You're Not Rambo - CCL holders piss their pants

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Where is that? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yeah, I haven't heard of that state where Sha-na-na can do that. Might I suggest a lady's gun for you Sha-na-na. Something in a .32 with pink grips. It will be FAB....wait for it....ULOUS.

Here is something in .25 ACP.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Would it be out of line to point out that some members on this site are CCL holders and some others on this site have fired a weapon or used a weapon to protect themselves. The only one here that I know who pisses their own self is Uber Cunt.
LexusLover's Avatar

Here is something in a .25 ACP. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
FIFY, if you don't mind.

If I recall he's also the one who recommended shooting a fleeing felon in the leg ... as being good police work ... (good is my term .. he used something with an "Ivy League" tone to it .... pretending to be more "sophisticated" ...)... so works for him.

The ranges need to start ordering "leg" targets for him.
LexusLover's Avatar
Yet it seems like more people are pushing for "Constitutional Carry". Texas lowered its requirements for a CCL a year or two ago. Seems like we're moving in the other direction. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Training Requirements (

20. What type of class or training is required in order to obtain a Concealed Handgun License (CHL)?

An original (first-time) CHL applicant must complete four to six hours of classroom training, pass a written examination and pass a proficiency demonstration (shooting). All classroom and proficiency must be conducted by a CHL instructor certified by DPS. See CHL Qualification Course Requirements (PDF) for the proficiency demonstration requirements. There are four (4) required topics: Use of Force, Non-Violent Dispute Resolution, Handgun Use, and Safe and Proper Storage of Handguns and Ammunition. To locate a DPS-certified CHL instructor, see Instructor List.

Upon successful completion of the training class, the instructor should provide you with a Certificate of Training (CHL-100). You will need to submit this form to DPS to complete your application."

Course of Fire (

That's what I recall 15-20 years ago.

In the morning, out in the afternoon with a certificate. That's it.
  • shanm
  • 04-29-2015, 12:43 PM
Where is that? Originally Posted by LexusLover
It was obviously exaggeration to make a point. Seemingly flew over your giant head.

So what if you have to wait 30 days until you can carry. A nutless monkey could pass most state CCW requirements (that excludes you)

In the morning, out in the afternoon with a certificate. That's it. Originally Posted by LexusLover

Yeah, I haven't heard of that state where Sha-na-na can do that. Might I suggest a lady's gun for you Sha-na-na. Something in a .32 with pink grips. It will be FAB....wait for it....ULOUS.

Here is something in .25 ACP. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Nah JD bitchwhore, I know you're trying to be funny, but I've never bought a gun and most likely never will.

It's because my daddy taught me to fight like a man. I have significant boxing experience, as well as an amateur career in MMA. Safe to say that I could choke your ass out with my little toe.

I've gotten my ass beat before, I've also handed out ass whoopings. Never have I ever wished that I had a gun in those situations. The days of the real men are fading fast I suppose.

Besides, why buy a gun when two came attached?

I don't recall anyone on this forum saying that it was. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Shoot the looters on sight. I've read that several times.
LexusLover's Avatar
It was obviously exaggeration to make a point. Originally Posted by shanm
Actually, it was obviously ignorance.

And there was no "point," except on your head.
Actually, it was obviously ignorance.

And there was no "point," except on your head. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Of anyone on this forum, you make more pointless comments than ANYONE. It's not even close. At least IB is entertaining once you get him revved up. You're just... awful. Can't spell or construct a sentence half the time. Absolutely humorless. Any attempt at making a joke is just goddamn terrible. Just accept your limitations in life and quit trying to keep up with people who obviously excel at those things in a way you never could.
LexusLover's Avatar
Shoot the looters on sight. I've read that several times. Originally Posted by WombRaider
I don't know what Maryland law is, ..

.... but in Texas one can use deadly force to stop night-time vandalism, which would include "looting" ... aka night-time burglary of a building....a felony.

You really need to do some thinking before you post some of your shit. And that suggestion is based on the "assumption" you can think, as opposed to Shammless who can't think and shows it on a regular basis.

So try to refrain from posting one of your nonsensical, name-calling rants.
LexusLover's Avatar
Of anyone on this forum, you make more pointless comments than ANYONE. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You are now defending Shammless? You have no standards, do you?

BTW: I typically make silly comments to ridiculousness like you spew..

... it does no good to attempt to be serious with you and your ilk.

Like most fools, if someone doesn't agree with your opinion, then you claim their posts are pointless ... and start the name-calling.

Obaminable does that ... and blames on someone else.

You are a racist, you know?
  • shanm
  • 04-29-2015, 12:59 PM
Of anyone on this forum, you make more pointless comments than ANYONE. It's not even close. At least IB is entertaining once you get him revved up. You're just... awful. Can't spell or construct a sentence half the time. Absolutely humorless. Any attempt at making a joke is just goddamn terrible. Just accept your limitations in life and quit trying to keep up with people who obviously excel at those things in a way you never could. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Nah come on! This hapless idiot is the most fun to fuck with!

I'd actualy say its a four way tie between IB chicken-dick Wanker's rants, LustyDipshit's gloriously EPIC meltdowns, JDbitchface's conspiracies and LLIdiot's just all-around idiocy.
LexusLover's Avatar
It's because my daddy taught me to fight like a man. I have significant boxing experience, as well as an amateur career in MMA. Safe to say that I could choke your ass out with my little toe.

I've gotten my ass beat before, I've also handed out ass whoopings. Originally Posted by shanm
Only on the internet can one see shit like this....

Well..... also .....

.. on television just before a wrestling match!!!!
Only on the internet can one see shit like this....

Well..... also .....

.. on television just before a wrestling match!!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
I say the same thing about your pointless posts... there's nothing worse than someone who thinks they know a lot and operates under that assumption, but actually knows very little.
  • shanm
  • 04-29-2015, 01:09 PM
Only on the internet can one see shit like this....

Well..... also .....

.. on television just before a wrestling match!!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Believe it or not, doesn't change anything.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar

That's what I recall 15-20 years ago.

In the morning, out in the afternoon with a certificate. That's it. Originally Posted by LexusLover

Dated November 12, 2014

Last year they approved legislation that reduced the number of classroom hours, from 10 to four-six, for people applying for concealed handgun license renewal, and to allow taking the written exam online.