time to completely fade into the shadows

blowpop's Avatar
You, my dear will be missed. I hope your path takes you to the destination you desire, and that you have many remarkable experiences along the way. Take care.
Wicket's Avatar
Best of luck!!!
Oh wow!! Makes me as sad as the hobbyists that I wont get a chance to visit with you again.
I am honored to have known you luv!
Greybeard44's Avatar
I hope life gives you as much as you have given this hobby my love. All the best!!
You will always be young at heart and deeply missed. Best of luck to you on your new journey.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
You have always been one of the few ladies that I've really wanted to meet. Perhaps ... or not ... our paths will cross at some point.

I've always considered you "one of the good ones"! (That's a very high compliment, btw!)

My best to you! I hope that you have a wonderful post-demimonde life!

BatteriesNotIncluded's Avatar
You are a wonderful woman, young lady. I hope you draw that from these responses!
Fancyinheels's Avatar
GREAT lady I was proud to know and, yeeesss, get a little naughty with from time to time. (I enjoyed that VERY much.)

All the lick, er, luck in the world in this new phase of your life, MLisa!!!

sexxytexxan's Avatar
Have fun living life!