Know Thy Enemies

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  • GP
  • 02-09-2013, 07:51 PM
I used to like U2, until Bono opened his mouth.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
I think the forefathers of this country did a miraculous job framing the constitution. I always thought of myself as a libertarian, but I guess I am also a constitutionalist. Originally Posted by GP
I so want to join you in this, loving the founding fathers. But the law of this land is shit; today a man smoking a cigarette is held in less regard than a deadbeat Dad. In ten months I'm going to have to pay to not pay health insurance. Buffalo schoolteachers are guaranteed a positive return on retirement investments that won't necessarily grow. Our laws are a fucked mumbo jumbo of patronage and other theft. Did someone shit in the constitution, or was it not that good, just the whim of some white boys that happened to luck onto a new continent? Isn't this the document that made a black man 60% of a man?

God Bless America, but the rules need updating. Everybody better be packing.
Hopefully the NRA is above defining themselves in terms of U2 lyrics. An overrated, pukingly self-righteous band if ever there was one. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
I used to like U2, until Bono opened his mouth. Originally Posted by GP
It's fascinating to see how tempting it is to divert attention by changing the subject - from a discussion of the wisdom of NRA openly publishing such a "list" to a denigration of U2.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 02-09-2013, 08:09 PM
I always thought of myself as a libertarian, but I guess I am also a constitutionalist. Originally Posted by GP
You don't know jack-shit about the constitution. Who you kiddin'?
To me, a free country means that I should be allowed to do whatever I want Originally Posted by GP
If everybody can do whatever he wants without any consideration of the common good, that sounds like anarchy.
God Bless America, but the rules need updating. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
I agree. How about updating a rule about the right to "bear arms" written in 1789 by people who only knew about muskets?
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  • GP
  • 02-09-2013, 08:51 PM
It's fascinating to see how tempting it is to divert attention by changing the subject - from a discussion of the wisdom of NRA openly publishing such a "list" to a denigration of U2. Originally Posted by jackfengshui
Sorry, was not trying to divert any attention.

If everybody can do whatever he wants without any consideration of the common good, that sounds like anarchy. Originally Posted by jackfengshui
Yes, it could be. I don't know if you are aware of the true definition of anarchy, but most people are not. Most people hear the word anarchy, and they immediately associate it with chaos. If people could educate themselves on the true meaning of such a word, they would see it is not such an evil thing.

BTW... the key part of you statement is "consideration of the common good". If someone is a big enough ass to go against the "common good", then society has a way of dealing with that.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 02-09-2013, 08:52 PM
I agree. How about updating a rule about the right to "bear arms" written in 1789 by people who only knew about muskets? Originally Posted by jackfengshui
Perhaps you missed my whole point I made about the true meaning for the purpose of the 2nd amendment? You know, tyrannical government and all.
BTW... the key part of you statement is "consideration of the common good". Originally Posted by GP
I was merely reacting to your simplistic statement about the right to do whatever you want in a "free society" without any restrictions.
Perhaps you missed my whole point I made about the true meaning for the purpose of the 2nd amendment? You know, tyrannical government and all. Originally Posted by GP
I know that argument well. I also know that the "tyrannical government" has much more powerful weapons than guns.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 02-09-2013, 09:03 PM
I was merely reacting to your simplistic statement about the right to do whatever you want without any restrictions. Originally Posted by jackfengshui
Sorry that I do not go into such extreme detail on every little nuance. I would hope you could take some things for granted.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 02-09-2013, 09:04 PM
I know that argument well. I also know that the "tyrannical government" has much more powerful weapons than guns. Originally Posted by jackfengshui
Then perhaps you again missed my earlier post explaining that as well.
Then perhaps you again missed my earlier post explaining that as well. Originally Posted by GP
I saw that, but I don't buy it.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 02-09-2013, 09:06 PM
I saw that, but I don't buy it. Originally Posted by jackfengshui
So you really think the men and woman of the United States military are going to fire on the citizens of the United States of America?