Why Don't Hobbyists Read Ads?

Little Monster's Avatar
Remember guys she's a Drama Queen! She loves the attention that you guys are giving her. She feeds from it! She loves this attention. She just a little kid in a Barbie World! That why she acting like this because when she doesn't get what she wants she comes here crying about the Lowballr! Poor kid! You life has just begun soon you see the reality of it! When life slap you in the face! And act like a real person not a Material Girl ! Originally Posted by BadBoyForLife69

BadBoyForLife69's Avatar
Thank You Little Monster for finding the video! This is so awesome!
David.Douchehurst's Avatar

risking your own death for love? An idiot (you said it) i would not disagree with you but, id like to add you are a selfish B*TCH to put others in danger for this imaginary thing you call love. Originally Posted by TW!GGY
Whilst it is quite posse-bull fer bear-backin' ta ree-sult in sump'in laik HIV, it's stah-tis-tick-ah-lee much, much mo' laik-lee ta result in gittin' preggers o' a case o' her-peas o' tha clap. An' wif this auntie-buy-yot-tick resist'nt clapper stuff, thet culd result in perm'nant in-furr-till-ah-titty.

Which makes meh wonder why nobuddy e'er attacks perviders thet advermahtize thet they's preggers, 'r lack-tater-ing 'r fellas thet looks fer fillies laik thet, since Ah'm purdy shore tha gals din't git thet way by using rubbers an' thet sum o' tha guys lookin' fer thet jus' mite be a-lookin' to bring up tha opt-shun o' bear-backin'.
Anybody else get a headache trying to read DD's posts? I don't even try anymore.
TemptationTammie's Avatar
But back to the original topic...
Even when our ads include our rates and are brief, they still ask.
In defense of the guys - although you have 'Text' and your number, you may want to add the word "ONLY".
I get a few guys that still email me even though I have that I don't accept email requests. There will always be those guys who see a pic or review and instead of reading our profile or ads, they just find contact info and contact us.

In a way, it's the same idea as seeing an ad for a car or appliances or something that we are looking for. We see the item we want on sale, and may not read the full ad. Even with coupons. How many times do you try to use one, not realizing it's expired or that you have to buy more than one of the item or combined only if you buy something else.
Who's Your Daddy's Avatar
Anybody else get a headache trying to read DD's posts? I don't even try anymore. Originally Posted by Satoshi
I don't waste my time trying to read his posts or why he feels the need to act like a retarded redneck.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-26-2016, 09:50 PM
The BB is irrelevant to this thread.
Oh really? Are you a little more reading challenged today than normal? See the quote below.

In fact, you just made her point about retards NOT READING.
Did I hallucinate the quote? Why no, Skippy, I READ it in her OP. Did YOU read her post? Did you NOT see it?

I'll break it down barnie style, some HOs just want text while others want a phone clal. Ok?

This particular Ho wants text only. That's what she puts in her ads. A lot of guys don't honor her request, i guess lately, hence the rant.
Of course "OK". Did I argue against her point there? Nope. Maybe YOU should read better. You seem to read things that were not written, and miss things that were.

...and here you come making us tricks look retarded by trying changing the subject of conversation.
I have no intent--and no ability--to make ALL "tricks" look bad. But you seem to have the ability to make yourself look quite retarded. Originally Posted by Skip_8

Skippy, do a word match. Look in the red font for "BAREBACK". See it there? I am sure you do. Don't worry--with practice you can learn.
EastBayRay's Avatar
I don't waste my time trying to read his posts or why he feels the need to act like a retarded redneck. Originally Posted by Who's Your Daddy
Maybe it's not a act. Maybe he really is a retarded redneck.

David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Anybody else get a headache trying to read DD's posts? I don't even try anymore. Originally Posted by Satoshi
Ah keeps tellin' folks, Ah write this shee'yit drunk. It helps if'n yore drunk when ya tries ta read it.

I don't waste my time trying to read his posts or why he feels the need to act like a retarded redneck. Originally Posted by Who's Your Daddy
If'n Ah've made yore board sexperience worse, then mah werk h'yar is done!

Maybe it's not a act. Maybe he really is a retarded redneck.

EBR Originally Posted by EastBayRay
Winner, winner! Chikin dinn'r! An' give mah regards ta Exene. Ah miss tha taste o' her taint!
Skip_8's Avatar
See my responses in red, except for Lioness quote in red for reference.

The BB is irrelevant to this thread.

Oh really? Are you a little more reading challenged today than normal? See the quote below.

Yes, really. You have quoted the Signature line in Lioness's post. In case you are not familiar with siganture lines, they appear in every handle's post. Oh wait, YOU have a signature...it should read 'dumbass'

In fact, you just made her point about retards NOT READING.

Did I hallucinate the quote? Why no, Skippy, I READ it in her OP. Did YOU read her post? Did you NOT see it?

For whatever reason, you have fixated on a signature line in an attempt to hijack the thread and attack a Ho for giving what the market demands.

I'll break it down barnie style, some HOs just want text while others want a phone call. Ok?

FYI, barnie style again, many providers use the Signature lines to advertise.

This particular Ho wants text only. That's what she puts in her ads. A lot of guys don't honor her request, i guess lately, hence the rant.

Of course "OK". Did I argue against her point there? Nope. Maybe YOU should read better. You seem to read things that were not written, and miss things that were.

NO, you simply hijacked the thread, needlessly.

...and here you come making us tricks look retarded by trying changing the subject of conversation.

I have no intent--and no ability--to make ALL "tricks" look bad. But you seem to have the ability to make yourself look quite retarded.

For those Whores that have had experiences with tricks, you just added another confirmation to their negative thoughts and experiences.
Originally Posted by Old-T

Originally Posted by Lioness
Skippy, do a word match. Look in the red font for "BAREBACK". See it there? I am sure you do. Don't worry--with practice you can learn.

If you look up at the sky, it's blue! However, that and your point have absolutely nothing to do with the OPs post issue of discussion. You are just wasting everyone's time.

Next time you bring and idea to a thread, bring a brain as well.

Originally Posted by Old-T
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 05-27-2016, 09:36 AM
Oh boy, Toyz can you please put up the jaded hooked chart again. Twig needs to see how many days along she is. Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
FP I will as soon as I am back in the ATX. Doing a bit of primitive camping, hiking, enjoying nature and not near my laptoo.

But OMFG its so appropriate isnt it?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-27-2016, 01:11 PM
See my responses in red, except for Lioness quote in red for reference. Originally Posted by Skip_8
We are on the verge of too many colors to follow easily, but I think we can continue without too much confusion.

Let us count the ways you make no sense, Ricky—err, Skippy.

1. Your claim that a signature line is not really part of a post. Of course it is part of the post, and in fact one could reasonably argue that it is the most important part of the post because the author consciously wants to ensure that part of the message is repeated and reposted with regularity. Skippy: 0 for 1.

2. Your non sequitur that since I have a signature line that fact somehow means that I don’t actually comprehend the purpose of a signature line. Even a mentally challenged person would surely shake their head in wonderment about how you could be so far off about basic logic. Skippy 0 for 2.

3. Your claim that I made her point about not reading. Why, if I had not read her post, how would I have quoted it and commented on it? This is probably the dumbest part of your babbling—and trust me, picking out the dumbest part was quite hard, you made so many dumb-worthy comments. Skippy: 0 for 3.

4. You somehow were unable/unwilling to comprehend the fact that I never commented favorably or unfavorably on Lioness providing BBFS—I certainly didn’t “attack her” on the point. I noted that her OP mentioned BBFS, thus it was reasonable for Satoshi to comment on it in his reply. I am so sorry that you cannot distinguish between BBFS and free expression. Maybe if you didn’t feel compelled to attack me just because it is me, then you might not have looked so foolish on this point. Of course you may have anyway, we don’t know. Skippy: 0 for 4.

5. While you acknowledge that ladies use signature lines to advertise, you somehow do not make the (small) logical leap to realize “advertising” is a form of “communication”, thus again acknowledging that Lioness did indeed communicate in her OP about BBFS. Maybe the words “advertise” and “communication” have too many syllables—I know that might stress you—but I suspect someone in your neighborhood can teach you how to use a dictionary. It is a helpful skill—try it sometime. Skippy: 0 for 5.

6. I love this one, “For those Whores that have had experiences with tricks, you just added another confirmation to their negative thoughts and experiences”. I am sure you have vast amounts of data on that one. If you think I have a difficult time seeing the ladies I care to see, well I hate to disappoint you. I do not. It has been quite a while since that has happened, I have to conclude any negative thoughts those ladies have about me can’t be too severe. Reading what some say about you, I am not sure the same applies in your case. Skippy: 0 for 6. (And we may have found one of the root causes of Skippy’s jealousy of me.)

7. “If you look up at the sky, it's blue!” Well done, Ricky! I knew you could get SOMETHING right. Give the boy a gold star. Skippy: 1 for 7.

8. “However, that and your point have absolutely nothing to do with the OPs post issue of discussion.” Sorry, see the detailed explanation above. Sippy: 1 for 8.

9. “You are just wasting everyone's time.” Actually, I think you should allow the readers to make up their own minds on that. I have not heard anyone—other than you—think their time is being wasted. But while we are on the topic, I certainly don’t think MY time is being wasted—I consider responding to your posts to be a type of therapy via laughter. AT you, of course. Skippy: 1 for 9.

10. And lastly, “Next time you bring and idea to a thread, bring a brain as well.” Just imagine, if you were this badly beaten when I DIDN’T bring my brain to the fight, how badly would you be beaten if I actually put more than cursory thought into countering your foolishness. Who knows, you might not have even gotten the “ski is blue” part right.

So, class, what is the final grade for Skippy Ricky: a solid 10% right. Even grading on a curve I do believe that is an F, son. I am afraid you will have to repeat the class.

Now I remember why I rarely post on ECCIE except to advertise when needed. Oui...
Thank God for Old-T!!! Love you!!! xoxo

We are on the verge of too many colors to follow easily, but I think we can continue without too much confusion.

Let us count the ways you make no sense, Ricky—err, Skippy.

1. Your claim that a signature line is not really part of a post. Of course it is part of the post, and in fact one could reasonably argue that it is the most important part of the post because the author consciously wants to ensure that part of the message is repeated and reposted with regularity. Skippy: 0 for 1.

2. Your non sequitur that since I have a signature line that fact somehow means that I don’t actually comprehend the purpose of a signature line. Even a mentally challenged person would surely shake their head in wonderment about how you could be so far off about basic logic. Skippy 0 for 2.

3. Your claim that I made her point about not reading. Why, if I had not read her post, how would I have quoted it and commented on it? This is probably the dumbest part of your babbling—and trust me, picking out the dumbest part was quite hard, you made so many dumb-worthy comments. Skippy: 0 for 3.

4. You somehow were unable/unwilling to comprehend the fact that I never commented favorably or unfavorably on Lioness providing BBFS—I certainly didn’t “attack her” on the point. I noted that her OP mentioned BBFS, thus it was reasonable for Satoshi to comment on it in his reply. I am so sorry that you cannot distinguish between BBFS and free expression. Maybe if you didn’t feel compelled to attack me just because it is me, then you might not have looked so foolish on this point. Of course you may have anyway, we don’t know. Skippy: 0 for 4.

5. While you acknowledge that ladies use signature lines to advertise, you somehow do not make the (small) logical leap to realize “advertising” is a form of “communication”, thus again acknowledging that Lioness did indeed communicate in her OP about BBFS. Maybe the words “advertise” and “communication” have too many syllables—I know that might stress you—but I suspect someone in your neighborhood can teach you how to use a dictionary. It is a helpful skill—try it sometime. Skippy: 0 for 5.

6. I love this one, “For those Whores that have had experiences with tricks, you just added another confirmation to their negative thoughts and experiences”. I am sure you have vast amounts of data on that one. If you think I have a difficult time seeing the ladies I care to see, well I hate to disappoint you. I do not. It has been quite a while since that has happened, I have to conclude any negative thoughts those ladies have about me can’t be too severe. Reading what some say about you, I am not sure the same applies in your case. Skippy: 0 for 6. (And we may have found one of the root causes of Skippy’s jealousy of me.)

7. “If you look up at the sky, it's blue!” Well done, Ricky! I knew you could get SOMETHING right. Give the boy a gold star. Skippy: 1 for 7.

8. “However, that and your point have absolutely nothing to do with the OPs post issue of discussion.” Sorry, see the detailed explanation above. Sippy: 1 for 8.

9. “You are just wasting everyone's time.” Actually, I think you should allow the readers to make up their own minds on that. I have not heard anyone—other than you—think their time is being wasted. But while we are on the topic, I certainly don’t think MY time is being wasted—I consider responding to your posts to be a type of therapy via laughter. AT you, of course. Skippy: 1 for 9.

10. And lastly, “Next time you bring and idea to a thread, bring a brain as well.” Just imagine, if you were this badly beaten when I DIDN’T bring my brain to the fight, how badly would you be beaten if I actually put more than cursory thought into countering your foolishness. Who knows, you might not have even gotten the “ski is blue” part right.

So, class, what is the final grade for Skippy Ricky: a solid 10% right. Even grading on a curve I do believe that is an F, son. I am afraid you will have to repeat the class.

Originally Posted by Old-T
I get so many inquiries from hobbyists who clearly have not taken the time to read my ads Originally Posted by Lioness
This nonsense thread has gone on for far too long and is just wasting peoples time to scroll around/ignore it.

"Why Don't Hobbyists Read Ads?" Because we are the clients/customers who pay for the services and there two old sayings that relate to this issue:

1. "The customer is always right."
2. When you think that is wrong, then review Rule #1: "The customer is always right." Because, the client will take his dollars and play somewhere else.

Now, don't get your panties all twisted up over my terse and direct comments, because I understand their is a need for clarity on rates and services.

However, it is YOUR responsibility to make sure that information clear and readily accessible to the client in your showcase or Ads Don't make the client search multiple ads and showcase with note that your services may be found listed in your reviews. I have asked for something I enjoy in a session and was listed in reviews, only to learn that the OP posted that incorrectly, or that is no longer offered, or that is YMMV and she didn't want to do that with me.

The ladies who understand this and who provide stellar services, will have long lines outside their door, and numerous/repeat clients. Other ladies spend their time in Coed, griping about how the clients don't respect them or take time to read conflicting and confusing ads and showcases.

Below is what I am looking for in a Provider Ad/Showcase as an Example:

Provider has following services: XXX, YYYY, ZZZ
NOTE: Provider doesn't provide these services: BBXYZ, No-Axxx, etc

Provider's rate is: $xxx/hr in or $xxx/hr out and clearly spell out what the rate is for shorter and/or longer appointments. If you have recently jacked up your rates, you SHOULD STATE THAT Long-Term clients have a Grandfathered rate (and state that if you wish). If you want to screw your long-term clients, simply tell them they also have to pay the new jacked up rates--seeing that a lot lately from ladies I no longer see.

If the provider doesn't take short-notice appointments--say so. State normal hours of availability.

If there are age limitations, or the provider doesn't see AA, Asian, Hispanic, Caucasians, or whatever, please state it clearly. Most guys don't want to waste time doing research on a lady who will NOT see them for some reason or another. Your choice--make it clear.

Simply state that all transactions must be in cash. All this crap about barter, debit/credit cards, PayPal, Bit-Coin, etc. is total BS.

No money, no play. Guys should have the required donation ready at the start of session and if they don't, no play.

Guys and Gals should all be sparkling clean, nose to toes. If not, make sure there is a shower available.

Time to close this thread. Stick a fork in it, it is WELL DONE and won't get any better.