Some Of You Guys On Here Are Funny

ibechill's Avatar
If anyone sees this girl, they are looney as she is.
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
I think you guys kind of proved her point about the drama!

Maybe she should have been more specific about what kind of drama she had to endure. Originally Posted by lightning
Oh yeah, well she started it!

/mom, tell lightning to stop looking at me
mom, tell lightning to stop looking at me Originally Posted by sharktrager
Oh WOW, thank you for the laugh...I needed that!!
I think I wandered into strangeville.................. .....
Self edit..---> teeth?
I just wanted to know what it felt like to sit on ass implants...................... ......
rachet3375's Avatar
I just wanted to know what it felt like to sit on ass implants...................... ...... Originally Posted by sexy_emily4u
Kinda like a whoopee cushion maybe???
pyramider's Avatar
Do ass implants help to make farts really rip or sputter?
OK, I have a few questions?
Dannie, Did you take one of her creative writing courses? YoU NeoW HaAv SkiLLZesEs.(BTW u need to stop confusing her, although it will be difficult).

There are many discussions about enhanced breast vs natureal. I have never seen a topic on I paid $2,000 for my new ass.Was this a discounted rate? I had simple surgery on my elbow that cost much more (no I did not have my elbow enhanced). Maybe they used sand as a filler, IDK.

Does it feel the same? Did it reposistion the vagina? Can you still climax during GREEK? Just how much would it cost to have session with you with all upcharges included? Will U GivvEEme adiSSacCouNT iFFen I wRiitE lIkees tHiSs?

BTW, I know a few ladies that want to get into the biz. They feel as if they need a pimp to survive. Can you please send me your pimps name and number? I would feel so bad if they ended up with him.
gucio's Avatar
  • gucio
  • 09-02-2010, 08:59 PM
lol ok first off lol i went to high school and am in college lol dont wanty to spell right cause frankly i dont have to and dont be mad baby my ass is awsome lol we can ALL see that so DONT HATE ME BECAUSE IM BEATUTIFUL!! well thanks for all your encouragement for those who were seirous but those who are miserable, lol im sorry i speak my mind (thats y half of you hate me lol!!!) but get a life!!

miley!! Originally Posted by miley07
Don't want to spell right 'cause you don't want to ? Please, illuminate me on this, so you purposedly misspell words and omit
punctuation ? Very interesting indeed.

You do speak your mind, that is quite obvious, as the quality of your writing will attest
I don't know, but when I write I just type out the words they way I know they should be written. I never considered wanting or not wanting to spell right. The things I learn every day !

This I do know, you are not beautiful, the phrase sounds cute, but is not applicable, new ass notwithstanding.

Oh sorry I forgot the lol's lol lol lol lol lol lol lol
please, feel free to sprinkle them about liberally. Also these ? ! , .
You do speak your mind, that is quite obvious, as the quality of your writing will attest
I don't know, but when I write I just type out the words they way I know they should be written. Originally Posted by gucio
That was both funny and well put. I laughed and creamed my panties at the same time.

The way we write and express ourselves in written form, and the ability to effectively communicate is essential. Sadly, I don't think Miley is unusual for her time (or mine for that matter...). Her gEnErAsHuN is going to be running the country in the not too distant future.

How does that feel?

Does the Dewey Decimal System still exist? Seriously. Are there still libraries in schools where they can read books, or is it all computers and •°o¸.•'´¯) •°o¸.•'´¯)TexT mEeE!•°o¸.•'´¯)•°o¸.•'´¯)
Ya know I'd almost feel sorry for Miley, except She used to somone else here who had some scary bad reviews,then She came back, with a long apology thread, then the shitty attitude showed up.
You can take the Girl out of the ghetto, good luck getting the ghetto out of the Girl!!
gucio's Avatar
  • gucio
  • 09-02-2010, 09:49 PM
Sadly, I don't think Miley is unusual for her time (or mine for that matter...)

To quote Andre Codrescu " stupidity is far from rare"

One thing is to use abbreviations while texting such a s "c ya" " b4" etc. which are not new, they were widely used in Morse code as sending out each letter could be quite tedious, and using a telephone keypad is time consuming, but there is no excuse writing that way on an email written on a 101 key computer keyboard.

If it's not worth to take the trouble writing it, is probably not worth reading either.
I agree with Gladys Hardy of Austin when it comes to Cpitalization and punctuation. 710
TexRich's Avatar
she's not my type anyway....