Dick pic for screening?

burkalini's Avatar
I just love when Johns some how in their minds raise theirselves up above us providers.
Yeah we're hookers. But sweety you go around paying hookers
and putting your two sense in all the time on a hoe board.
One thing I cant stand is a rude trick. You Pay Prositutes as a hobby dude. You're on the boards daily!!! That's your world.
Be humble sit down!!!
Oh she made up a word she must just be a dumb hoe.....! Or maybe she just has a fun personality.
Its always the fat old guys who couldn't pick up a girl at a bar if his life depended on it!!
A bunch of reviews doesn't make you special just makes you a big ass trick.
You wouldn't make it past the first PM with Me. I see Gentleman. If a trick messages me like he's someone special. He's dismissed!!
in Originally Posted by HoustonRiley
Another sweet innocent hooker with a positive attitude. Her response just makes me want to jump up and make an appt with her right now. The fact that she's a rude jaded hooker who has over spent her time in the business makes me want her even more, She acts like she is allowing only certain people to pay her hundreds of dollars sets her apart from the crowd. I mean the fact that there are only tens of thousands of providers out there makes her rare.
vanessaamour's Avatar
10000% correct

Okay. Legitimate is the standard adjective, and legitimacy the standard derived noun. By the same token, legit is a well-recognized slang equivalent adjective, and legitness will certainly serve as a well-recognized slang equivalent noun. Originally Posted by James1588
See that's the issue. Legit is a well recognized slang word. Legitness, I've never heard, and sounds like it was made up yesterday. Maybe one day it'll be recognized, and we can all look back at this thread and give Vanessa credit.
James1588's Avatar
See that's the issue. Legit is a well recognized slang word. Legitness, I've never heard, and sounds like it was made up yesterday. Maybe one day it'll be recognized, and we can all look back at this thread and give Vanessa credit. Originally Posted by papadee
In the interest of ending this threadjacking, I hereby concede the last word to you.
vanessaamour's Avatar
Hmmmmm....so by the time a "well recognized slang" word has been acculturated, wouldnt it have earned its "LEGITNESS" fair and square pupydee? Or would that be to threatening towards some peoples vernaculars'?
pyramider's Avatar
Pseudoness intellectuals are such a turn off.
Hmmmmm....so by the time a "well recognized slang" word has been acculturated, wouldnt it have earned its "LEGITNESS" fair and square pupydee? Or would that be to threatening towards some peoples vernaculars'? Originally Posted by vanessaamour
No, it would have earned legitimacy. "Legit" has earned legitimacy, "legitness" hasn't. Now see the difference?
Anybody ever have a provider ask you for a pic of your dick before she agrees to see you?

I'm thinking:
1) She is just messing with me to see if I'll do it.
Or 2) She wants to post the pic to embarrass or blackmail me.
Or 3) Her pics (if really her) are of a very petite girl, and maybe she is truly worried.

Anybody ever heard of this? Any other ideas? Originally Posted by NewAtThis1
I've seen it twice before. If i get asked, i just ignore it, and move on to the next # in my 'call today' list..

I would never, ever, send someone I didn't know a picture. What if it's LE now they have a pic of you. What if it's a minor, with a dick pic of you on her phone. Originally Posted by ClimaxBlues
That's why the 2 lasses i've had ask, i ignored..
When I screen someone, I need third party, verifiable information. What is in a dick pic that I can verify? I already assume you have a dick, I haven't came across a male who wanted to see me and didn't have a dick. I don't even know if the dick pic sent belongs to the guy sending it. There is no way to possibly screen with a dick pic, a face pic, a body pic or basically any picture of the potential client. Yes, LE will send you dick pics, they may not be theirs however, if a girls is naive enough to think a dick pic is screening, she is naive enough to believe she's getting the pic of the actual dick trying to see her. The only time I need to see a picture is when we meet and I verify the gentleman is the gentleman I screened by seeing his driver's license.

You can get in legal trouble sending anything of a sexual nature, regardless if it's to a provider or not. The laws vary depending where you geographically are. At the very least, you can get in trouble for harassment. Just be careful. I personally never ask for pics. The laws do not exclude those in the hobby, they apply to all humans.

For the record, I could cover an entire wall in my house with all the unsolicited dick pic I get. I've yet to be turned on by one. I never understood why some gentlemen are so careful to not get caught but risk legal trouble by sending these kind of pics.
burkalini's Avatar
If a guy sends a dick pic to a provider he's a fucking idiot. If a provider asks for a dick pic then she's a fucking idiot so maybe it's a match made in heaven.
For the record, I could cover an entire wall in my house with all the unsolicited dick pic I get. I've yet to be turned on by one.. Originally Posted by Becca Blossoms