Co-ed Forum -- Are We ALL just Paper Tigers?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
You think thats possible Space?
WyldemanATX's Avatar
So it is safe to assume that you are a substance abuse counselor or a psychiatrist Wyldeman as I notice that you are always the first one of your little group to diagnois someone? It just seems as though you boys just live to do a drive by snipe shot at Yssup. Now I realize that you boys are going to call me a WK or something else but ya know what I could give 2 shits less what you call me. I also know that one of you will point out my review count but once again I could give 2 shits less simply for the fact that I don't write them for reasons of my own. I will say that I have personally met 2 from your little group who would not have a clue as to my identity here and found them to be ok guys but not people that I would socialize with on a frequent basis.

I personally don't post that much because my business keeps me constantly too busy to do this. I have noticed that when I do log on that you can lay good $$ on the fact that there is going to be some pissing match going on somewhere in co-ed. I just think there needs to be more getting laid and less bitching going on. Just my .02 now flame away boys. Originally Posted by OneHotMale
I would say that I agree with the above. I am certain that the statement was made somewhat "tounge in cheek", it nevertheless crosses a boundary. No more references regarding mental stability or left handed references regarding substance issues. We have no place for them here.

If you don't agree with someone's post, then counter or debate it in a civil fashion. Remember, this is a fantasy message board and some have gotten far too serious. Lighten up or this one will be done.

AustinModStaff Originally Posted by Spacemtn
It was "tongue in Cheek" I was not saying he has a Drug problem at all or necessarily a mental stability one. It was more in reference to his comment about see us in the funny papers. I will agree my wise ass crack was a little edgy compared to his, but that is what it was a wise crack.

Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
AGAIN, WTF does this have to do with the topic? Or is this now a CHIT ON THE CHITHEAD threAD?

I will say that the only way to stir up shit is to have a pot of shit to stir ... and that pot of shit ain't mine!

BTW -- haven't gotten any STFU's from the ladies or everyday posters ... either publicly or privately. But I guess if you repeat something enough, people might believe you. Sure trying hard enough.

Thanks OHM. I don't always understand this band of brothers either. But, like you, I've been far too busy lately with work to give a rodent's red rectum! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You asked if you've gone round the bend, so this is answering part of the topic.

I don't recall getting any STFUs from anyone either, I guess STFU being officially warn/pointable... Then again, I don't see why you would get a STFU from the ladies, afterall, you've declared yourself the universal WK.

I'd hate to see how much you might post if you're not busy, at the rate you've been going, I think you might catch up with Whisper's post count in a few months. Oh, and posting threads like this really says you don't give a rat's ass.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Please close this thread.
OneHotMale's Avatar
Rand I can assure you that no licensed medical professional in their right mind is going to make a keyboard diagnosis and if they do and and are found out to be doing so then my opinion is their license should be revoked immediately. I can say that even though I am an animal Dr. that I have stitched myself up when the occasion has called for it but that is as far as I have gone. I pay my deductible to let my medical Dr. deal with the other stuff. As far as the Viagra is concerned I have never had the need for it but it seems to be pretty damn available to those who do and don't need it so I am sure some medical Dr.'s are prescribing it like candy and making a pretty good living by doing so.

Now as far as your other comments go I could care less how you or Whispers or anyone else spends their $$$. Whatever floats your boat is how I look at it. What I find annoying and sometimes amusing is how some people just seem to follow others around waiting for the opportunity to take a pot shot at another. Now don't get me wrong I can hang with the best of them when this kind of crap starts and pretty much have a scorched earth policy should the need arise but choose to refrain. I guess I must be getting mellow as I get older.

I think you've trumped anyone's pot and shit around here in the past month or so.

C'mon, yssup, I thought you had them all figured out as hooker baiting, misogynistic, adolescents with mommy issues and repressed homosexual urges who hide behind keyboard to talk shit while they pay for 18 year olds to have sex with them. Did I miss any of the usual insults you throw around?

I guess the size of anyone's hole is relative to observer's perspective (all puns intended).

Eh, would it give any credence to the poster if they were a licensed medical or psychiatric professional? It would still be a keyboard diagnosis and about as valid as a website Viagra prescription by a real doctor. Just as offensive as what could be taken as homophobic hate speech thrown the other direction.

What I've found most offensive is the hypocrisy of trying to get everyone to sing Kumbaya while throwing his own shit around and trying to take a moral high ground against anyone who doesn't hobby through mainstream (SW, sugar babies, strippers). Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
Rand I can assure you that no licensed medical professional in their right mind is going to make a keyboard diagnosis and if they do and and are found out to be doing so then my opinion is their license should be revoked immediately. I can say that even though I am an animal Dr. that I have stitched myself up when the occasion has called for it but that is as far as I have gone. I pay my deductible to let my medical Dr. deal with the other stuff. As far as the Viagra is concerned I have never had the need for it but it seems to be pretty damn available to those who do and don't need it so I am sure some medical Dr.'s are prescribing it like candy and making a pretty good living by doing so.

Now as far as your other comments go I could care less how you or Whispers or anyone else spends their $$$. Whatever floats your boat is how I look at it. What I find annoying and sometimes amusing is how some people just seem to follow others around waiting for the opportunity to take a pot shot at another. Now don't get me wrong I can hang with the best of them when this kind of crap starts and pretty much have a scorched earth policy should the need arise but choose to refrain. I guess I must be getting mellow as I get older. Originally Posted by OneHotMale

I wasn't accusing you of trying to take a moral high ground. You and I see eye to eye as far as others' hobbying. I've stayed out of Yssup's flag waving for a while, until I got lumped in as a member of the "Pack". I guess that was a self fulfilling prophesy. I still let most of it go, and most of my "shots" are tame compared to what can be delivered. I've always been pretty mellow.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Wow. Next time I'll post a thread about movies.
OneHotMale's Avatar
Rand I personally did not feel you were accusing me of taking any moral high ground. Hell they way I look at it is that it would be a very boring existance if we all had the same tastes in common. Different strokes for different folks is how I look at it.

What gets really old and annoying and sometimes amusing is watching certain posters just seem to cruise the forums looking for the opportunity to take a pot shot. Hell like I said Yssup and I used to have some real barn burners on the old board and my impression of him was that he was as big a you know what as they came. After exchanging a few pm's with him afterwards he is an ok guy in my book and just like the rest of us in that he is looking for his next conquest. He just likes to rattle a few cages like some others on here.

I think you've trumped anyone's pot and shit around here in the past month or so.

C'mon, yssup, I thought you had them all figured out as hooker baiting, misogynistic, adolescents with mommy issues and repressed homosexual urges who hide behind keyboard to talk shit while they pay for 18 year olds to have sex with them. Did I miss any of the usual insults you throw around?

I guess the size of anyone's hole is relative to observer's perspective (all puns intended).

Eh, would it give any credence to the poster if they were a licensed medical or psychiatric professional? It would still be a keyboard diagnosis and about as valid as a website Viagra prescription by a real doctor. Just as offensive as what could be taken as homophobic hate speech thrown the other direction.

What I've found most offensive is the hypocrisy of trying to get everyone to sing Kumbaya while throwing his own shit around and trying to take a moral high ground against anyone who doesn't hobby through mainstream (SW, sugar babies, strippers). Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor
I wasn't accusing you of trying to take a moral high ground. You and I see eye to eye as far as others' hobbying. I've stayed out of Yssup's flag waving for a while, until I got lumped in as a member of the "Pack". I guess that was a self fulfilling prophesy. I still let most of it go, and most of my "shots" are tame compared to what can be delivered. I've always been pretty mellow. Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor
Please close this thread. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Closing threads is done at Moderator discretion. As long as people stay on topic, I am leaving this one open. Stray and I will issue points.

I am tired of people opening threads and then when the comments are not what they desire, they come to us and want it closed. Perhaps some of the silent majority will weigh in on this topic. I certainly hope so.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Cant win for losing...

Yeah. Sure. Would LOVE the silent majority to speak. Would LOVE to hear from the ladies. Maybe even flirt a little.

Just trying to make it easier for everybody Space. I'd love to see this thread be on topic. That's why I started it, in spite of what has been said, posted or inferred.

I'd love to see the vitriol flushed out of this forum and have some fun!