Review: The Infamous BJ broke my NCNS cherry!

69er's Avatar
  • 69er
  • 01-18-2012, 02:11 PM
Although I agree with your statement about many providers, IBJ is not one that I have ever heard, up to this thread, doing NCNS.

I can promise you I am not a WK of hers or anyone else, just stating facts. Originally Posted by bigdog0311
This is the reason I'd rather see NCNS reports put up whenever it happens. Then if a lady had one NCNS, and reviews over a 2 year period, I'd happily schedule. If however she has three NCNS, and only one month of reviews... I'm gonna pass.

Just because we haven't heard other reports for NCNS for a lady, doens't mean she's never had one. The way it stands today, most gents are afraid to post NCNS, as they're afraid the ladies will ban the poster of the NCNS. So, if I see even one, I'm forced to worry if that's from the only NCNS she's ever had, or if that's from the only gent with the cojones to post one. I've posted NCNS in the mens lounge on ladies who are WK'ed regularly here, and had many PM's telling me that it happened to them as well. So, the absence of NCNS reviews doesn't mean much in the present environment here.

As I said, I understand that anyone can make a mistake. When they happen frequently, that is a different issue.

I see BJ's already taken her little "pot shot" at me. I expected no less from her, as she's very outspoken here. The fact that she knows it is fully her fault, yet feels compelled to attempt to belittle me, is a sign of her character.
I'm all for NCNS in coed, and fully believe that providers should start posting NCNS threads on hobbyists, as well. Fair is fair!

69er is not a fan of outspoken women (did you get a PM from him yet? ) so shame on you BJ. Look what you went and did...I bet he took you off his list now, too! Tsk, tsk. I hope your business will survive this catastrophe! Shame, shame, know your name!

(LOL <<to indicate the fact I am joking. I love BJ and she knows it )
Geez, if I posted a NCNS report (not a review) everytime I was NCNS, I'd probably made a lot of ladies DNS list.

Usually I got a note from the lady with 24-72 hours apologizing, but never got an offer for a free BJ. Hmm, maybe I need to hold out for more, threaten to write a NCNS review.

Of course there are also the handful of time sI drove all of the way over to an appointment and was then told they had to cancel too.

IBJ, never met you, glad you are okay, at this point, sounds like you handled this as properly as you could considering.
I see BJ's already taken her little "pot shot" at me. I expected no less from her, as she's very outspoken here. Originally Posted by 69er
Seriously? We have practically the same post count, I have been registered nearly a full year before you and a nice percentage of my posts are in the Provider Ad Section.

Very outspoken? Huh? I work here, now why are you here?

I'm sorry to have hurt your feelings with friendly banter. You didn't see the "LOL"?
Well, if he would have just waited a day or two, she could have told him that, verses posting this.

Are you happy now Mr.OP......she didn't get to not only blow you, she didn't get to blow anybody that day.
Hercules's Avatar
she didn't get to blow anybody that day. Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
But in jail they did make her take the special "breathalyzer" test.....12 times.

Oh & &
No Shows happen, just get over it, life is too short. The hobbyist might NCNS just as easy as a provider. Call and make up or just move on. I have had several NCNS from a few ladies, I always gave them a chance to make things right. I can say that when you give a lady a second chance to make things right it was always a great time. The lady seemed to go out of her way to be special to me and the BCD was great. So live and let live.

Dannie I would so love to see you love BJ!!!!
scooterpie's Avatar
BJ, do you mean to tell me there was no way to use your feminine guile to incapacitate a guard, then fashion a rope from toilet paper, hair, and bed linens, then dig through the wall with a spoon, climb down the wall with the aforementioned rope, then leap over a chain-link fence topped with razor wire, scurry home through back alleys in time to get cleaned up and keep your appointment...shame on you. LOL.
Well, even though you have suddenly become so unreliable(LOL again!), I still luv ya'!
Dannie I would so love to see you love BJ!!!! Originally Posted by durango95
^I second, third, and fourth this motion!!!!^
pleasurewolf's Avatar
Yeah, that OP is a real hot head. Who posts a NCNS
without waiting a few days first?

I'm sorry , BJ.

I went off half-cocked and made a right proper
ass of myself.

Sometimes my ego gets way ahead of my mouth.


BJ, do you mean to tell me there was no way to use your feminine guile to incapacitate a guard, then fashion a rope from toilet paper, hair, and bed linens, then dig through the wall with a spoon, climb down the wall with the aforementioned rope, then leap over a chain-link fence topped with razor wire, scurry home through back alleys in time to get cleaned up and keep your appointment...shame on you. LOL.
Well, even though you have suddenly become so unreliable(LOL again!), I still luv ya'!
^I second, third, and fourth this motion!!!!^ Originally Posted by scooterpie
The use of red font indicates a serious tone, thereby neutralizing your "LOL". WTF??!! Now how is anybody supposed to know if your (sorry, no time to reference R4C's chart) joking or not? These are serious times on eccie, and our members deserve--- or better yet, are entitled to--- clear, succinct dialogue that requires no intelligence and/or wit to decipher.*

Shame on you, you have led the flock astray.


*Please note that this sort of entitlement is the good kind that extends only to white hobbyists, and is not to be confused with the evil type of entitlement that said white hobbyists like to form online angry lynch mobs to accuse our AA brethren of exhibiting when they dare mention there (R4C, where are you when I need you?) frustration with NBA policies.
PleasureWolf stood up apoligized and is ready to move on, and he has my respect. I suggest we all move on and let BJ contact PleasureWolf and make his eyes roll back with that voodoo that she do so well. BJ take care of this guy, he seems like a stand up kind of man to me.
Sorta like.. If your mom would've just swallowed that day..

Ummm, "LOL". Originally Posted by Infamous BJ
bj is my atf poster

Eh, no need, man! I woulda posted the same damn thing. I've NCNS'd before, without reasonable cause as a greenhorn with good 'flavor-of-the-month' head (Shout out to that asshole, Logan, we all love/hate to hate/love, wutidew bro!). A few as well when I should have known better. Us ladies have all kinds of crazy shit going on in our lives that we do our best to blanket in front of you guys. We do sometimes tend to take for granted the shit that you fellas have to go through to come see us. We know, well at least the good heart-ed handful of us know that the little extras we provide and get paid very well for, costs way more than our 200ish an hour fee some times. We forget. Sitting on a goldmine is not as easy at it seems.

While I am at it.. sometimes you guys need to keep in mind a thing or two about whore-ism. It is easy to say that all you have to do is call.. blah blah blah. Women are emotional beings. The majority of us have gone through some unimaginable things in our past. There are some very intelligent ladies on this site, instead of being a brain surgeon.. her ad says she is a head doctor. There might be a reason or two behind some of that. Maybe send a thank you note to the ones that keep you wondering instead of knowing why, cuz she's a bad mamma-jamma. It may be unintelligible to you why we chose the path we did. What we do and what some of us have been through, easily takes a toll on the best of us. There is a reason that prostitution is frowned upon. You would be outraged to know that your daughters/sisters/mother swallowed the cum of anyone with a C-note. There are days that, I can probably speak for us all, we wake up and the last thing we want to do is take direction and be used any old way a couple hundred bucks from a stranger will buy him. Even if he is your ATF and would bring you the moon, it takes huge fucking balls to roll 'I am a prostitute' in some sugar. The days I mistake the sugar and roll it in salt, all my 'regular person' morals are covered in it to. I could not give a fuck any less about calling and cancelling.. but 98% of the time, those of us that are real pros hold it together and you get the best fucking hour of your life, then leave.. It takes a lot to hold us together, we have some issues... I promise we do. It is not the same as your sales job, make sure you give us a little bit of slack sometimes. This shit is hard as fuck to swallow sometimes, we are regular people with regular emotions first. Could you handle our jobs? I apologize for such a run-on paragraph there, I just had some shit to say. So please, give it up to the drama-free girls that do a damn good job looking all rose-colored to you guys.

Shit happens, I will fuck up some more. This has all been in fun but I do apologize.

I did have your number in my phone but did not know your handle here until I opened your message last night, and replied. I'm not going to call your phone a whole day later to say sorry and explain, ya know? I'm not the type to get you caught up in home drama because I called or texted without knowing it was ok to do so. By only knowing your phone number and no other means of contact, it puts us girls between a couple rocks when a situation does arise. You did PM before you headed this way but I had not even known until after the fact.

Albeit, that is the way I choose to do things, I could change it I guess, and ask you to PM here, then email with a work #, your mama's # and your kid's SS#... but I respect this hobby thing in an old skool type of way, I guess. You want some head? Call me and come by. If not, there ain't no damn reason we should be talking, especially initiated by me. You know my fake name, why the fuck should you have to give me yours? I could serial kill you just as easy as you could me. I have my screening/security methods that work for me but the anonymity bites in the ass when something like this happens.

Ok, that was a ton of rambling. It is what it is. Sorry, man. I have been a little rough around the edges here lately, but I'm a genuine pleaser and that will never change. Whenever you are ready, hit me up. We had agreed on an hour and I would LOVE to spend it with you. My offer stands, I hope we are still cool. You, and the other guy that I NCNS because of this shit.. someone PM me if you see that thread before I do.

Love you guys, each and every one of ya.

P.S. Bubba, if you are not drunk yet, think you could just close this already? My phone is blowin' up today. ;D Ha.Ha. Cheap shot, I know.

Oh yeah, and the 'White Knights for IBJ' meeting is as regularly scheduled this week. I better see all three pages of you fuckers there. Someone bring Cheetos.
Logan's Avatar
  • Logan
  • 01-18-2012, 08:24 PM
The Infamous One has been a provider in good standing on ASPD/ECCIE for about 4 years now. IBJ does NOT have a reputation for no shows or drama, hence her ability to remain a popular and active provider for four yearz.

Pleasurewolf, if IBJ is offering you a make-up session, then take her up on it, dude! The Infamous One has LEGENDARY oral skillz and I’m sure that her “mind-blowing” technique would make you forget all about the frustration of your NCNS experience.

Also, I hear IBJ graduated at the “head” of her class… she’s smart too! He he
scooterpie's Avatar
The use of red font indicates a serious tone, thereby neutralizing your "LOL". WTF??!!

Shame on you, you have led the flock astray.

Bizz Originally Posted by TheBizz
Yeah, but I was seriously LOLing:rof lmao::mf_dribb le: