Islam & tribalism in the mid-east

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Blame the ones who drew the lines in the sand, the British. Blame the sultan who needed the British to pay his bills. Blame the proper fuckheads ... The US is not without blame but the blame of the US is maybe for 50 years.

Your arguments will carry more weight if you posted taint photos. Originally Posted by pyramider
to be exact, about 66 years. the relationship with the Mideast started in the 1950's.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I'M 100% PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN ARAB MUSLIM Originally Posted by Ameera Cakes

what are you doing in this business if you're muslim? its my understanding that escorting in the hobby is illegal under the rules of islam, unless of course you're shiia which has exceptions to this rule.
James1588's Avatar
No agreement there, but you've made a greater ass out of yourself in assuming so. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Just making a wild guess here: you watch a lot of teevee, don't you?

Yeah, a lot of teevee.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Just making a wild guess here: you watch a lot of teevee, don't you?

Yeah, a lot of teevee.
Originally Posted by James1588
You've just made an even greater ass out of yourself in assuming so. What's the last book on Japanese naval doctrine preceding WWII that you read? What about the Byzantine Empire? How about German labor and finance during the interwar period? Or what about the 1945 Soviet strategic offensive in Manchuria? When was the last time you were in Afghanistan or Korea? So, STFU, you ignorant SOB.
James1588's Avatar
... STFU, you ignorant SOB. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Yep, there's a real teevee-watcher. It's OK. Own it. Be proud.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Yep, there's a real teevee-watcher. It's OK. Own it. Be proud. Originally Posted by James1588
Your dumb-as-fuck-ass couldn't answer a single question, you stupid SOB. Your stupidity was fully advertised in your opening post, you illiterate asshole.
James1588's Avatar
Your dumb-as-fuck-ass couldn't answer a single question, you stupid SOB. Your stupidity was fully advertised in your opening post, you illiterate asshole. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Isn't there some teevee on that you need to be watching? I mean, I don't want to say that your strings of random obscenities and scatologies are boring or anything, but ... ho-hum ...
I B Hankering's Avatar
Isn't there some teevee on that you need to be watching? I mean, I don't want to say that your strings of random obscenities and scatologies are boring or anything, but ... ho-hum ... Originally Posted by James1588
You couldn't even list a Dick and Jane book, or your favorite Dr. Seus, could you, you illiterate, degenerate asshole?
James1588's Avatar
You couldn't even list a Dick and Jane book, or your favorite Dr. Seus, could you, you illiterate, degenerate asshole?
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Let's face it: you didn't ask nicely. You didn't say "please." Didn't your mother teach you anything?

(Oh, and by the way, it's "Suess," O Master of Literacy.)
I B Hankering's Avatar
Let's face it: you didn't ask nicely. You didn't say "please." Didn't your mother teach you anything?

(Oh, and by the way, it's "Suess," O Master of Literacy.)
Originally Posted by James1588
Showing he must be one of your favorite authors. Have you any others, or did that max out your favorite authors list?
Isn't there some teevee on that you need to be watching? I mean, I don't want to say that your strings of random obscenities and scatologies are boring or anything, but ... ho-hum ... Originally Posted by James1588

So boring james lifted his head and said...
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
expanidng IB Hanky's point...

all the north african nations & mid-east were majority christian I think Iran/Persia was the exception as they were Zoastrianss. only after they were invaded did they become minority christians when enough christiians converted over to islam. There still remained a large sizeable christian & jewsih minorities. this population declined over time.

many were oppressed and treated as 2nd class citizens and threatened with harassment & murder if they didn't convert. many paid the tax when they could do so, if not many fled rather than be subjected that type of humiliation and death..

sure there maybe periods when things are peaceful between muslims & christians & jews. this was really dependent on whoever was ruling those areas at the time, they had rulers who didn't like christians/jews and would order a campaign of harrassment & deaths if they didn't convert. if they rulers who were friendly to them, they left them alone as they paid the tax (jizya)

things were like that way until I have to say about in the early 20th century. christian minority population was prolly around 20-30%. there was a drastic decline of christian miniorities after 1950.

lebanon was majority christian in 1950, its now a minortiy in 2016.
Saudi Arabia, Christians & jews extinct.
Iraq, christians & jews extinct (there was 1 elderly jew reported to be alive last I heard)
the north african countries, the christian minority populations hover 1 - 10%.
Egyptians christians - Copts number about 15%

Pagan non-muslims
Iran, I don't think they have any christians, but they have some Zoastrianss siill around.
India survived for the most part the muslim invasion, remains majority hindu for the foreseable future. they do have large minority muslim population

southeast asia were subject to many muslim conquests -- not all succeeded. Southeast asia were dominated by Buddhist majorities. given that there were no christians & jews in those areas, these people of faith have only 2 options fight or convert.

Afghanistan - Buddhist extinct
Pakistan - buddhist extinct (if there any there i'm not aware of it)
christians guess is 5%
Indonesia - less than 1%
Malaysia - less than 1%

burma/myanmar & thailand have small muslim population and are causing trouble now adays.
china a musliim turkic people live in northern china (forget the name of the province) gives china trouble.

the caucuas region of southern russia: pagans prolly were the majority. they are extinct.
Armenia & Georgia is majority christian
Azerbijan minority christians 1%

former soviet states: kazahastan, turkemistan, kyrgstan, ubezistan
don't know too much about them.
they once had large pagan & buddist populations. their minority numbers around 1 - 5%
they do have christians, the minority population runs from 1% to 25%.
James1588's Avatar
Showing he must be one of your favorite authors. Have you any others, or did that max out your favorite authors list? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Hey, you're doing better! That one didn't have any bad language in it! Gold star for you, sir.
James1588's Avatar
So boring james lifted his head and said...
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
I'll have to ask you to wait your turn, sir. One student at a time.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Hey, you're doing better! That one didn't have any bad language in it! Gold star for you, sir. Originally Posted by James1588
Interesting choice for a handle, "James1588." You’re obviously too stupid and illiterate to know the significance of the date “1588” or know that Elizabeth I was queen of England in 1588: not James. James I was her successor, but James was a fag. So, in your case, either ‘Elizabeth’ or ‘James’ is more than apropos, since you’re such an illiterate pussy.