Face photo or Not

I've never allowed others to see my face. I like to blur my face and on my website I will include something about my facial features. I don't show my face because:
1) Family- even though they know, I do not want to be recognized in public with them.
2) It opens up a "can of worms" for others to blackmail you, slander, defamation of character and bribing. I've seen it with others and experienced it on a small scale myself. Luckily this person did not know my work name.
3) Going on a date with a client you just don't want to be recognized in that way. It hurts the client the most.

Just my 2 cents
I have friends in a lot of places and when a provider tours it is not a good thing to show your face these days in my opinion..Most touring ladies do not, Sure it was all good 5 years ago but now hotels look for escorts checking in. Leo has the positive match to book you and for those families that do not know about extra activities in our lives, The only peace of mind we can hold on to is denial and the comfort of knowing at least our face wont condemn us in the future. Once its online it never goes away! Originally Posted by chrissy
I am not real sure about the hotels, jeez what if they see a woman who "looks like a provider" or maybe a retired one who is visiting family..

I will tell you however, that Face recognition software has been given to LE by FBI. Now in the news article I read, they were using it to match up pictures from arrest records and mug shots, but it wouldn't surprise me if they use if for matching ladies faces on these websites to any arrest photos, or if they use it to track a lady etc.

Far better to crop the photo in my opinion. Why take chances? Some day you might go on to a different line of work and would you want someone to recognize you and fire you from a "real world" job because they found some old face photos of you on a site like this?

Always better to play it safe in my opinion.
Alan418's Avatar
Also, be aware that the tools that blur your face by twisting the image does not work. Leo has tools that untwist the image. There was a high profile case years ago regarding a child molester using this. They caught him in no time (thank God).
On another note, what are your thoughts about hobbyist's options for pictures on their p411 account? Some will never upload for obvious reasons. Wife. Blackmail. Politicians, etc. As for myself, I really don't have anything to hide, but I'm still paranoid about it. I try to cover my tracks (notice no reviews). I was just wondering what providers are seeing in guys p411's?
Alan I tell my gentleman friends to "not" put their pictures on P411 just out of caution. They can always email a lady a picture of themselves if a lady wants to feel more comfortable. However, I have seen men post pictures of their chest, torso, and "privates" and well you name it, and honestly men, women are not turned on by the same things you are. Women do not like looking at your hairy or non hairy chest, they don't want to see your butt or your dick. Those are huge turn offs to a woman and could cause her to think twice about seeing you.
Alan418's Avatar
Thanks Sensia. Now if you'll excuse me, its time to go watch the Saints kick some butt.
Kelsey180's Avatar
I understand where many providers are coming from it is alot safer to blur or crop your face however for alot of provider when you do this business definately declines. From cities where hobbyist are tired of the fakes and want what they see exactly in the photos it makes it more challenging! Ive decided now that my family know and im well traveled I use my real photos with my face! But its everyones choice!
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
Well OP My thoughts are when i look around provider ads from all the various sites, the majority of the time, i see faces, i have been in the business for a while and well i know it is very hard to get someone to meet you if they dont know what you look like. Granted this is the mindset of someone who is getting started out in the review boards and refrences of things, when you get to high volume. Sure alot of women have decades of regulars, and know alot of clientel and their name spreads through word of mouth and reviews, and so sure they can still reel in business. However for the starting out provider i don't think so, kinda like bbbj, if you dont offer it up front, guys are just gonna go to the next girl who does offer it. More guys are compelled to see girls with face pics. As far as girls families and business oportunities for the future go, well this is my point of view. I feel empowered as a woman to be a provider, i am not ashamed of it, i think most people now-a-days know you can make good money from it and are probably just jealous of you in some shape or form just like they would be jealous of a rich house wife. We know what we do, we know we serve a very big cause, like an underlying knit to the very fabric of soceity, after all we are in the oldest profession in the world, I dont think it will keep you from being anything , just as becoming wheel chair bound would or losing a limb would keep you down, the way having some other kind of misdemanor or felony on your background, everyone has something that can haunt them, and if someone wants to dig up your picture off the internet and tell everyone oh my god she's a whore, guess what! they probably would have made up some bullshit anyway to bring you down, because thats just what people do. If drug addicts and felons can go on to ""make something of themselves"" I know a smart savy Independent Provider can go on to high places.
Alan418's Avatar



From the EJ Bellocq collection. Same thing - 100 years ago.
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
Attachment 156908

Attachment 156909

Attachment 156910

From the EJ Bellocq collection. Same thing - 100 years ago. Originally Posted by Alan418
I guess they didnt believe in shaving pubes 100 years ago , HAHA
Alan418's Avatar
Try 30 years ago. I think I still have one stuck in my throat.
Attached Images File Type: jpg artwork_images_425113017_367951_ernestj-bellocq.jpg (27.0 KB, 143 views)
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
I'll go with not showing it completely unblurred....i'll likely crop, turn my face from the camera, use a mask or use my hair or something as "camoflauge" in my pics or warp my face and put a blur over that (even though they have the face recognition software but it's a start) in future pics. Blurring out parts of my face or cropping some hasn't hurt my business yet and I wouldn't endorse or encourage new providers to show their face unblurred without thinking of the consequences they are willing to deal with nor should wanting to blur/crop/hide your face be confused with being embarrassed to be a provider.
oLiViA88 your signature OMG hilarious

I dont show my face in mine I am paranoid some I only blur out my eyes depending on my current level of Paranoia but I too live in a VERY small community under 700 small I dont operate here but at the same time thy may operate where I Do XD and let me tell you what that would be the luck XD
Some of you know her, but there is a lady who lost her part time day job because a coworker found her escort picture online and showed her boss. She blurs all face pictures now. As someone said above, when you hit that send button, its out there FOREVER !! Originally Posted by SkyDriver
Insanely well put!!!!
When you hit the SEND button that property is no longer under your control!
Love the pics Alan!
That's horrible for that dear lady to have lost her job! I'd spend my free time writing that particular co-workers contact info in every public place

I've wrestled with this one myself. I will say, when the mood strikes, I flip through the showcases and appreciate a beautiful smile - I imagine the men feel the same way.

For me, I just can't risk it. I work in high circles and cannot risk my career. Although the thought of my ex-VP or a man I've exchanged business cards with at a networking function showing up horrifies me, I've decided to take my chances. I still occassionally practice what look I'd muster up upon recognition:
(raised eyebrows, crunched nosed) FRIGHT - what the hell...are you stalking me? ... Or (raised eyebrows, wide smiled) PLEASANT SURPRISE...Hey! Can I get you a water? Pop tart?

Life can change in a single moment...the possibilities are endless! In this, I remain hopeful and foolishly optimistic

What if I hit the lotto tonight and have my spot on Good Morning America tomorrow? Certainly wouldn't want that to put a damper on my interview.

What if I meet the next Ronald Reagan? Suspicion and accusations, I can deal with that but sure proof would be so unbecoming of the First Lady.

Far worse would be this:
What if I catch my "big break" and in a few years just as I kneel down to imprint my hands in the wet concrete on Hollywood Boulevard, I look up to smile and I'm confronted with my ad ... The camera snaps and in lieu of a smile, the "I smell poop look" would be captured. That'd ruin the moment. *sigh*