Whirlaway
So I ask you again, Whirlyturd: WHAT IS YOUR ALMA MATER?
It has nothing to do with left Vs. right; and everything to do with corruption and nepotism from the well connected...........politics aside.

Why are you such a fucking dummy?

And aren't you suppose to be ignoring my posts?

No surprise that a left winger preaches one thing to the public then does the opposite when it comes to his own actions.
In case you haven't noticed........Burnt Orange Nation, the leading publication for the Texas Longhorn community is covering the story as well. A story you don't think warrants attention.

From Yesterday's BON:

UT Board of Regents to Bill Powers: 'Resign or be fired.'
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Nobody is denying that Chancellor Cigarroa issued that ultimatum. It came on July 4, and has been all over the news -- even on an aggregator like BIN.

I "notice" this story a little more and in greater detail than you can imagine.

My question to you is if it has nothing to do with right vs left - my contention all along - then why did you post what you did about KBH and Dewhurst? What relevance did that have to your argument -- which by the way wasn't an argument, but a cut and paste of old news about a University you obviously didn't attend?

What is your ALMA MATER, Whirlyturd?

Why don't you let it go, asshole? You're just blustering about nothing. And LOSING at that.
What's "old news" about statements made by persons involved in the story as recently as 2 days ago ?

Especially in light of the "resign or be fired" deadline that is approaching ?

BTW, you are mistaken that I am trying to "win" something by starting a thread on this topic....a topic that you and other UTA supporters are following closely....but for some weird reason you don't won't presented in an ECCIE forum?

What's up with that ? Your head, it is way too far up a Longhorn's ass.
BigLouie's Avatar
This is just Rick Perry being himself, that is dumb as a box of rocks. He tried this shit at A & M too but all the big money funding him are A & M grads and they told him to STFU and he has left the school alone.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
This is just Rick Perry being himself, that is dumb as a box of rocks. He tried this shit at A & M too but all the big money funding him are A & M grads and they told him to STFU and he has left the school alone. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Absolutely. The AGGIES told the little yell leader to go fuck himself.

Why won't you tell where YOU went to college, Whirlyturd

Why do you insist arguing over an issue that has been in the headlines for months, as if it's your discovery? Apparently you don't read much else but Breitbart, whose story, as I pointed out, was authored by a longtime RWW lobbyist now under criminal investigation. It was easy to look past that and GOOGLE the rest. So what's you're stake in this? Where's the SCANDAL?

You haven't explained why you've called UT President Powers "scandal-prone."

Nor have you explained why there's a SCANDAL here at all... just wrote a blaring headline that was obviously irresponsibly authored and just another NARCISSISTIC cry for attention.

Answer some of these questions, Whirlyturd, or explain why you won't.

The world is waiting for YOU to SPEAK to the issue. (Of course we also know you haven't got the huevos to back up your blather when confronted with it... if you can prove otherwise, please quote it.)

We will see how this scandal plays out; the deadline for resigning or being fired is coming....if Perry backs down like he did in the AM situation, or will Powers be fired by the school Regents.....

We will see in short time.

My guess is that Powers will be given a reprieve of sorts; in other words he will be told he is no longer welcomed, but can remain on the job til sometime in 2015.

In other words, Powers is looking for a graceful exit rather than a more abrupt firing. No matter how you cut it; Powers is leaving sooner rather than later (had this scandal not come to light).
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What is the SCANDAL, Whir-LIE-turd? You haven't clarified yourself, nor offered any proof that what you claim in your headline is true or well-founded.

Your ignoring the obvious question indicates your guilt ... You got caught in another lie.

Busted THREE TIMES in one day.

Where did YOU go to college?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
And that's all he asked to do. Not resign or be fired now. But to finish the term, the Legislative session and then next school year before standing down.

So this SCANDAL now shifts to the alleged criminal abuses by Regent Wallace Hall, Perry's lapdog.

Read it and weep, "newshound!"

Just like you predicted, Whir-LIE-turd!

As I predicted earlier today. But no matter how you cut it, Powers was forced out before he wanted to leave and under circumstances he didn't want.

And the investigation of preferential admissions is still underway.

Turns out this scandal isn't old news but very much evolving news.
Yssup Rider's Avatar

Scandal! Scandal! Scandal!

Where did you say you went to school again?
Damn, you Texas Longhorns don't want your precious over rated brand tarnished.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
where did you go to college, whir-LIE-turd?

Where's the scandal, whir-LIE-turd?

Why don't you just answer these simple questions, whir-LIE-turd?

Truth is always appreciated.

Try it.
LexusLover's Avatar
Damn, you Texas Longhorns don't want your precious over rated brand tarnished. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Did YouRong claim he has a degree from UTAustin?