Mollie Tibbetts: I was still praying for her safe return.

Like Chris Watts? If i was in charge, i would have fried his ass already!!! This pos of trash pissed me off so much..
Chung Tran's Avatar
think about it for a second from a logic point of view, if you are in this country illegally and you don't have to pay taxes, why would you want to go through all that trouble of getting all those fake documents just so you can pay taxes?

You won't. Not paying taxes means more $ in your pocket from those jobs you get where they are paying you under the table with no social security and federal income tax deducted.

Just the media trying to make you sympathize with their plight.

Oh they pay taxes like every one else: let them stay here.

They don't pay taxes except for sales tax!
Originally Posted by CG2014
not only that, consider this scenario:

Husband, Wife, 2 young children.. Husband makes $30,000, wife makes $25,000.. US Citizens. they make too much money to get the Earned Income Tax Credit, when filing a tax return.. BUT..

if the Husband is an Illegal?

they are not required to consider the Husband's income, for purposes of obtaining the tax credit.. because the marriage is not considered legal. counting Mom's $25,000 ONLY, they can receive in the neighborhood of $4,000 in FREE money! not to mention Medicaid! insanity rules!
CG2014's Avatar
I had a friend whose husband was in the hospital dying of cancer.

This was around 2004.

Their insurance copay were mounting.

She was the only one working.

They had 3 kids.

She went to apply for TANF (Texas Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) and Food Stamps (now called SNAP), 2 different programs, and were told they could only get a couple of $100 a month while someone who is not white, who can't barely speak English, who needs to fill out a TANF and Food Stamps application form that are printed in Spanish, with the same # of kids they had, could get $1000's a month plus free housing.

They told her because she was still working (part time), she earned $30 too much to qualify for the full amount of aide plus she having a couple of hundred $ too much in her and her husband's joint account.

So to get the full amount she had to be not working but one of the questions on both applications ask:

have you or anyone in the household who are primary income earners quit their job in the last X of months prior to applying for TANF or Food Stamps.
If you answer YES, then you may be disqualified from being approved.

I go to the grocery store and I see Hispanics (and Blacks) with shopping carts full of steaks, entire rack of ribs, lobster and they are paying it all with SNAP and if you follow them outside, they have a nice SUV or pick up truck, all souped up with $1000s rims and tires and running boards and lights and chrome and this and that to put all that food YOU AND I BOUGHT FOR THEM in.
dallasfan's Avatar
Some people really need it. Food stamps should just be a temporary thing to get you by through a few tough years ,not a lifestyle though. If you aren’t embarrassed to take it, you will likely always be on it. They should make food stamps the size of legal size paper and neon color. I grew up poor and I remember the food stamp and free school lunches. Back then they had the Monopoly money type food stamps in booklets. Not these snap cards. And it was embarrassing to use it. They used to collect the lunch money in little envelopes with your name on it. think it was like 50 cents back then and mine would always be empty. The person collecting it would always be like you forgot your money. I’d be like i’m Good. I was too embarrassed to explain it for the umpteen time. They finally went to prepaid lunch cards in high school thank god. My dad had two jobs and worked about 12 hours a day but it was minimum wage and mom worked while we were in school. It was tough times back then but my parents always put us first. When I graduated college and got a job, I paid off their mortgage. The interest rate on the mortgage was outrageous back then and they hardly made any progress in their principle payments after ten years. One good thing about being poor is that college is free between the scholarships and finanacial aid. So I was debt free coming out of college.

I do see fraud with the current food stamp usage. Like when you see people trying to buy expensive items like crawfish at $7 per pound and using these snap cards. They need to crack down on those cases but that is the exception and not the norm.
CG2014's Avatar
The food stamps rules says it's to buy food as long as it's not food that's already prepared like in the hot deli section of Tom Thumb and Central Market.

Also no alcohol and tobacco.

So if they want to buy lobster and entire rack of ribs, as long as they are still raw and need to be prepared at home, you can't stop them.

I remember seeing those food stamps booklets that looked like monopoly money.

I lived in an apartment complex in the early 90's in Houston that was very nice and well kept up and looked great during the day but once the sun went down, trouble comes out.

People will be trying to get me to buy those food stamps booklets for cash.

Hey man, I got this booklet that's worth $120, I sell it to you for $40.
any retard that votes for "beto" sanctions these murders as price of doing business
rexdutchman's Avatar
Back on track ---This was PREVENTABLE is the point

BETO just recently praised NFL players for taking a knee during the anthem. Nice job, O'Rourke....let's see how that plays out with voters in small towns throughout Texas where they still find ways (around the Supreme Courts ruling) to hold organized public prayer at their local high school prior to kick off.
Chung Tran's Avatar

BETO just recently praised NFL players for taking a knee during the anthem. Nice job, O'Rourke....let's see how that plays out with voters in small towns throughout Texas where they still find ways (around the Supreme Courts ruling) to hold organized public prayer at their local high school prior to kick off. Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
ironically, the guy who spoke out against players kneeling, probably won't endear himself to small town folks after this..
TexTushHog's Avatar
Fortunately, this gal’s family has more sense and grace than 90+% of those posting here. Which, let’s face it, is a low bar to clear.
Namssa's Avatar
Closed. This whole thread was reported.
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