Should There Be A Hobbyist Review Section?

~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 05-08-2015, 01:47 PM
If there was a hobbyist review section, then my hands would fall off from all the typing. Originally Posted by Adrienne Baptiste
Voice to text. DICKtate the session AS it happens. Saves time.
It would be great if there is a way to have the providers mark the hobbyist as legit so that we do not have to go through reference checks again and again. I have 50+ reviews and I am still asked to provide reference information like phone numbers, etc., of the providers I saw. If there is a way the providers can just mark us with OK(s), then that may avoid all this references checks or need to have P411.
For like the millionth time now - no its a really bad idea.

There are four basic things you are paying for when you see a provider.

1. You pay us to fuck you
2. You pay us to go away after we fuck you
3. You pay us to be discrete
4. You pay us not to judge you

It really is as simple as that.
I assumed ladies already do this on one of the "ladies only" boards! If they don't they should - but yeah, I don't think guys would want to read it unless it was a rave review. And tinman is right, they'd all be rave reviews otherwise it would cripple business.

I would be curious to read a review of myself though. Good or bad I would be curious.
MrSizzle's Avatar
I'm would be ok with something that was presented similarly by davidfree986 (#27) and briantr99 (#32). But a "No" to a review of the hobbyist.
No way! The male ego needs to stroked and that's what we are here to do....along with a few other things!
Sleepy363's Avatar
only if the guys then get to advertise. I'm waiting to join in on that 9pm sunday fight in the weekend ads section.
Duthgar1976's Avatar
i guess im one of the rare males that would not be bothered by being reviewed. would like to know what i need work on.
The Proper Stranger's Avatar
Sure, but just remember, I do my best work when I'm being worshiped as a god.
I really never get the 'please review me' guy. It either comes down to one of two things. Either they are arrogant enough to feel like they are such a great lover that somehow 'good reviews' about them will make a difference or insecure enough to want a P4P provider to help them get better.

This is a fantasy. Enjoy it for what it is. Part of it is that every good provider will make you feel like a million bucks. They may say you have a cute face, instead of noting you have a body like Jabba the Hutt. They may say your smart and funny and ignore the fact your an ugly toad. They will make you rudimentary DATY skills seem like the most intense magical thing they've ever experienced. (EVERYBODY thinks they are skilled at oral sex when by definition, most are average.) They will tell you that you have a 'perfect' size cock instead saying that it's small. They will pretend like a guy is a virile stud even everyone in the room knows you needed a little Vitamin V to make things work that day. They will accentuate the positive, because it's good for business.

If you are good looking, charming or skilled in the sack, you don't need someone you've paid to verify it for you.

And providers aren't wired like guys. I don't think women feel compelled to tell the world about how great a sex partner was...especially in P4P. They are probably happy to have him coming back as a repeat customer...not broadcast it to stroke his ego.

If the OP wants true feedback on his game, then get it from somebody who's got nothing to lose by being honest with him. Everybody says they want 'honest feedback'...until they hear something they don't want to hear.
novacain's Avatar

Also honest reviews on clients would be career suicide for providers. Do you really think the lurkers, which make up a high percentage of the board, would want to see a provider who would put them on blast? Originally Posted by Mojojo
This kind of logic makes one pause and wonder, just how you conduct yourself to worry about being put on blast.

What's to put on blast, if you go in, act right, treat her right and donate right, nothing for her to blast you about. You seem to think the ladies speak about us in the same manner we speak about them, hate to be the one to tell you, they don't. Most of them have way more class than that.

My 2cents. I think it wouldn't hurt if there was a multiple choice of things like did they show up on time, did they tip, were they pleasant, do recommend to someone. Things like that. I think would help the screening process and if the next thinks they would match and weed out people that don't need to be here. Originally Posted by M4ww2

This seems fair enough but I may be too new to understand what other people are worried about. Here are a few I was thinking.

-Did the client haggle service prices? If yes, was it before or after services were rendered?
-If the appointment was an incall, did the client arrive on time?
-Was the client's hygiene acceptable? If not, was a shower offered/suggested?
-Did the client persistently request/attempt services not on menu? If yes, the provider could elaborate in a drop-down text box.

No ros.
jdkees's Avatar
First, I have to say the responses so far have been very helpful and entertaining and informative. Thanks!

I'm thinking there was some sarcasm to what Von posted dude. Don't take thing so serious around here. Originally Posted by Mojojo
I know not everyone is an old Farker (it was Reddit before Reddit was a twinkle in anyone's eye), but I'm pretty sure the joke I responded with has been around the Internets a time of sixty-three.

But funny you should mention serious.

Also honest reviews on clients would be career suicide for providers. Do you really think the lurkers, which make up a high percentage of the board, would want to see a provider who would put them on blast? Originally Posted by Mojojo
Physician... heal thyself.


I really never get the 'please review me' guy.
Originally Posted by Fortisb43
Hey thanks for the cold read, are you Sylvia Brown reincarnated? Can I get an autograph?

And hey, nice goad on the oral thing but I'm still not gonna give you head. Besides, I'm horrible at it.


No = while it may or may not be satisfying to get feedback on a session I prefer to be my own judge of that.

Like the ladies i am sure I do not want one bad day or uncontrollable butt whistle to come between me and the next hot lady that will share some time. Originally Posted by Brot
I can dig it. And your answer is way better than all the waxing philosophical on the transactional qualities of fantasy fulfillment. I've read less self righteous variations on the labor theory of value in Yelp reviews (okay, no I haven't because holy crap Yelp... but you know what I mean). Your comment, on the other hand, was down to earth and really put things in a context that means something on a personal level.

I don't know you, Brot, and your avatar frightens and intrigues me, but you're good people. Or werewolf. Or horse-man-thing. (seriously, I'm just bad at figuring out what that is) Consider yourself owed a beer on me.

You know what, Brot? I like you. You're not like the other people. Here. In this trailer park...
TexTushHog's Avatar
I'd venture that information is shared about how we "perform" in the session. But I'll bet dollars to doughnuts that it's not what the guys with the egos think.

Is he clean and showered?
Is he polite and respectful?
Any problems with payment?
Body habitus?
Any bizarre kink I need to beware of?
Is he quick?

If the girl is really good at her job, she might share with a select few friends, is there anything special he likes (back rub, talks a lot, likes to have a beer, etc.).

I'll bet not one "review" in 20 mentions anything about being handsome or debonair; sexual prowess; size of your dick; how well you eat (or think you eat) pussy; etc.
Not no, but HELL NO! I'm Joe Average all the way around, and Joe Below Average in the sack. I don't need an honest review to remind me, especially when I'm the one spending the money for companionship.

I once had the (dis) pleasure of lunching with two very hot Dallas providers, one gone, one still here. If you think they get together and speak kind volumes about us, you're WRONG. I experienced it first hand, and it ain't pretty. So as already noted, honest reviews of gents would cost the ladies business. Lady White Knight reviews would be absurd.

No point...