I Won't Be Watching The NFL If This Keeps Up...

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Nothing you’re asking has anything at all to do with white people booing at a football game where people people are standing United against racism. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

it is directly related. if you can't see that or won't admit it then you are the problem. this entire protest movement is based on the so-called racism of the officers simply because they are white. most of them anyway, one in the Floyd incident is Asian. if the officers had been black and the suspect white do you really think any of this would be happening?

you may have heard that recently two separate incidents happened where a black man shot and murdered a young white kid for riding his bike on "his" grass, and another where a black man shot and killed two white people and wounded another over a traffic accident. where are the riots over this? the protests? the media coverage? obviously both of the black men have been charged and will be prosecuted. Perry Mason couldn't get them acquitted, that's how strong the evidence is. witnesses to both incidents. murder cut and dried.

explain how the response to all this "unity" crap during the game is not directly related? i'd like to hear you try.
Don’t watch it and stop your whining. I’m sure the NFL will do fine without you racist bigots. It’s you that’s the problem together with that hate monger in the WH. He hates the NFL too after the owners blocked him buying a NFL team. They didn’t want him Or any of his criminal element in their group. Originally Posted by PythonLeeJackson
That's all you have? The Racist Card? HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Because Trump! President Trump has nothing to do with the various police incidences that started this. And it was blown way out of proportion with BLM, Antifa and the Democratic Party. So answer: is the NFL going to cancel games whenever a black kid gets shot by a cop?

Nothing you’re asking has anything at all to do with white people booing at a football game where people people are standing United against racism. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
If you really think that, you're a fool. This isn't about racism. Let me ask you, what did burning down half of Kenosha accomplish? Did it promote racial harmony?

Who is They? I’m sure football players would be satisfied with equality. They’re rich so revenge, special considerations and all the other Fox News Breitbart OANN foolery many of you are stuck on is likely nonexistent for them.

The real issue is that many of you and others like you can’t even accept that blacks in the US are subject to discrimination. It’s easier for you to believe whites are discriminated against. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
I accept that some blacks in the US are subject to discrimination, now whether it's "systemic racism" is in question as it hasn't been defined. You remember President Obama was black?

But 1bm1, you really don't get it. If the NFL was interested in more than "ending racism" they would have put Kap on a team. But this is generally just "shake down" activity so the athletes don't quit on them. A few years ago when the whole Kap thing was at its peak, the NFL owners offered $25MM for the players to use for "racial justice." The players never took up the offer. A few years from now, like "domestic violence", the problem - however fluidly define - will remain.
There’s a huge difference between joe blow committing a crime and being arrested charged and tried. Everyone agrees with that. Problem arises when someone with the authority of the state abuses that authority and is shielded from being charged with a crime. That’s when the inequity arises. The whole with great power comes great responsibility. If the person with authority is allowed to get away with excesses then they become an oppressor.

Sadly we’ve allowed police to literally get away with murder and disproportionately assault batter and kill people regardless of their innocence or guilt. If the police are allowed to kill then what’s the point of judges and juries. Should we have cops - generally the same ones - having a litany of abuse complaints still working as police, I don’t think so. Are there ways to prevent that, sure. We could fire cops and dismantle the power of the police unions in defending bad cops. We can hire better police. Instead of allow long the guy who can’t get a job anywhere else become a cop maybe turn him down. Require a college degree. We don’t allow nurses to have a high school diploma why should we allow a less educated person to walk around with a gun and badge.

Resisting arrest isn’t a crime that should result in a death sentence but it has on too many occasions for blacks and whites. Oddly and not by coincidence it happens more disproportionately to population to blacks. Is it all based on racism, nope. Are some, yep. Should any be, nope. Too often it’s because the cop has a disregard for the life of black people they interact with and because they associate whites as being “more like them” they are less likely to go to extremes in handling them.

If you don’t believe there’s racism in the US and in the police forces then Nothing I say will convince you otherwise. Without accepting that it exists we can’t come together and ensure everyone is treated equally.
Who is They? I’m sure football players would be satisfied with equality. They’re rich so revenge, special considerations and all the other Fox News Breitbart OANN foolery many of you are stuck on is likely nonexistent for them.

The real issue is that many of you and others like you can’t even accept that blacks in the US are subject to discrimination. It’s easier for you to believe whites are discriminated against. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
You act like it is still the 1950's and you have your own water fountains.

The constant and unrelenting complaining about shit for over 60 years gets old....remember Obama was elected President almost 12 years ago?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
There’s a huge difference between joe blow committing a crime and being arrested charged and tried. Everyone agrees with that. Problem arises when someone with the authority of the state abuses that authority and is shielded from being charged with a crime. That’s when the inequity arises. The whole with great power comes great responsibility. If the person with authority is allowed to get away with excesses then they become an oppressor.

Sadly we’ve allowed police to literally get away with murder and disproportionately assault batter and kill people regardless of their innocence or guilt. If the police are allowed to kill then what’s the point of judges and juries. Should we have cops - generally the same ones - having a litany of abuse complaints still working as police, I don’t think so. Are there ways to prevent that, sure. We could fire cops and dismantle the power of the police unions in defending bad cops. We can hire better police. Instead of allow long the guy who can’t get a job anywhere else become a cop maybe turn him down. Require a college degree. We don’t allow nurses to have a high school diploma why should we allow a less educated person to walk around with a gun and badge.

Resisting arrest isn’t a crime that should result in a death sentence but it has on too many occasions for blacks and whites. Oddly and not by coincidence it happens more disproportionately to population to blacks. Is it all based on racism, nope. Are some, yep. Should any be, nope. Too often it’s because the cop has a disregard for the life of black people they interact with and because they associate whites as being “more like them” they are less likely to go to extremes in handling them.

If you don’t believe there’s racism in the US and in the police forces then Nothing I say will convince you otherwise. Without accepting that it exists we can’t come together and ensure everyone is treated equally. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

oh there is racism in the US but it most certainly isn't just whites. i contend more blacks are racist than whites comparatively. what you refuse to accept is blacks commit more crimes by percentage than whites. if that means they encounter the police more often that's not the fault of police, it's not the fault of whites, it's the fault of criminal blacks.

now don't even bother with any horse shit like ecky9.5k about whitey holding blacks down with any of this systemic racism crap, because it is crap. it's an excuse for broken black families where many black women actually embraced welfare and saw it was a way to have a whole passel of fatherless kids just to get more welfare. and of course many black men used this as both an excuse not to accept their role as a father and embraced it as part of some strange gangster street cred to have a ton of kids that they didn't have to actually raise.

resisting arrest may not be a crime but it is the genesis for these encounters that go wrong. what is the justification here? why are blacks so prone to such behavior? certainly some white assholes resists arrest and when they do they are just as much at risk of forcing a deadly confrontation as blacks. but no one riots over it. no one burns down a city over it.

what gives blacks the "right" to protest when a black suspected of a crime resists arrest and forces a deadly confrontation?

black privilege. many of these black assholes actually think they have the "right" to resist arrest. for what reason? slavery? that is false because the truth is black tribal wars fueled the bulk of the slave trade. that is fact and cannot be refuted. which of course means any talk of reparations should be exclusively between blacks for their own crimes against each other.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
if any of you are fans who go to these games, boo them when the players kneel, or stay in the locker room.

boo them loudly as possible.

social justice and politics has no place in sports.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Totally agree. If they had stood in unity to fight breast cancer, no one would’ve booed. Stand against racism and for equality, white folks boo. That says a lot I think. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

if any of you are fans who go to these games, boo them when the players kneel, or stay in the locker room.

boo them loudly as possible.

social justice and politics has no place in sports. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
This is closer to the truth. Nobody wants to go to a football game and be lectured to. It's not what we payed for.
oh there is racism in the US but it most certainly isn't just whites. i contend more blacks are racist than whites comparatively. what you refuse to accept is blacks commit more crimes by percentage than whites. if that means they encounter the police more often that's not the fault of police, it's not the fault of whites, it's the fault of criminal blacks.

now don't even bother with any horse shit like ecky9.5k about whitey holding blacks down with any of this systemic racism crap, because it is crap. it's an excuse for broken black families where many black women actually embraced welfare and saw it was a way to have a whole passel of fatherless kids just to get more welfare. and of course many black men used this as both an excuse not to accept their role as a father and embraced it as part of some strange gangster street cred to have a ton of kids that they didn't have to actually raise.

resisting arrest may not be a crime but it is the genesis for these encounters that go wrong. what is the justification here? why are blacks so prone to such behavior? certainly some white assholes resists arrest and when they do they are just as much at risk of forcing a deadly confrontation as blacks. but no one riots over it. no one burns down a city over it.

what gives blacks the "right" to protest when a black suspected of a crime resists arrest and forces a deadly confrontation?

black privilege. many of these black assholes actually think they have the "right" to resist arrest. for what reason? slavery? that is false because the truth is black tribal wars fueled the bulk of the slave trade. that is fact and cannot be refuted. which of course means any talk of reparations should be exclusively between blacks for their own crimes against each other. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Damn right my brother!
CG2014's Avatar
Exactly who they are playing for? The stadium is empty and it's the same at the other games. The teams gotta be losing money with the stadiums almost completely empty.

Also I noticed on some of the games that are outdoors, why are the staff on the sideline wearing masks? They are outdoors!!

Found this. The NFL teams still make a few millions with their stadiums empty.

offshoredrilling's Avatar
Bills Jests came on my radio mmmm turn radio off, 1st time in months its been off

First time in 40 years not watching or listened to a game
Bills Jests came on my radio mmmm turn radio off, 1st time in months its been off

First time in 40 years not watching or listened to a game Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
The franchise values have to be taking a hit.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Dallas owner Jerry Jones appears to have resigned to letting player kneel.
CG2014's Avatar
Without Indian.... OOOPS!! ... Indigenous person on their helmets,

they look like a high school football team.

  • oeb11
  • 09-13-2020, 02:23 PM
Or, u of alabama.

o/w known as Nick Saban high school.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
if any of you are fans who go to these games, boo them when the players kneel, or stay in the locker room.

boo them loudly as possible.

social justice and politics has no place in sports. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

Public spectacle is the very place for social justice and politics. Watch. Don't watch. It will continue until the fight against racism is over.

Without Indian.... OOOPS!! ... Indigenous person on their helmets,

they look like a high school football team.

Originally Posted by CG2014
It just looks old fashioned yungin'.