Here is your chance to go on the record...

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Obama is pro-muslim. I personally think he'd like nothing better than to have Israel attacked en masse.

Stay out. It's too late. That whole area was under better control when there were kings in place. Originally Posted by Loxly
I'd like to see ANY factual documentation supporting that ridiculous claim.

or are you just another xenohobic neocon? Come on, man. Back up your bullshit. Or STFU!

BTW -- welcome to the forum.
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  • Loxly
  • 08-30-2013, 12:00 PM
Thanks for the welcome Yssup....

What I stated was my personal opinion. His previous actions toward Israel leaves me to believe that he'd rather piss them off then their neighbors.

I'm far from being a xenophobic (<--- spell checked) neocon, neo-nazi or even someone who cares about finding Nemo.

He's setting up a good case for impeachment. (Again... my opinion)
Grounds for impeachment? Please go take a history class and try to understand at least some parts . . .

100 times and counting for for a President to commit to military action without Congressional "consent" . . . and it's across the board for POTUS alignments.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-30-2013, 12:52 PM
Thanks for the welcome Yssup....

What I stated was my personal opinion. His previous actions toward Israel leaves me to believe that he'd rather piss them off then their neighbors.

I'm far from being a xenophobic (<--- spell checked) neocon, neo-nazi or even someone who cares about finding Nemo.

He's setting up a good case for impeachment. (Again... my opinion) Originally Posted by Loxly
All Obama is doing is setting you up to show us what a political hack you are...unless you are like COG and want to impeach them all! Then your just living in a Fairy Tale.
Has JD gone on record yet? Or just the rest of us?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-30-2013, 03:12 PM
Has JD gone on record yet? Or just the rest of us? Originally Posted by ExNYer
He is on record for not going on the record ...

In other words, typical JD!

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  • Loxly
  • 08-30-2013, 03:59 PM
It's too bad that all of the world's problems can't be solved in forums or UAW meetings.

Theorize away. There are actually folks doing something other than just talking.They may not be correct but ya never know.

I will go on the record...JD is a idiot. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
laugh everybody the peanut section just spoke, what a fucking dipshit
I say we should bomb Syria then take over the country and relocate ALL liberals over there next to all those countries who love us so much!!! Also, give no financial aid to the liberals after they move to Syria. Let them figure it out on their own!

+1 Helping the rebels overthrow Assad will not further U.S. interests. Let them bleed each other dry. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
laugh everybody the peanut section just spoke, what a fucking dipshit Originally Posted by gary5912

Yo Gary how does it feel being the DMFOTB?
Nobodies going to impeach the President over a military action. Ever since we started sending "advisers" to Vietnam back in the late 50's, presidents have used the title of "Commander in Chief" to literally mean they run the military, and it is theirs to do with as they wish.

The House can bluster and pontificate, take votes, and do what has to be done for the folks back home, but that is as far as it will go.

President Obama went and stuck his foot in his mouth with that stupid off teleprompter remark about the "red line in the sand", and now he has to do something to save face.

Come on. Bashar al Assad is a Stalinist Dictator, just like his old man. He knows as long as Iran, Russia, and China are not complaining about the way he runs Syria, all we can do is lob in a couple of missles, kill some janitor on the night shift, and declare victory.

As a wounded combat veteran of The Vietnam War, I feel I have the right to say that I am sick and tired of our Government sending young men to get maimed and killed for people who could care less. The last declared war we fought was WW-2. The Constitution says that only Congress can declare war.

Apparently, nobody has given a shit about that since 1946.. Heck, even the first Gulf War, when we had to kick Saddam out of Kuwait, what did we gain. I bet Saddam would have sold oil to us just like the Sheiks who run Kuwait.

If a Republican is in the WhiteHouse, democrats such as that idiot Joe Biden and then Community Organizer Barak Obama will say they should be impeached. And if there is a Democrat in the office, an equally nutty bunch of zealots on the right will be harping about the same thing.

I wonder that in about 6 years, Hillary will be saying, "I have signed an order to have all of our troops out of Syria in 6 months"
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The secret of command is to never offer your opinion first. It stifles the discussion. Just think, you all had to try to write something down without having my opinion to attack. I know some of you tried to attack me anyway but my thread and my timetable.

What I think about the situation in Syria: First, I think Obama fucked up six months ago when he decided he was not going to support the pro-democratic, secular opposition parties. He and Hillary were still trying to sell the story that Assad was a reformer and a good guy to work with. That was then and Obama can't unfuck it. Now we have a bloody dictator who is killing civilians while trying to get at Muslim fundamentalists. The lead question is do we have a duty or obligation to help one side or the other? I think we have no obligation at all to help Assad. Do we have an obligation to help the Muslim Brotherhood backed opposition? Also no. There is a third party to this; the civilians caught in the middle. Do we have an obligation to help them? I think that we should make an effort to help alleviate the pain and sufferings but how far do we go. Let me say what we SHOULDN'T do: we should not invade Syria with ground troops though if we get a shot I can see a special ops bunch going after someone in particular. We should avoid putting aircraft in Syrian airspace unless it is for a very specific, very narrowly focused purpose like taking out a WMD convoy or Assad himself. Otherwise no general overflights. That leaves us with drones, missiles, and covert aid. We should give convert aid to those that we deem democratic and try to resurrect the fallen opposition. If we commit any missiles or drones to an attack we can expect some blowback on us or our allies so any assault should be for a very good reason and it should count. That means no attacks for the sake of making Obama look good. It invites a response for a PR move. No, if we go on a missile strike then it should be to shut down the entire Syrian Air Force or Navy. Sink them all and shoot them all down. Degrade Assad and make the violent response worth the effort.

So to summarize: No boots on the ground, Yes, to targeted specials ops targets, No to general overflights by US aircraft, Yes to drone and missile strikes if they serve a tactical purpose and alters the strategic balance. No support for either Assad or the Muslim Brotherhood backed opposition.

Politically Obama has to go to the Congress for permission according to the War Powers Act and the US Consitution. Failing to go to Congress is an impeachable offense. Bush went to Congress and got permission. Obama must do the same. Obama and Biden have both said so in the past.
Obama can beg off by acting all badass and getting Congress to vote down a resolution that way he can blame the Congress again and he is good at that.
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  • WTF
  • 08-31-2013, 08:29 AM
The secret of command is to never offer your opinion first. It stifles the discussion. Just think, you all had to try to write something down without having my opinion to attack. I know some of you tried to attack me anyway but my thread and my timetable.

What I think about the situation in Syria: First, I think Obama fucked up six months ago when he decided he was not going to support the pro-democratic, secular opposition parties. . Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
The secret of command is to express your thoughts six months ago...all you offered was 20/20 hindsight.

The rest of your post just echo's what the admin has hinted at doing, except they are not going to take out their AF and Navy. That would start a regional conflict that would be bad bad news.

So.nothing new there. I said as much in another thread. The one where you lied about my polling knowledge. Remember?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
So I guess you can all see how WTF has encapsulated how bad Obama's position is right now.
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  • WTF
  • 08-31-2013, 12:04 PM
So I guess you can all see how WTF has encapsulated how bad Obama's position is right now. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
It would be a bad position no matter who was President JD. On one hand you do not want countries gassing their population on the other hand you do not want to become immersed in another country's Civil War.

Is that to hard for you to understand? You act as if it would be an easy decision for any other President. It is a bad position. Period. Even had he not drawn a so called line in the sand. You been watching to God damn many westerns...things are not that black and white in the real world.