Providers: What would you do if a client bought you a ROLEX / Hobbiests would you buy your ATF a ROLEX

I am with you. If a hobbyist gave me a fancy gift, I would bashfully and gratefully accept it. If he then went on to write a public post about his gift so that he could get more pats on the back, I would be embarrassed enough for the both of us....which is good, because this seems shameless.

But I guess my momma didn't raise me right. Originally Posted by JennsLolli
I can't speak to how you were raised but the purpose of the question was hypothetical and posed as a "what if" or "what would you do". It's funny how people will jump to conclusions and make inferences from a couple of inoncent comments. It was supposed to be thought provoking but I can see where some people are incapable of getting past certain issues.

I wouldn't let any of the comments bother you. You are a new poster who is posting on a random subject just as dozens of members do on this board daily. I welcome you on these boards and think your hypothetical scenario fits in with a lot of the threads. Maybe a mod should move this post to the HDH section?

In any event, I am suprised you have the time to even post on these boards with your busy schedule and managing a business. If I may make a suggestion, lurk and don't consume your time with too many threads or responding to too many people, it will drain your positive energy. I browse here every now and then, but try not to get caught up in a lot of threads - too time consuming.

Don't take the responses seriously. You learn to accept all opinions and take it with a grain of salt. Thank you, again, for the gift. You are one classy gent!



I can't speak to how you were raised but the purpose of the question was hypothetical and posed as a "what if" or "what would you do". It's funny how people will jump to conclusions and make inferences from a couple of inoncent comments. It was supposed to be thought provoking but I can see where some people are incapable of getting past certain issues. Originally Posted by CALIFORNIAN
Mojojo's Avatar
It just depends on the level the two people are on. If your ATF has been your ATF for a very long time and you can afford it why not? Sometimes its not just about BCD activities but more about the companionship. I will admit as a Vet I came home from Iraq not trusting anyone. The hobby helped out when I met my ATF I valued the companionship more than the BCD activities, so I did not mind spoiling her from time to time because she helped me adjust back to life at home. So the gift you get her just depends on how much you value her companionship. If you think its worth a rolex then yes get her rolex although remember sometimes its not about the value of the object its the meaning behind it.

Providers are no different than civilian girls when it comes to gifts. If you get her something small and nice and she doesnt value it then you really have to ask yourself "does she value my companionship like I value hers?"
ThrillBill88's Avatar
Now I know why the state of California is bankrupt: too many California politicians buying Rolexes for their ATF's on the tax payers dime.
OneHotMale's Avatar
Now I know why the state of California is bankrupt: too many California politicians buying Rolexes for their ATF's on the tax payers dime. Originally Posted by ThrillBill88

LOL ThrillBill
rekcaSxT's Avatar

Don't take the responses seriously. You learn to accept all opinions and take it with a grain of salt. Thank you, again, for the gift. You are one classy gent!


A Originally Posted by Angelina Adams
Alex Trebec: "The answer is: Angelina Adams is one of these"
Contestant: "What is a classy lady?"
Alex Trebec: "That is correct"

It just depends on the level the two people are on. If your ATF has been your ATF for a very long time and you can afford it why not? Sometimes its not just about BCD activities but more about the companionship. I will admit as a Vet I came home from Iraq not trusting anyone. The hobby helped out when I met my ATF I valued the companionship more than the BCD activities, so I did not mind spoiling her from time to time because she helped me adjust back to life at home. Originally Posted by mojojo213
Thank you for your service, and I hope you are adjusting back well. PTSD is very serious, I know you know the resources available to you in the military for counseling if you need it.

Glad you are no longer in harm's way.
Dagny D.E.W.'s Avatar
ANSWER: Dagny D.E.W. Originally Posted by CALIFORNIAN
You betcha! I only ask to be even, a watch like that does have strings attached in some way.

The gent would expect something more and then might be disappointed!

my goal is to never promise more than I can deliver! If the rate is left what I ask, I will deliver more than expected.

No gal can deliver a Rolex worth. I would never take the chance of disappointing a guy like that.

The best "tip" is for him to keep coming back.
I mean, I wouldn't place too much into my opinions as I am nothing more than a jealous gal -- the nicest thing a client ever got me was a rash in the shape of the great state of Texas.

But, I mean honestly, there's a hypothetical question and then there's a hypothetical question.

Similar threads that would cause a stir for me include:

"My pussy is sooooo wet and tight. Is that a turn-off for you boys?"

"Girls: Are you offended when a boy leaves a tip? Because I always tip 200%"

"I have too many appointments than I know what to do with. Should I raise my rate from $300/hr to $500/hr? This providing thing is hard."


I might be coming off as a bit more of an asshole than normal with in this particular discussion, but it's just too easy. My apologies if I am gettin' anyone's panties into a wad. I'm a gentle lamb, I promise. But I do believe that if you have the means to offer such an extravagant gift to a lovely lady of your choosing and she gracefully accepts it without being weird, then you did something right. Your hypothetical discussion of the specific outlandish gifting is what fuels my flame of sass. The whole thing smells tacky.
sixxbach's Avatar
well if cash was of no worry....... why the hell not give her a rolex or something similar... i think i need to check my powerball ticket btw.... as long as u can afford it, why not? but just remember that her "loyalties" may turn into a case of "what have u done for me lately" and not bitch about it when it does happen
It just depends on the level the two people are on. If your ATF has been your ATF for a very long time and you can afford it why not? Sometimes its not just about BCD activities but more about the companionship. I will admit as a Vet I came home from Iraq not trusting anyone. The hobby helped out when I met my ATF I valued the companionship more than the BCD activities, so I did not mind spoiling her from time to time because she helped me adjust back to life at home. So the gift you get her just depends on how much you value her companionship. If you think its worth a rolex then yes get her rolex although remember sometimes its not about the value of the object its the meaning behind it.

Providers are no different than civilian girls when it comes to gifts. If you get her something small and nice and she doesnt value it then you really have to ask yourself "does she value my companionship like I value hers?" Originally Posted by mojojo213
Mojojo213 I'm so happy you actually get it. Kudos to you.
I love Jeopardy! Alex T. is hot!

Alex Trebec: "The answer is: Angelina Adams is one of these"
Contestant: "What is a classy lady?"
Alex Trebec: "That is correct"

Thank you for your service, and I hope you are adjusting back well. PTSD is very serious, I know you know the resources available to you in the military for counseling if you need it.

Glad you are no longer in harm's way. Originally Posted by rekcaSxT
I love Jeopardy! Alex T. is hot! Originally Posted by Angelina Adams
Just awesome, just make me laugh
Great point, Dagny, but let me pose a hypothetical.

Suppose Californian and I have seen each other 20-25 times in the past (which we have, by the way) over the 2-3 months of knowing one another and he spends an average of $700-$800 per 2-3 hour session. Since he is such a valuable client, I have given him 2 overnighters on me (approximately $4,000 - $5,000) and have let him stay 2 hours past his time as a courtesy for his repeat business (let's say, he didn't have to pay me the extra $500 on 10 sessions since I extended that to him as a VIP valued member). I'd say, the watch is definitely paid for. I've given him more time on dozens of dates (my choice), and this was his token of appreciation. Maybe clock-watchers should start taking some notes because Californian pays attention to the actions of girls carefully (e.g. clock watching, fakeness, rude behavior, etc.).

In terms of my time and my companionship, the $10,000 watch is paid for. Californian values me for my heart and accomplishments, therefore, purchased the watch to symbolize his affection. He's wealthy, so buying me an expensive timepiece is a drop in the bucket for him, definitely not a big deal for him. He has also seen several Austin girls as well, but always kept coming back to me. Californian ad I have terminated our provider/client relationship and remain friends who will have a casual lunch or dinner infinitely since his gift was so extraordinary and to allow him to see other girls. I can definitely deliver/worth that watch, hands down, but then again several of my clients drop $600-$800 on each session which is why I am more UTR and extremely low volume these days.

As far as attachment, he knows that I don't want a boyfriend, he knows that I despise marriage (it's beautiful but not for me), he knows that I don't want kids, so there are no strings attached. I emphasize this with all of my clients. So many clients have this fantasy about marrying me and that is when I back off and limit communications to a more professional/business nature. I am not "in love" with any client at the moment, although I have "love" for many.

I imagine Californian's pm box will be busting at the seams with providers wanting to have him as their client!


You betcha! I only ask to be even, a watch like that does have strings attached in some way.

The gent would expect something more and then might be disappointed!

my goal is to never promise more than I can deliver! If the rate is left what I ask, I will deliver more than expected.

No gal can deliver a Rolex worth. I would never take the chance of disappointing a guy like that.

The best "tip" is for him to keep coming back. Originally Posted by Dagny D.E.W.
  • Booth
  • 04-04-2010, 08:34 AM
Great point, Dagny, but let me pose a hypothetical.

Suppose Californian and I have seen each other 20-25 times in the past (which we have, by the way) over the 2-3 months of knowing one another....................... .. Originally Posted by Angelina Adams

I for one already know more about this relationship than I care to and that is what makes this thread uncomfortable. There really IS such a thing as too much information, even here.

The gift was fine. The person he chose to give it to was fine. Telling the entire world about it was kind of creepy.
I didn't initiate the thread. I jumped in midway because I felt bad because a friend/client was being criticized for posing a hypothetical question. People pose hypotheticals on here all of the time and don't get criticized for it because they have been posting on these boards regularly. Relax.

TMI in this thread? The reviews and several other threads in my opinion give out "too much information". Goodness. What is interesting is you took a short quote from me and are taking it out proportion to further your case. I was simply responding to Dagny with yet another hypothetical to justify the fact that I deserved the watch. I am upset that Californian had to say anything on these boards because there is always one person who has to hate. At the end of the day, I have a nice watch. It's done already. Case closed.

I do agree that this thread belongs in the HDH/Diamonds and Tuxedos thread. I don't think his thread was creepy by any means. He was proud of his purchase, so what? Men reference buying gifts for providers all of the time. I think the more perverse threads are creepy if you ask me. Maybe this is the reason why I limit my participation on the boards. I'm done with Austin Co-Ed.



Mods, can you move this thread to the Diamonds and Tuxedos forum? The DT threads always embrace expensive timepieces.

I for one already know more about this relationship than I care to and that is what makes this thread uncomfortable. There really IS such a thing as too much information, even here.

The gift was fine. The person he chose to give it to was fine. Telling the entire world about it was kind of creepy. Originally Posted by Booth