US -- Are we int'l assassins?

Munchmasterman's Avatar
President Reagan first banned assassination by EO (confirmed by Ford & Carter):
A 6 page dissertation on this issue can be found here:

Edit: Obviously, President Obama has altered these orders. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005

Do you know it wasn't one of the Bushs or Clinton?

The link you posted doesn't work. Do you have a link that does work that shows that Obama altered the EO?
Again folks, just because we throw our bombs into these foreign conflicts, ultimately we, in reality, have very little say....or no moral tell those folks how to handle their dirty laundry. I'm sure the rebels who killed this "harmless old man" (can't believe that line was used in this thread) have stories to tell how this man was responsible for horrible things done to their families and friends. Do I wish he would have faced a legal system...yea, but in reality it was Liyban business.

If we are going to take some higher ground in thinking we can impose our "sense of right or wrong" just is not going to happen. So either accept the reality of the situation or don't get involve.

In the meantime to you think the Syrian President has been on the bat phone with his travel agent double and triple checking is exist plans???
Munchmasterman's Avatar
I totally disagree with the methodology
this administration has used vis-a-vis
the oversea contingency operations.

Our military SOG has executed HVT's that
were already detained and in custody by
order of the POTUS.
Who? When? Where?

Our military has executed an American
citizen; without a trial or hearing-
by order of the POTUS.
Notice no republicans claimed this. Because they know there is a procedure for this and it was followed. Besides that the President knows about the list. He does not order anyone killed. He can stop an execution but that's it. It was set up (the procedure) with people like you in mind. People who assign personal responsibility to the President regardless of the facts.
This is not how Americans fight
or pursue justice. This is com-bloc
methodology. The heavy hand
of tyranny.
Wrong on all three.

How long before we're next? Originally Posted by anaximander
If a person becomes an enemy of the US and tries to hide overseas or anywhere out of the country? Not soon enough.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Do you have a link that does work that shows that Obama altered the EO? Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
When you copy and paste the link, it does work. For some reason "" comes up in front of the net address when you use the hotlink.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
So Lexus, who should we kill next? As long as we're on a roll, let's make a list. Let's kill everyone who we don't like! How about Putin, or Hu, or Assad, or Netanyahu. This could be fun, the oddsmakers in Vegas could get in on the action. We could place bets on who is the next to go.

I have no idea why people are so overjoyed at killing someone. Especially a helpless, unarmed old man. He should have been brought to trial. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Everyone we’ve killed has been on a dead or alive list, a list sanctioned by us, our allies, and most of the middle east countries (at least publicly) for quite some time. We had no troops on the ground in Libya (which is one of the reasons he was killed. If we had captured him he would have lived to be hanged). We enforced a No-Fly zone and provided drones. Talk about Obama’s apology tour. “We” didn’t kill him. Helping to taking out a known promoter of aircraft bombing doesn’t bother me in the slightest. While not calling for a party to celebrate his demise, it’s OK to be glad he is gone, say so publicly, and move on. Calling him a helpless, unarmed old man is a good one. He was armed until captured and his presence sparked a battle between his supporters and the rebels. The youtube video showed he was defiant till the end. Why not be when if you get 100th of what you handed out you would be lucky. We weren’t fighting to bring democracy to them (like we were in Iraq and Afghanistan). It was like the No-Fly zone in northern Iraq that kept Saddam from killing the Kurds. Yes he should of have been brought to trial. The Libyans decided differently. Get over it. Have you forgotten Lockerbie?

Geez, Mr. Prez, I was only kidding! It was a JOKE!

C'mon dude! This killing thing is going to your head. But it is easier than fixing the economy, I understand. Gotta do something to attract the dumb masses. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I can understand an American not celebrating his death. A death is generally not something to have a party over. I can’t understand an American placing blame instead of credit on playing a part in ousting and hunting down a terrorist of Gadhafi’s stature. Finding fault with the President’s reaction is something to see or implying this was all done to divert attention from the economy is even better. How quick you forget who controls the house. If only the Senate and the President would do what they want them to. That would fix everything (heavy fucking sarcasm)! Thank God we can push the Libyans around to get this subterfuge done.

Yeah. Just think if he'd pulled out of Iraq and Afghanistan and cut the military budget like he promised. He wouldn't have the toolbox to distract the dumb masses. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

This will, at least, finally teach despots around the world to never lay aside any WMD projects or aspirations they have based on the word of the US. . . which is now rendered worthless. Most of them would fight to the end anyway, but now they all will.

Meanwhile, now that Libya is finished, look for a large inflow of enemy fighters and weapons to Afghanistan, next spring will now probably be worse than this year's which was the worse to date. And, I know I'll feel safer getting on an airliner knowing all those man portable SAMs are "missing". Originally Posted by Iaintliein
What despots ever willingly gave up their WMD programs? Can you even name one? If you can how about 2?
Our word rendered worthless? It means more now than it has in some time. What word do think was broken? We did exactly what we said we were going to do.
Who cares if they fight to the end? It is the end. But realistically, like all cowards who go after unarmed helpless people, once they see they are armed they run. In the US we call them criminals. The 2nd Amendment allows us to have weapons to defend ourselves.
Those Arabs from the desert of North Africa will be fighting for a spot up in the mountains. Why are you worried about the SAMs now and not before? Oh, I see. You worry now that a major terrorist is dead because it seems to bolster your….argument?

I really don't think I would have believed this reaction was possible from what I thought were the conservatives. Many keep saying how fucked up liberals are without examining their own beliefs and behavior. Or examining themselves and seeing no room for improvement.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
When you copy and paste the link, it does work. For some reason "" comes up in front of the net address when you use the hotlink. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Thank you.
  • Laz
  • 10-22-2011, 07:35 AM
Going after these terrorist assholes with drones does not put US troops at risk so I am a fan of that. Getting involved in the overthrow of governments in the middle esat without knowing what will replace them is risky. None of these assholes deserve any sympathy but what often comes behind them is just as bad or worse.

The million dollar question is is the risk of replaceing the known with the unknown worth it? I have no idea. Only history will tell.
The million dollar question is is the risk of replaceing the known with the unknown worth it? I have no idea. Only history will tell. Originally Posted by Laz
I agree in principle. With that said, I look at regime change as a game of chance. We knew what we had with Ghadafi and there was no chance whatsoever that things would ever get better. He has always been and would always be a pain in the ass, 3rd world dictator. Was he worth mounting a $1 trillion, 4500+ American life effort to topple his regime? Hell no! But neither was Saddam!

Yes, there is a minimal chance that the new leader of Libya will be worse than Ghadafi. However, the chance that the new leader will be friendlier to NATO's interests are significantly greater. The potential for upside being what it is, I consider it to be worth the risk. Especially when you consider the Libyan regime change came at a minimal cost to the American taxpayer! More importantly, there was no loss of American life! I consider it a win/win!

Way to go, Mr. President!

Obama is positioning himself to be one of the most successful American foreign policy President's in the post WW II era. If he could just match it with domestic policy success, we would be on our way!
[quote=bigtex;1772100]...Obama is positioning himself to be one of the most successful American foreign policy President's in the post WW II era. If he could just match it with domestic policy success, we would be on our way!

good point, Tex....if we could only get him to place nice with Israel or vice-versa, he WOULD be perfect, eh?
Porky Poker's Avatar
Yes and thank God we are. What else do you do with your enemies that threaten to kill innocent women and children? I think we should be more efficient at it and use it more openly and not deny it. Let the sewer rats know we are coming after them.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
When was Lockerbie? 25 years ago? How many opportunities have we had to kill him since then, he wasn't exactly hiding the whole time. You people are so gullible. We have had over 25 years to kill the guy, and then shortly after he decides to demand that oil be paid for in gold, rather than our worthless dollars, he gets killed by "rebels." Bullshit. He was killed by and for the oil companies.

Obama is becoming our best President in foreign policy? Because he killed a couple guys? Give me a fucking break, our relations all over the world are faltering. We are losing our standing to China. All the talk is about how our dollar is no longer strong enough to be the worlds exchange unit. We've been booted out of Iraq (which is a good thing, just wish it had been our decision}, we're still fighting a war in Afghanistan (why?), and threatening other heads of state that if they don't do things our way, look out, or they will join Qadaffi and OBL in Paradise. Our foreign policy has never been more fucked up.

You guys amaze me.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
When was Lockerbie? 25 years ago? How many opportunities have we had to kill him since then, he wasn't exactly hiding the whole time. You people are so gullible. We have had over 25 years to kill the guy, and then shortly after he decides to demand that oil be paid for in gold, rather than our worthless dollars, he gets killed by "rebels." Bullshit. He was killed by and for the oil companies.

Obama is becoming our best President in foreign policy? Because he killed a couple guys? Give me a fucking break, our relations all over the world are faltering. We are losing our standing to China. All the talk is about how our dollar is no longer strong enough to be the worlds exchange unit. We've been booted out of Iraq (which is a good thing, just wish it had been our decision}, we're still fighting a war in Afghanistan (why?), and threatening other heads of state that if they don't do things our way, look out, or they will join Qadaffi and OBL in Paradise. Our foreign policy has never been more fucked up.

You guys amaze me. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
That's what you get with Hillary as Sect. of State. she's the real brains behind that.
LexusLover's Avatar
That's what you get with Hillary as Sect. of State. she's the real brains behind that. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Who picked her?
LexusLover's Avatar

Way to go, Mr. President!

Obama is positioning himself to be one of the most successful American foreign policy President's in the post WW II era. ! Originally Posted by bigtex

“Germany Told The White House That Boosting The EU Rescue Fund Would Be A 'Stupid' Idea”

“According to The Telegraph, German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schauble said that boosting the EFSF would be a stupid idea because it would "endanger the AAA sovereignty of member states."
“And when the White House said that failing to to recapitalize banks was "scaring the world," Schauble basically told it to mind its own business.”

If he could just match it with domestic policy success, we would be on our way! Originally Posted by bigtex

Now, Mr. President .... "mind your own business"!
Now, Mr. President .... "mind your own business." Originally Posted by LexusLover
As a matter of fact, Mr. President does not have time to mind his own business. He has more important matters to tend to. Obama is focused upon the perpetrator's of 9/11 which is something his predecessor failed to do. As a result, OBL sleeps with the fishes!

LL, you might want to wipe the egg off of your face. It is not very becoming! :