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Personally, I WOULD rather schedule 1 multi hour appts than 2-3 1 hour appts per day. So, on that I agree with npita. I like a non-rushed visit, and the intimacy that extra time allows us to share.
Ok, so it's official.
So.....ALL you multi hour guys with the cash and apparently lots of time on their hands, you can call me now.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
how do these guys know what we supposedly talk about in the powder room?? i said it on the last thread and ill say it here again. if you are truly genuine about wanting to help out your provider friends just book with them and give them suggestions in person in a nice way of course. i know id take advice more seriously if it was coming from a client who has actually seen me and probably going to see me again in the future sometime.
beachcomber's Avatar
You crack me up Max!

Seriously, tho' I've noticed one or two ladies who seem to offer an evening date (2-3 hrs) which culminates in intimacy at the end. You know drinks or dinner or a movie. Their evening rates are not much higher than hourly rates for some HDH's. Their reviews are good on this site and this appeals to me and I will have to test those waters.

It may be that most ladies on this board could not offer this type experience because their schedules are full already. If so, congratulations.


My apologies
Introuble's Avatar
Did I ask about multi-hour sessions?
Did I ask about kissing and cuddling?
Did I suggest that I knew how a provider should run their business?
Did I ask about clean sheets, low volume, etc?

All I asked was why more providers did not offer an L2 option since there was a niche in the market for that. "Oh I will" many providers come back and say NOW but you sure as hell do not advertise it so in essence, it does not exist. My question was NOT to tell you how to run your business, but rather to ask why more do not offer a service MANY want and few offer.

Again if anything can be concluded here by the responses it is that providers had rather charge more for L3 than make less for L2. In other words, if you want an L2 session, pay for an L3 and I'll give you L2 because providers had rather work less and make more doing it. Makes sense to me.....duh

The market is void of L2 services as the providers had rather charge an extra $100 for a 10 minute fuck......or as is the case many times....or make nothing at all. Providers had rather hold out for $250-$300 for L3. That's OK.....however there are many sessions that could be L1/L2 for half that and open up a whole new market. Its the providers loss for being so narrow minded.

And since the providers want to keep bringing this up, I will state emphatically - BAD BUSINESS DECISION

(p.s. and what makes you think that we do not know what is said in the powder room......its the same way you find out what is said in the locker room......some people do not know how to keep their mouths shut.....)
The truth is that there are a lot of ladies who post often who could benefit from some of posts in these threads. Yes, the "lower your prices" posts are tiresome, but a lot of guys have posted insight on non-BCD ways to make a man a more satisfied customer.

Some providers have posted that they found the information valuable. I am sure that many more felt this way but didn't post.

While you are one of the rare people who have nothing left to learn about your profession, some of the more insightful posts are helping some of the providers.

In my industry, when it's apparent that there's a large pool of potential clients who are not happy with the service they have been receiving, my firm sees it as an opportunity. Instead of telling them to shut up and fuck off, we listen to them vent and use it to our advantage when marketing our services.

I agree. That's why I was indicating all that I was....let's hear something new and innovative. We're just rehashing and everything that's been suggested has been tried and re-tried in different variations, packages and business plans depending on the level of comfort and service each INDIVIDUAL lady is able to tolerate. While input about how to run our biz, from the gentlemen, is often appreciated, just like a golden oldie song, ya get a little weary hearing the same thing over and over and over again.

Tell me something new. We know we can provide less service for less money, we know we can start price wars with each other, we know we need to be on top of our game, we know to answer our phones, we know to provide a safe clean environment...we know we know we know.

Those who obviously don't know are the ones who don't participate here, refuse to conform to what the masses say they want or simply don't give a rat's patootie what the gents want. Those are the "ladies" the gents continue to see, try to see and are often disappointed by. So, when starting a new thread either give us our "pet rock" or trust that the ladies on the forums who have really good reputations for providing all that has been asked of us, actually know what our options are, know what we can do and what some would like to see us do in order to help our biz. This poor ole horse has been beat to death and brought back to life just to be beaten to death over and over again. Especially here lately.

So, anyone going to the game this weekend? Originally Posted by M A X
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
To restate Introuble's point in the simplest possible way, I believe he was simply suggesting that he's observed an under-served market for appropriately priced L2 sessions. Nothing more.

The public and private discussions I've seen would suggest that he's right.

If and how to react to the identified opportunity is clearly up to each individual provider.
I did read your thread. Honestly I did, acouple of people just happen to go off track with it....me being one..I apologize.

So you are looking for a massage and basically a BNG...right? This is what you want right. I just took what you wrote and made it in less words. To answer your question its plenty...well kinda sorta, well actually alot. But they dont spell it out in the ads.. I provide this, not every guy wants to hump, some want something simple, kinda what you looking for.


Did I ask about multi-hour sessions?
Did I ask about kissing and cuddling?
Did I suggest that I knew how a provider should run their business?
Did I ask about clean sheets, low volume, etc?

All I asked was why more providers did not offer an L2 option since there was a niche in the market for that. "Oh I will" many providers come back and say NOW but you sure as hell do not advertise it so in essence, it does not exist. My question was NOT to tell you how to run your business, but rather to ask why more do not offer a service MANY want and few offer.

Again if anything can be concluded here by the responses it is that providers had rather charge more for L3 than make less for L2. In other words, if you want an L2 session, pay for an L3 and I'll give you L2 because providers had rather work less and make more doing it. Makes sense to me.....duh

The market is void of L2 services as the providers had rather charge an extra $100 for a 10 minute fuck......or as is the case many times....or make nothing at all. Providers had rather hold out for $250-$300 for L3. That's OK.....however there are many sessions that could be L1/L2 for half that and open up a whole new market. Its the providers loss for being so narrow minded.

And since the providers want to keep bringing this up, I will state emphatically - BAD BUSINESS DECISION

(p.s. and what makes you think that we do not know what is said in the powder room......its the same way you find out what is said in the locker room......some people do not know how to keep their mouths shut.....) Originally Posted by Introuble
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
lol what is an appropriately priced l2 session??
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
lol what is an appropriately priced l2 session?? Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
I would think the starting point for the answer is 'less than L3 and more than L1'. The market, quality of service, and attributes of the provider will determine the specifics, as always.
I've always offered this - and I think a LOT of the other girls do too. Just ask
We can't be expected to put every possibility of a session length, activities and it's appropriate rate in the ad, the list could go on forever!
CenterLock's Avatar
I've always offered this - and I think a LOT of the other girls do too. Just ask
We can't be expected to put every possibility of a session length, activities and it's appropriate rate in the ad, the list could go on forever! Originally Posted by JamieYoung
And ever and ever. Yeah, thank you for not doing that. Short ads are good. If I can't tell if you offer something, it's only a few keystrokes to ask if you do.
slims099's Avatar
lol what is an appropriately priced l2 session?? Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
Well if I only last 5 mins during a GOOD BnG (which is typical for me), $100 seems to be the "market" price. If you suck at it, I'll just want to go to L3 and pay your regular 1 hr (or half hr) price, lol.
Introuble's Avatar
I cannot tell you what the market price for L2 is since so few offer it. 90% of the time it is an L3 session that ends with L2 simply because IMHO it is a hell of a lot better and more intimate/stimulating than a condom fuck. I can tell you that it depends on everything else, just like a L3 session.....looks, personality, ease of scheduling, etc. there are some providers I have paid as much as $200 and others as little as $80. It really depends on what ELSE you have to offer.

What I will tell you from my observation is that the really desirable providers with top notch service and reputations never offer L2 sessions and the ones that do offer and advertise it are either older, very normal in the looks department, and/or are 40lbs over weight. Reasons for that are somewhat obvious. But the top notch providers that have the 8+ looks, spinner bodies, and simply average to hot as hell simply do not offer it publicly.

Someone stated that she would discuss it if I would just come see her once. Yeah right..... We are discouraged from talking specifics on the phone, or if done in an email it is entrapment or rude, and "everything you need to know is in my ad".

So I suspect we book the L3, get there and downgrade by asking, and then if they refuse, we walk......is that what you are suggesting?
RoDunn's Avatar
I've always offered this - and I think a LOT of the other girls do too. Just ask
We can't be expected to put every possibility of a session length, activities and it's appropriate rate in the ad, the list could go on forever! Originally Posted by JamieYoung
This is good to know. I'm usually not interested in a L2-only session, but you would be one of the exceptions.

You might consider putting this in your ads or on your site/p411 page. There are several ladies who are well-known for their L2 skills and might benefit from marketing this service.