Get over yourself

Slitlikr's Avatar
Go Astros!!!
Woooooooooooooohoooooooooooi. JV killing it!
Go Stros!
boardman's Avatar
Thanks. I’m sure I’ll Live lol. I guess cuz I have a vagina it doesn’t matter that she stood us both up and we both commented on the punked post and she clearly said “they” she was not talking about me Only you. Good to know.

I’m prob losing more points now cuz I’m still commenting. Lol oh no. The 3% of the Houston men who will actually see this won’t like me.
All good. I like me. Can't please everyone! Waste of time to even try.

I didn't realize that I was supposed to keep my mouth shut and my opinions to myself and let someone talk shit about me. This is Co-ed correct? Originally Posted by ZantannaParella

The point is that 99.9% of the fucktards here, including me, didn't care enough to "put 2 and 2 together". We, including me, had no idea that any of this debacle was about you until you chimed in...Now we know.
Chlorine's Avatar
The point is that 99.9% of the fucktards here, including me, didn't care enough to "put 2 and 2 together". We, including me, had no idea that any of this debacle was about you until you chimed in...Now we know. Originally Posted by boardman
EXACTLY! Im sure 100% were thinking is was a male as well...LOL
It was a Male.....and a female. :-) but as you all know a doubles session is 2 girls and one man. Lol. Well for most of y'all!
Point is a girl like this who no-shows , lies and does some shady shit makes us (the females on here) look bad and that's not cool at all. Than for her to call us (bank and I) out with more BS and lies when she is in the wrong and all we did was state facts on a post about here doing what she does over and over again is crap.

Anyway y'all have a great night this Astros game put me in a bad mood so bed time.
I don't do too much posting here, but have been around since the good old days of ASPD. I fail to see where someone giving her thoughts and reasons for her actions, whether they are in line or even if they are completely crazy & idiotic , singles out one person like ZP seems to think. Seems to me that ZP is using this more as a billboard for her "drama free" life that we all should strive to be like. Instead of just giving someone credit for owning their.mistakes and everyone moving on. Yet some few people always have to just drag shit out till it's just so beaten down and worn out everyone forgets what the OP was even about.
  • pxmcc
  • 06-15-2019, 06:52 AM
i think ZP was calling out her doubles partner for a no show, yes?
Well I think ZP was responding to this! And I quote: (ok copy and pasted but what Eva)

. Well those people cant seem to gwt over it. They continue to bash me every chance they get and in everyway they can. Im fed up and tired of it. Move on with your life and get over your ego

I really think ZP isn't gonna let a girl who has several posts on here about her no-showing and BS excuses gonna let some girl call her out and fuggin lie about these people bashing her every chance they get only because the day before ZP made on comment on the I got punked post about her when she and another gentleman were also stood up and lied too. And maybe. Just maybe ZP doesn't want to be dragged into someone else's drama or let someone bash and make up shit about her so this person who was trying to get sympathy points by posting this to pull the attention off her no showing! And ZP was just calling out said BS for those who were using their big head in here and saw the other post and were able to put 2 and 2 together and realized who PB was talking about

ZP will also always stand up for herself and not let others get away with publicly talking shit about her that isn't true even tho some say she lost points or brought undo negative publicity to herself. Especially when her PMs and emails blow up with nothing but positive feedback on her initial comment says otherwise. And her reputation would have been tarnished when the peeps who put 2 and 2 together and realized it was her that this post was about along with the other gentleman PB was referring to as "they"

So think what you want about ZP from what Little you have read here and being unaware about the person who wrote it's history of standing peeps up or having read the other posts regarding it. ZP is strait forward and upfront and a very laid back easy going person. And as a result has always had a great rep in here
ZP I only meet you one time...first impression were nothing but COMPLETELY positive!!
After doing some searching and looking at the history and facts of it all. Looks like this guy had seen her twice in January and wrote a Yes review for her as well. I'm guessing the NS happened shortly after that for this infamous double? Plus I had seen posts by "him" in other posts where she was touring telling those hobbyist not to see her every chance he got right after the cancellation. That's besides the point....So let me get this straight we are talking about something that happened going on what...almost 6 month ago now?! Obviously whoever they are had to keep bringing it up on other posts and the OP must have been getting tired of it being brought up to the point that she felt she needed to own up to what she did to make it stop. Nonetheless, I'm sure this post had to make the OP requests for appointments to cease as well. So from an outsiders view on this it looks like ya'll achieved your what your overall intentions were.

Think about it.. Why would someone just voluntarily incriminate and damage their income on purpose??? Who was trying to get, as someone put "Sympathy Points" the whole time? Looks like to me the OP was just trying to make it all stop 6 months later and what a total 9 "Yes" reviews after that cancellation occurred even if taking that chance would/could ruin her. In my opinion that should be considered a form on continual harassment on their part.

I don't see where she ever brought it up until now and hasn't said anything since what she needed to say. Had to be a reason behind it. Points to the OP for sticking up for herself after all this time. Shes not a horrible person; just someone who made mistakes like we all do.
Thanks I usually am completely positive. Just did not appreciate someone talking shit about me. I'm the nicest laid back person but I also won't sit back and let others try and bring me down
I can only speak for myself. She has several posts in here about no showing and lying the most recent I made a comment on the next day she post this. I've said nothing about her until the I got punked thread. So it kinda seems like she is going back and making excuses about something that happened a while ago and not address the most recent ones. If you haven't read it I would suggest you do. I've made one comment on someone who was also bailed ons thread. So for her to say "they" is complete BS. I've been nothing but nice to her. Even offered to help her out.
Just because she made a mistake in the beginning dosent mean everything after that was a lie. She owned up to Something that happened 6 months that you both brought back up. Why cant you accept it was not an excuse as you clearly seem to be stuck on. She owned up to everything she did wrong. She wasnt going to sit back and let others bring her down either. I went bAck and read the thread and if you didnt see the part where the original OP stated to the admin to close the thread bc it was a case of mistaken identity. PB had jury duty for a fact and I know this because I am her neighbor. And her car accident that happened around mothers days landed her in ICU and in the hospital for over a week for a major concussion from her head going into the windshield...she couldnt drive. Hell she had to learn how to talk and walk all over again. So yeah with a head injury you are bound to forget somethings. So the most recent accusations about the OP are not even true and ontop of it her mistake from January was thrown in her face too. Not taking sides because I barely talk to PB but from an outsider view just let it go cause nobody knows all the facts afterall. I just had to share what I saw and knew.
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
Way T.M.I.from someone that is "not taking sides & barely talks to P.B". You are the main one keeping this thread going, if you really want to help her out just review her already & let it be.
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
A "Good Neighbor" would help make showcase edits so that someone would help her find a "solution" to that request she made looking for a "FamAtt" in the ISO Section on OH2. But hey, who really knows; it is a Hooker Board after all...

I'd like to believe that most adults would have handled this privately.

ZP defending herself is only natural. Really, sh*t could've gone sideways but, it didn't. I commend you for that ZP