Photoshop- Before & After

Too funny Alex!
impressive....i have photo shop but dont play that much with it. the pregnant ones got me going.....any pregos ready for me?
How many of you have noticed the exact same thing in the music inustry. The phenomina of "voice beafing" has allowed Pop Singers with very little vocal talent at all become "stars" by way of the technology of the recording studio.

The best example of this is Ashley Simpson, who is, by all accounts, tone deaf. But, never the less, a very successful "artist". The music industry is rampant with this, and a entire generation of zombies fall for it, and worse, pay for it.
bluffcityguy's Avatar
How many of you have noticed the exact same thing in the music inustry. The phenomina of "voice beafing" has allowed Pop Singers with very little vocal talent at all become "stars" by way of the technology of the recording studio.

The best example of this is Ashley Simpson, who is, by all accounts, tone deaf. But, never the less, a very successful "artist". The music industry is rampant with this, and a entire generation of zombies fall for it, and worse, pay for it. Originally Posted by Jackie S
This is veering slightly off topic, but WTH...

There are a fair amount of blog posts, pundit's opinion pieces, etc., out there bemoaning the fact that with the ubiquity of Photoshop and other image editors, photographs have lost the aura of authority that they once had, and are becoming less reliable as a record of "factual truth" (to the extent there is such a thing... Dammit, I'm lapsing into philosophy major mode again; I'm gonna STFU now before I really hijack this thread).


ben dover's Avatar
As a professional Photographer i've done quite a few providers. I try to get them into the studio but more often than not I have to drag some lights to a hotel room. I always try to get the best look in the camera with limited light and space. I have the ladies pose to hide what the percieved flaws are and use the light also to get the best shot. I use photoshop to hide clothes on the floor or drink bottles or the cell phone or laptop on the desk etc. I rarely do more than correct skin tone or erase some bruise or remove a wisp of hair that ruined an otherwise nice shot.
This photographer does way too much photo shopping. Retouched photos should still look like you. Take a look at the woman's breast on the first page. Her enhanced breasts look nothing like her real breasts. And the woman with the wrinkles looks too photo shopped as well. A smart photographer will smooth out some of her wrinkles or lift the breasts some without making the photos look nothing like the subject. The models look fake, and I’m certain no hobbyist wants to experience bait & switch.

This is where a little retouching can come in pretty handy...” He did a lot more than “a little” retouching.

Once I asked my photographer to photoshop out the pores on my legs and the small gap on the side of my teeth. He said, “If I do that the photos will not be of you…and I don’t offer that service.” I was happy he declined my request. Ultimately, I know that any gent who contacts me is ok with a few imperfections.