Obama wire tapped Trump Tower!!!!!

liberal judges make decisions based on their own feelings and wishes
LexusLover's Avatar
Trump is fucking up....if it is true........ Originally Posted by WTF
You must have a Doctorate of Political Science!
Trump has had the goods on Obama for months. Set the trap for the rats and they went right in. Forget Hillary or her minions. He's going for the top guy.

Next trap - let the Dems say "there's no proof". Let the corrupt media run with that for a couple of days. Trump has the authority to declassify and release the proof. Whammy. Special prosecutor. Rudy? Ted? Gowdy? My bet is Andy McCarthy.
bambino's Avatar
I will let you attend my class if you will sit up on the stage and speak to my students as I ask you questions. It would be my easiest way of teaching them about the dark underbelly of redneck conservative racism in America. Plus you have to wear a sign that says "I am a Dick", so they will understand you fully. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
It is you that is a dick Dr Stupid. A lying, stupid, limp dick Dr Stupid.
....Obama...remember he is no longer President.... Originally Posted by WTF

Oh, jeez, thanks ever so for clearing that one up for us. 'Cause, after all, ya know...that little event some of us witnessed this past January 20, 2017 at 12 noon...well, shit...we deplorables just assumed Donnie and barry would kinda co-potus the nation until further notice.

Hells Bells...and since Hillary won the "popular vote" (and by 3 MILLION VOTES per StandInShit this morning...for the thousandth effin' time) maybe we could let her in on this deal, as well. A "tri-potus" arrangement, perhaps...? Would something like that make you libturds STFU for a while???
not one bit of evidence has been discovered regarding any connection between the trump campaign and Russia

this idiotic dim congressman was on tucker carlson last night

Carlson asked him for any bit of evidence

all he could say was that's why we need the investigation

Carlson burst out laughing Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Kinda like " we need to pass it to see what's in it " for the dumbascraps !
JCM800's Avatar
This is all part of the Miller/Bannon gameplan ...create some sort of distraction by floating some crazy story like this out there and have Trump tweet about it ...instant diversion. We all know the real Trump would rather tweet about SNL ratings or fat celebrities, lol ...but occasionally these types of conspiracy theories will make it seem like he's actually focused on other things.

They know their audience and who they're pandering to.

So basically same shit different day.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
I see you've recovered from me being mean to you, you Tanto cocksucking bitch. Let's point out your newest lies and stupidity.

It is a felony to spy on Americans without a warrant and a good faith belief in criminality. You mean probable cause? A warrant to "spy"? "Good faith belief in criminality"? What the fuck are you blathering about? So you're okay with a felonious president? No! We want trump out! So you a low life, hypocritical piece of shit that supports this. "So you a low life hypocritical piece of shit that supports" trump.Of course you can NEVER again complain about this from any other president. The river of shit that flows from your "brain" out of your mouth is unbelievable.
Now, at this moment, Trump has presented no proof but Trump's track record (argue if you want) has been one of being ultimately right. Argue what? Trump lies at a near 70% rate. Ultimately right? Name 5 things it was claimed he was wrong and then turned out to right about. The odds are in favor that Obama (or someone willing to fall on their sword) DID wiretap Trump. If proven, Obama could be the first president to end up convicted of a felony and the possibility of prison. You base your claims of felonious actions/convictions on odds. Odds "calculated" by you. And you're an American who believes in the Constitution? You're a god damn liar. Who was that person Ford pardoned?
As for your silly assertion about the media, they are supporting democrats by about 95% and the democrat policies are an afront to me and people who believe in the Constitution. So, yes, the media (by about 95%) is my enemy.

Rush got it right (but about three weeks after I wrote it) this is a silent coup against the elected president, the Constitution, and the people of the United States. Idiots have compared Trump to Hitler and have been asked, "if that is true, then what are you prepared to do?" They don't know how to answer because if what they believe is true then action must be taken. How stupid are you? Because some of trump's actions have been compared to Hitler's by some, what do you expect them to say? Because you are an unpatriotic piece of shit, you don't expect to hear them say impeach him, or to investigate his actions, or any other action proscribed by our Constitution.
Americans know exactly what to say. Disloyal people dismissed from the military for cause are clueless about what, if any, actions are warranted, appropriate, or legal.

Let me ask the squishy libtards who support lawless presidents (ex presidents or ex nominees); are you prepared to defend them all the way? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I swore an oath some time ago, to protect my country from threats such as you. Time does not release me from that oath.
In this post, by your own words, you have declared the following. This isn't fake news.
This is all too true.
You decide innocent people are guilty based on "odds" you calculate. You subvert due process and proclaim guilt for your own purposes. You subvert the very Constitution you swore to protect. You broke your sacred oath to try and get a 50% paycheck for the rest of your life after 20 years of disloyal service.
Because nothing is sacred to you other than you.
You are fucking scum.

You're an American by a total accident of birth. You don't believe in our Constitution and you are unworthy of it's protection.
It's the only thing keeping your cocksucking ass alive.
Fucking douche-bag.

Now complain about me hurting your feelings.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-04-2017, 11:15 AM
liberal judges make decisions based on their own feelings and wishes Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
You stupid fucker...it would have been the FISA Court. ..not some random judge.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-04-2017, 11:16 AM
You must have a Doctorate of Political Science! Originally Posted by LexusLover
I have an opinion , just like you.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Oh, jeez, thanks ever so for clearing that one up for us. 'Cause, after all, ya know...that little event some of us witnessed this past January 20, 2017 at 12 noon...well, shit...we deplorables just assumed Donnie and barry would kinda co-potus the nation until further notice.

Hells Bells...and since Hillary won the "popular vote" (and by 3 MILLION VOTES per StandInShit this morning...for the thousandth effin' time) maybe we could let her in on this deal, as well. A "tri-potus" arrangement, perhaps...? Would something like that make you libturds STFU for a while??? Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
You went on and on based on allegations that had no proof.

And now you bitch about people who are concerned about a mounting file of contacts by our president and many of his inner circle with the Russians. Contact they lie about and then admit.

Because their own words are considered fake news by you douche-bags who have your heads in the sand and your bare asses in the air.

STFU for a while?
For how long? Long enough to destroy free speech?

Fuck off you piece of shit.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Well said douche-bag (just kidding fat boy).
You are reasonably stupid, not very articulate, but you did managed to hit 6 letters in 1 word.
Next time get your baby's daddy, Tanto, to check your punctuation.
Congrats on 2 years of cohabitation for you bitches.

It is you that is a dick Dr Stupid. A lying, stupid, limp dick Dr Stupid. Originally Posted by bambino
bambino's Avatar
Well said douche-bag (just kidding fat boy).
You are reasonably stupid, not very articulate, but you did managed to hit 6 letters in 1 word.
Next time get your baby's daddy, Tanto, to check your punctuation.
Congrats on 2 years of cohabitation for you bitches. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Go suck on some assholes Assmuncher, you punk fag boi.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
You must have a Doctorate of Political Science! Originally Posted by LexusLover
You have a hard earned Doctorate of Stupidity. Hard earned and self awarded.
Dr. Tanto, DoS. Has quite a ring to it.
No one can say you were given unearned "A"s in your chosen field of study.
No one will argue with the credits you earned for life experience.
Trump has had the goods on Obama for months. Set the trap for the rats and they went right in. Forget Hillary or her minions. He's going for the top guy.

Next trap - let the Dems say "there's no proof". Let the corrupt media run with that for a couple of days. Trump has the authority to declassify and release the proof. Whammy. Special prosecutor. Rudy? Ted? Gowdy? My bet is Andy McCarthy. Originally Posted by Zhivago52
I'm sure it will happen just the way you say.
Careful now when you sit down. Yes, that's it. Your chair is right behind you.

Another person who owes his life to the Constitution he ignores or interprets in what ever manner he needs to for his fantasy to come true.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Go suck on some assholes Assmuncher, you punk fag boi. Originally Posted by bambino
Boi oh boi!

Still mad I ignored your register and bought you a green bra and panty set instead of the pink one you asked for? Be glad I got you anything.
As for only getting you 1 set, you asked for a month's worth so I got you a month's worth.