Al Smith Dinner

rooster's Avatar
straight from the desk

of the "joy campaign" Originally Posted by JONBALLS
any more "joy"

you'll need to

be committed Originally Posted by JONBALLS
obtuseness is no sustitute for....intelligence..

. Originally Posted by rooster
offshoredrilling's Avatar
. Originally Posted by rooster
Sir, have a

the ECCIE version

of Chuck EEE FU Scumer

@ the "dinner"

" a little Glum, just a little Glum"

Super Trump
rooster's Avatar
It would appear that we are learning the real definition of TDS...

Seems to involve some extreme level of obtuseness....

Who woulda thought it was actually a MAGAt thing? Looks like we were wrong all along.

if your deranged then maybe

the topic is the dinner

not that it relates to anything you

would post
rooster's Avatar

the topic is the dinner

not that it relates to anything you

would post Originally Posted by JONBALLS
Riiiiight. Which is why you posted these li'l CONSTRUCTS, I presume....

But more TDS MAGAt denial ain't exactly surprising...or interesting..

if the demontards just left Super Trump alone

to his own devices they wouldn't have shined such a light

on him , they literally have spent untold millionsprob billions

on trying to indict him, imprison him, Russia collusion, 24/7/365

since 2015 when if they just stepped back after they figured out

how to rig the polling beyond the margins last time around

they prob had a better chance of just re racking that ballot drop

box situation but they shined such a spotlight on their underhanded

shit that margin of cheating this time around may just bite them

in the ass .

just throwing money out the window and think they can just get away

with the majority of people loosing their ass just trying to survive these days Originally Posted by JONBALLS
if you idiots think people that aren't receiving

their same amount of benefits as years past and are seeing

the nation being flooded with people that are getting put up into hotel rooms

all the while Citizens of this country are being put out and replaced

they are waking up in droves dumb asses

maybe shoulda not been spiking the ball to hard yet

but in a couple weeks , well more like months for caos and election

"carneavalle" at least this year will be a def clarifier that s

sorely needed Originally Posted by JONBALLS
stick with your

strong suits

self denial Originally Posted by JONBALLS
straight from the desk

of the "joy campaign" Originally Posted by JONBALLS
Riiiiight. Which is why you posted these li'l CONSTRUCTS, I presume....

But more TDS MAGAt denial ain't exactly surprising...or interesting.. Originally Posted by rooster
well your here spending time pouring over uninteresting posts

after crying and tapping out 2 days earlier

I'll go with mentally deranged but not a trained psychologist
rooster's Avatar
Not a good recovery from another one of your "look what you do that I would never do" deflections...


I'm stickin with....still drunk from the weekend and never slept it off....

I know you are, but what am I?

It makes me a worse man.

. Originally Posted by rooster
don't worry ,

cant be worse at something

your not
rooster's Avatar
Jeezis. Stalk much?

How many more of my posts are you going to "mine" for your weird nonsense?

What a petty, small man you are.

Gotta be said, make zero sense grammatically. Not that we can't figure out what you mean. But you trying to come across as insightful and witty when you can't even create an effective sentence only makes you look...simple and dull. And the saddest thing is that you will never actually understand that.

But I'm going to do something that you could never do.

Admit that you were right.

I DID say I was gonna tap out. Then got pulled back in. By my own pettiness.

And look at what I've been doing? Arguing with brainwashed dopes like you and "Ricky." AGAIN!
Nah. Thankfully it wasn't even a full day for me to wake TF back up.

So yup. Ol' roo truly is out. Let the partyin...and cheap shots at my back on the way out...begin. Don't care.

You WILL miss me though. Not that you would ever be "man" enough to admit it.

I mean...barely anyone reads this stupid subforum as it is, thank Christ. But when all you have left is you and "Ricky" and lily to high five each other over your gaslighting's gonna get kinda....boring. Oops. Wait. Too late.

This ain't self-righteous. I ain't a "better man" than you pussies. I'm just sick of your shit and what you have let yourselves become. Don't hate you. Hate what you stand for. And the way that I sometimes act because of it.

And I'm prolly gonna get banned soon anyway. Sometimes that is fun. Now, just boring. Really boring. No sense in causing extra grief for myself and a Mod by delaying things. Ain't no actual point to be made there.

THANK YOU for helping me stay true to myself. Not true to you. Don't give AF about that. But I'm a damn fool to play the stupid games you idiots play. It did seem fun for awhile. Ehh. Sometimes being mean to people is fun. And lots of you deserve it. But I'm...sick up and fed.

One last jab, since you get to take as many as you want for free after this. I called you a petty man. I want you and the very few who read this to know that I truly mean it. I've mentioned this here before. Gonna make sure I call you out on it again.

I was always very cool to you many years ago. But you lied to my face once when you said we had "no problem." And even though I caused you zero shit on here after that, you made sure to dig at me every chance you got. Petty. And childish. You now get the honor of being the first person I will "ignore" for good.

How's THAT for a meltdown? Freak.

EDIT ADD: I reserve the right to jump in anyone's shit if they even hint at violence. It happened in a National forum, and while it took awhile, that ended poorly. A recent post here that mentioned the "Second Amendment" needs to...not be continued. Don't take this as "canceling" anything. Take it as your only warning. Threats...even poorly worded, vague ones...should not be tolerated here by any of us. Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time.
