Barak Hussein Obama - A Predictable Failure

Sienna Group rankings:

Kennedy: 11, Carter: 32, Reagan: 18, Clinton: 13, G.W.: 39, Obama: 15

Here's some information that is a bit more relevant:

Total jobs created under Democrats the last 50 years = 45.7 million. Jobs created under Republicans last 50 years = 31.1 million

and of course there's this:

You didn't answer about Jimmy Carter? Obama is worse than him. Reagan bad? Man, your making my point. In a Presidential book I have where it lists the Presidents in order ( and it comes from mostly Liberal college proffessors) Reagan is 8th. Eisenhower 9th. Both republicans. Just an fyi - LBJ-17 (way to high) Kennedy-18, Nixon- 33 (way to low) Ford-28, Carter-30 (way to high), George Bush- 21, Clinton- 24 (lowest of any 2 term President), GW Bush- unranked as he was in office when it was put out. Originally Posted by derek303
ibechill's Avatar
They always gotta bring up Reagan;their Messiah.
derek303's Avatar
I'll be off until Tuesday. Going to the World Series for Game 5 tomorrow night.spent 5K on tickets (right behind 1st base) and 250.00 on a hotel room. I'm one of those rich Republicans screwing up the world. I'll have the SO with me so can't keep the volly going here. I'm sure I'll see Bush 41 and 43 there. I'll give them your best.
sixxbach's Avatar
I'll be off until Tuesday. Going to the World Series for Game 5 tomorrow night.spent 5K on tickets (right behind 1st base) and 250.00 on a hotel room. I'm one of those rich Republicans screwing up the world. I'll have the SO with me so can't keep the volly going here. I'm sure I'll see Bush 41 and 43 there. I'll give them your best. Originally Posted by derek303
Derek, glad you can afford so much to be disappointed....

agitpropster's Avatar
Derek, I hope you have a lovely time with the missus.

The Bushiveks? Haha I was connecting from LHR last month after attending a funeral in Wales when I saw Jeb Bush (alone and w/o security!) in the Continental President's Club bar at EWR. Let the party begin! I sat down on the empty stool next to him in my black FAUX News We Distort-You Comply™ tee-shirt and ordered a drink. I took a sip, turned directly to my right and stared at him from behind my shades. Not unlike a vampire shown a crucifix, he cold shrank back from me as he eyed the shirt with obvious distaste...sorta like it was a small turd under his nose or something.

"Funny tee-shirt." he said dryly, trying to be funny.

He wasn't.

Without missing a beat I said, loud enough for everyone to hear,"But not quite as funny as the funny fucking shit you and James Baker and FOX and SCOTUS pulled to illegally make your brother President."

Deathly silence at the bar.

He didn't want to hear the rest. He stood up and grabbed his briefcase and overnighter. His eyes flashed and his cheeks reddened. Oh shit. I didn't realize what a BIG man Jeb was.

"Go fuck yourself," he hissed straight in my face - and strode away. Everyone at the bar chuckled and the retired Marine on Bush's right wanted to kick my ass. "You had that coming, libtard smart-ass," he growled, "you can't talk to a former Governor of Florida like that."

"True that, Gunny," I said. "But you can fuck with un-indicted co-conspirators any way you want."

Donald Rumsfeld shakes with Saddam Hussein Baghdad 18 December 1983
derek303's Avatar
Hey guys hitting the site before leaving. Yeah Sixx, I bought the tickets before any games started hoping. The all star less Giants are looking like the 75 Reds. Hope we keep it alive. And as for you, my liberal friend Agitprosper, I would never treat a D like that. Even Michael Moore, Barny Frank, Chris Dodd, Nancy Palosi or Harry Reid. 1 more Day before America speaks.
FDR took on Wall Street and the medical industry. He brought banks, Pharma, and securities speculators under regulation for the first time. He made illegal most of the frauds banks and speculators were perpetrating which brought the depression about. He made a virtual moratorium ON ALL FORECLOSURES. He immediately put to work over 8 million people under emergency measures to build badly needed infrastructure. Most of his financial services regulations which served the country well were overturned by Reagan in 1982, and that's what caused the present crisis.

Barak Obama has done the opposite of what FDR did on each and every issue.

JFK took on the Pentagon by reversing their plans in the Cuban missile crisis, Vietnam and other places. He stimulated the economy with a prompt tax cut directed at the middle class while maintaining revenues collected from the rich. He took on the banks which own the Federal Reserve by planning a nationally-issued currency as mentioned in the Constitution. He sought to inspire a national vision through the exploration of space.

Barak Obama has done the opposite of what JFK did on each and every issue.

For all of you who defend Obama I have yet to hear any rebuttals of the four areas of policy failure I identified above.

But this is not surprising given that Obama's campaign was not a programmatic one. It wasn't based on any issues. It was merely a personality cult parroting "CHANGE" and "HOPE" in which anyone could read into it whatever reforms they desired. In the end they got cosmetics at best.

As far as Obama's intellect...well...he's not even a clever politician so it seems. He never loses an opportunity to alienate himself from ever more and more of his own supporters through his feckless and blundering decisions. This should not surprise anyone however given his life history.
The point of my thread is that he never accomplished anything his entire adult life that benefited anyone but himself. Our two parties used to put forward as candidates for high office individuals who were not only electable but had some record of achievement in their lives. Today electability is the ONLY criteria because it's hoped that once they come in they will just be hand puppets for the party's financial contributors.

That's how we lost our Republic.

Bush bragged that his base were all millionaires. Obama promised that he would be the opposite - but he's in fact governing the same.

And if our alternative to this system is the "Tea Party" and it's host of lunatic candidates such as Palin and O'Donnell, then there's no alternative at all. The Tea Party has shown itself to be a rabble, a mob, with all the idiocy and brutality that accompanies such.

The Republic will be lost forever and we will slip into the dung-heap of history like our Roman and English predecessors.

Change You Can Believe In Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
The question is not "How good of a politician can we imagine", the question is "what is the best option to us under our current system of government" until and unless you are ready to rise up and overthrow said which case I hope you have a better alternative in mind.

Politicians act in the best interests of the country only so far as it aligns with their self interests as ruling elites, without exception in my lifetime. Job 1 is to get votes and in this modern world that means taking money where you can get it and nothing in this world is free of strings. This also pretty much makes "small government politician" an oxymoron...some will talk the talk but in reality it is never going to happen. Who would fight for political office then relinquish a portion of the power that comes with it on ideological grounds when you can so easily rationalize not doing so. So we pretty much have a single party system.

Obama hasn't done enough to fix the messes Bush largely created I agree, but so far the things he has done reflect at least a belief system (that I don't agree will get the best result but in theory it is coherent) and a plan competently executed and remarkably in line with what he said he was going to do when he campaigned.

In my mind, even as a libertarianesque small government person ideologically, Obama is still vastly better than GWB or McCain Palin. McCain is 15 years too late and might have just croaked under the pressures of office and Palin is cynical, power hungry and worthless even by politician standards which is pretty amazing in and of itself. The "conservatives" want big government and they want to impose their moral views on us. The "liberals" want big government and don't give a shit what we smoke or who we screw.

Me, I'll probably go back to protest-voting third party and continue managing my investment portfolio with the expectation of high inflation.
Not only did FDR have a bank holiday and establish the FDIC, but he sponsored a host of bank regulations which limited drastically what banks and Savings and Loans can and cannot do.

It was FDR's banking regulations which kept banks out of other securities speculations. It was exactly the reversal of this after 1982 which led directly to the present crisis, as well as the one in 1984 [remember what it was like around here then and how many local bankers went to prison?].

Establishing the FDIC not only insured deposits, but it regulates bank operations. FDIC auditors tell bankers what kind of loans they can keep on their books. IMHO it was a gross failure of FDIC regulations which contributed to the present situation as they allowed banks to loan money to un-creditworthy institutions like other banks...

Obama knows about as much about economics, banking, finance, and securities as I know about what may be on the dark side of the moon.
He's utterly indifferent [no-drama Obama], and has no more intellectual curiosity about the world around him as Bush had. Neither one of these guys cares about anything save themselves.

Both these guys are pitiful creatures who grew up as rejects and outcasts from their own families, only to turn into narccissitic neurotics who craved the adoration of the public as a salve to their incurably wounded egos.
What do cigarettes have to do with this?
Sir Hardin Thicke's Avatar

Click on the link and find out!
I pretty much vote L across the board. Some folks tell me that I'm tossing away my vote, but if I vote for either "major" party I would have to hold my nose and have a barf bag ready. You know the term "two bagger" (one for her, one for me)? That's what I feel like.

I "watched" his press conference Wed afternoon. Well, sort of. When he started the same waffle mouthing of the past two administrations I felt myself feeling a little pissed. But I suddenly woke up and it was the one pm "news", talking about some crap on the spring fashion shows.

Is Obamacare going to make medical treatment available to more people? I don't know. Are more docs going to bail out? From the ones I've talked to, the older ones (older = 40ish), it's a yes. The recent grads are concerned because they are coming out of school with $300K and more in loans. Hospitals are dropping budget items like a second CT and are using more PRNs (as needed) since they don't pay overhead on them, and using their current clinical staff in doubles, which they love because they make more money. And the hospital has less overhead on them.

Has Obama done well for the country? I don't think so. No depression? True. Prolonged recession? You bet. You can only blame Bush for so much of the fiscal mess we're in.

As soon as it looked like Obama was going to win and the Dems were going to pick up more seats I went out and bought a Bushmaster and 6 30 rd mags and a pair of 1911s. And lots of powder, bullets, brass and primers.

Obama all but promised a socialist style of governing. Funny thing is he's pissed off the liberals since he hasn't delivered on some of the promises he made to them. "Don't ask, don't tell" is still with us (I wish that had never happened). We're still in Iraq and bigger than ever in Afghanistan. No "assault weapons" ban (see above). "Defense of Marriage Act" still with us (they don't understand how laws are made). Defending crap that should never have been passed (they don't understand how the Executive Branch works).

One term? Yup. Who's going to run against him? I have a bunch of folks I hope don't. I've already seen a "Palin/Brown 2012" sticker!

Is Obama a Muslim? Fuck no! Is he an American citizen? Fuck yes! Is he the lawful President of the United States of American? Fuck yes! If there was a civil war against his presidency would I fight to defend him? Pretty much likely. Is he a socialist with an agenda that would destroy this country? Looks like it.
I don't know if it makes much sense to re-load .223.

You can buy manufactured rounds by the box or case in that caliber for less than what it costs to re-load them.

Unless you're needing some very special rounds then leave the powder and primers behind. I used to re-load when I shot Weatherbys and Winchester 270s, but that's a long time ago now.

Unless I were starving I would never shoot another animal today, and I only did it in the past because I was taught to do so. Some habits can be un-learned.

p.s. Barak Obama is technically not a citizen of the United States. He is quite clearly only a citizen of Indonesia. Eventually this will be established, but in the mean time it's inconsequential. By the time any litigation determining this is worked through he will be well out of office.
Sir Hardin Thicke's Avatar
Barak Obama is technically not a citizen of the United States
And you know this for a fact? Where's the proof and why hasn't it made it to the public two years after he's been elected?
Federal judges empowered to pursue such litigation have been loath to take it on, and therefore they've been finding reasons [usually to do with standing] to dismiss most of these cases. There only remains one case left undismissed that I know of - because it was filed as a Qui Tam petition so there can't be issues of standing.* This case will be so long in litigating that by the time it reaches any juncture for conclusion Obama will be out of office.

McCain blocked anyone from making anything resembling a personal attack in the 2008 campaign. All the usual muk Bush or anyone else would have used against Obama never saw the light of day. Without this forbearance by McCain Obama could never have been elected. There is so much dirt on his long, sleezy career in Chicago that no one such as he could have been elected if the truth were aired.

I believe the facts are these.

When Barak Obama moved to Indonesia with his mother and her new Indonesian husband he gained citizenship there by requesting and being granted an Indonesian passport under the name Barry Soetoro. Indonesia is a muslim country and requires a declaration of religion on public documents so Barry declared himself a muslim, like his mother, natural father, and stepfather.

Shortly after this his stepfather decided that he wanted him out of the way. He demanded that his new children with Barry's mother to be the ONLY children he would rear. Barry's mother went along with this demand. She rejected Barry by sending him packing to live with her parents in Hawaii, where he stayed even throughout his High School years. IMHO this rejection by his mother at the age of 6 explains a lot about the development and pathology of his personality [additionally race bears heavily into this if you read his first autobiography]

However when he gained Indonesian citizenship he never took any steps to either retain his US citizenship as a duel citizen or to re-establish US citizenship upon his return.

Therefore technically his only legal name and citizenship even until now is Barry Soetoro, a citizen of Indonesia. His US passport was obtained under mysterious circumstances, and his ICE file has been sealed. He's used government attornies to represent him in the Federal courts in which challenges to his citizenship have been filed.

It's also possible that he never made any effort to maintain a US citizenship because his mother may have considered him to have had ambiguous or unestablished citizenship if he was in fact born in Africa, which is a whole different issue. If you've ever lived in Hawaii you might know that this kind of indifferent attitude about citizenship and origin is common there. People there come from everywhere, and they don't give a shit about formalities of origin.

It is possible that he was born in Africa and not Hawaii as he claims. The "Certificate of Live Birth" which he has produced is not the standard "Birth Certificate" issued upon birth in Hawaii. It is actually a document anyone there can get if they make a claim to a county authority that they were born there but for some reason the birth was not recorded when it occurred. It is not acceptable as a Birth Certificate for normal issues for which one is required, such as issuance of a US passport, etc.

The so-called "birthers" who have sought to pursue this have of course been scorned and ridiculed to no end such that anyone seeking to raise the issue is now very reluctant.

*Qui Tam meaning "on behalf of the government" and allows under certain cases for an individual to bring a case forward when the issue relates to an injury suffered by the government, rather than the Plaintiff bringing the case. The best known Qui Tam cases are those filed under the Federal False Claims act when Plaintiffs file cases alleging that someone has defrauded the government.