CNN Doc says "the science has changed"!

adav8s28's Avatar
Well, not in all cases but some even though we can't give you any numbers. Just wanted to correct that for you. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
In MOST cases the two shot vaccines PREVENT death from the omicron variant. There are very few breakthrough deaths. You will see that when you find your numbers.
It's the unvaxed that are dying.
winn dixie's Avatar
adav8s28's Avatar
Originally Posted by winn dixie
You be wrong Johnny Reb. 64,000 unvacinnated deaths is > than 16,700 vaccinated deaths.

From the link:

While federal data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is incomplete, only accounting for a subset of states, the analysis found that between April and November, more than 16,700 vaccinated people had died -- the vast majority since the start of the delta variant's surge, earlier this summer. Similarly, nearly all – approximately 96% -- of the 1.8 million breakthrough cases – have come during the same time period.

Comparatively, in those select states, at least 5.8 million unvaccinated Americans had tested positive, and just under 64,000 unvaccinated Americans had died, during the same time period.
winn dixie's Avatar
  • Tiny
  • 02-09-2022, 09:53 PM
Just heard a report that about 38 million people have lost their jobs because they refused to get vaccinated and or wear masks. Hell, let's cut that number in half just to be sure.19 million people lost their jobs due "in part" to Biden policies forced upon them or so I'm sure many would say. I wonder how many of those people voted for Biden that will no longer vote for him or any Democrat that supported his vaccine and masking policies. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
The 38 million is a crazy number, as you presumably recognized since you cut it in half. A back of the envelope estimate would indicate we'd have a 77% labor force participation rate if 38 million more people were working. The highest that number has been in history is 67%.

I don't see a reason for mask and vaccine mandates, now that most of the country has been vaccinated and/or infected and so has some immunity. However, I don't have much sympathy for people who refused to comply with requirements by their employers to wear masks or get vaccinated. Neither is a big deal, they're easy to do. And government has no business telling private businesses what their mask and vaccine policies should be.
HedonistForever's Avatar
In MOST cases the two shot vaccines PREVENT death from the omicron variant. There are very few breakthrough deaths. You will see that when you find your numbers.
It's the unvaxed that are dying.
Originally Posted by adav8s28

Thank you for the correction which you probably should have said to start with. I can't help but wonder if you thought about saying "most" because you knew that was the truth or you decided to leave it out to make it sound better than it was? Just wondering?

I understand and agree that it is the un-vaxxed that are dying, so again I will ask, having had 3 shots myself, why the fuck do I care if they die having chosen to be un-vaxxed, especially since the can't kill me? Why should I have to wear a mask if they can't kill me and more than likely can't even put me in the hospital? Why all the hysteria is what I'm wondering?

And now, the big question I see today, is why are Democrat Governors now tossing mask mandates, when the CDC just said, that is not our recommendation, but that Governor's have ALWAYS had the right to make their own decisions. Yeah, tell that to DeSantis and Abbott.

So the science has changed, the CDC has not, but Democrats aren't following the science any more. I just can't help but wonder if that has anything to do with Democrat internal polling telling them that if they don't stop saying stupid shit like the people on MSNBC and the Squad are saying, they are going to suffer the worst House defeat EVER and might well lose the Senate. Won't that be an interesting two years. I wonder what we'll have to talk about then.
  • Tiny
  • 02-09-2022, 09:58 PM
It's funny Tiny because while I was watching Steve Hilton give his opening monologue, I thought, I'm, going to put this up for Tiny to see never guessing that you watch Steve Hilton ( do you also watch Mark Levin )

I was surprised at your reaction but I guess I shouldn't have been. You have been all in on the Democrat side of this equation from the beginning, your right of course.
Originally Posted by HedonistForever
The Democrat side my ass. It's called believing in common sense.

The first time I saw a Levin episode he was interviewing an economist who worked at the Cato Institute about trade policy. I thought the economist, and Levin, both kicked ass. Now that Levin, like other Fox night time hosts, has become obsessed with COVID and the 2020 presidential election, he's just annoying. Are those the main issues Republicans worry about these days? I don't think so. It's the economy stupid. ("Stupid" as in the MSM on Fox, not you Hedonist.)
  • Tiny
  • 02-09-2022, 10:11 PM
I understand and agree that it is the un-vaxxed that are dying, so again I will ask, having had 3 shots myself, why the fuck do I care if they die having chosen to be un-vaxxed, especially since the can't kill me? Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Because your insurance rates will go up and because as a taxpayer you'll have to shell out at some point for all those unvaxxed people who were on Medicare, Medicaid and Obamacare?

And now, the big question I see today, is why are Democrat Governors now tossing mask mandates, when the CDC just said, that is not our recommendation, but that Governor's have ALWAYS had the right to make their own decisions. Yeah, tell that to DeSantis and Abbott. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Because almost everyone has had COVID and/or gotten vaccinated so they have some immunity? And it's time to get back to normal?
HedonistForever's Avatar
The 38 million is a crazy number, as you presumably recognized since you cut it in half. A back of the envelope estimate would indicate we'd have a 77% labor force participation rate if 38 million more people were working. The highest that number has been in history is 67%.

I don't see a reason for mask and vaccine mandates, now that most of the country has been vaccinated and/or infected and so has some immunity. However, I don't have much sympathy for people who refused to comply with requirements by their employers to wear masks or get vaccinated. Neither is a big deal, they're easy to do. And government has no business telling private businesses what their mask and vaccine policies should be. Originally Posted by Tiny

Tiny, what ever the number of people that lost their jobs, do you think they all voted for Biden and won't now vote against him and take it out on Democrats for following this Bernie Sanders clone?

I know some times my thinking doesn't always translate to what I'm writing, but the point of this was, isn't this one more policy that Democrats will fail with? And when you add up all the other disapproval's, how in the hell do they expect to keep the House? Think about it, are they admitting among themselves but don't care? I imagine them sitting around with stern faces and the conversation goes something like this

Karen #1 So maybe we will have to sacrifice our jobs. I thought from the very beginning that we had to push the social justice, restorative justice, defund the police, mandate vaccines and masks until we say stop not the Governor's, which for some reason have been given their power back after we took it from them.

Karen#2 I'm willing to make the sacrifice. We have this 2 year window and if we can't get passed what we want now, we can forget about it for another two years but to be perfectly truthful since it is just us here, we know the American people do not want what we are selling. Nothing could be more obvious from the internal and external polling.

Karen#3 I'm with President Biden, I don't believe the polls. It's the damn media like CNN and Bill Mahr, that have turned against us. Are you telling me that getting Governor Cuomo fired, Chris Cuomo getting fired, the best ratings CNN had and Jeff Zuker fired wasn't a right wing conspiracy funded by Putin. Come on girl.

Karen#4 The cause is what matters, saving the planet from climate change, which we'll all have to admit, that we don't have a fucking clue how to do that, because stopping domestic oil production only to ask OPEC to produce the same amount of oil that we stopped producing and sell it back to us, thank you, to burn the same amount of carbon emission's we would have burned with our own damn oil. Can anybody be that stupid?

Karen#5 On that anti-Progressive note Karen#4, we'll adjourn because I have to chair 10 more meetings today. I don't know why they can't find qualified candidates for this position.
  • Tiny
  • 02-09-2022, 10:39 PM
Hedonist, I’m going to sleep, will probably reply tomorrow. I just wanted to mention I like the Karen motif. I laughed my ass off when Elon Musk called Elizabeth Warren a hysterical Karen. Buenas noches.
adav8s28's Avatar
Thank you for the correction which you probably should have said to start with. I can't help but wonder if you thought about saying "most" because you knew that was the truth or you decided to leave it out to make it sound better than it was? Just wondering?

I understand and agree that it is the un-vaxxed that are dying, so again I will ask, having had 3 shots myself ............
Originally Posted by HedonistForever
HF, you just posted that YOU understand and agree that it's the un-vaxxed that are dying. Then why were you trying to make a big deal about the word most? I have posted several times in the past that there has been some break through deaths.

Thank you valued poster.
winn dixie's Avatar
Some? Some you say? snick
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...‘Full blown’ pandemic phase of Covid nearly over in US, declares Anthony Fauci
Biden’s top medical adviser says Americans will soon make ‘own decisions’ on dealing with virus

Originally Posted by Tiny
Interesting the word choices "they", aka TPTB, are pivoting to; Talking about "giving" you back your freedom to make your 'own decisions'. Balderdash. Just a ploy to bolster the mid-term viability, which is all this tactic is about. Don't fall for it.

Why do you think "they" had to spend almost two solid years of canceling history, by way of removing statues and polluting minds with CRT, 1619 Project, etc. - then follow it up with two solid years of "lockdown" madness and economy crushing by way of an engineered bio-weapon? It was a whip-saw of Mass Formation, aka disorientation. Up is Down, Left is Right, Good is Evil etc., etc., etc.

"They" had invested tons of effort to con(vince) people that rioting and burning down police stations and occupying cites were "mostly peaceful" protests, with assault and larceny mixed in for good measure and leveraged the bio-weapon to comprehensively (and illegally) corrupt the voting processes before "they" then had to pivot wildly to con(vince) the masses that J6 was an armed insurrection.

So the question that rattles around, mostly unnoticed/unstated is: If "they" are willing to go to the mat with such impunity and total disregard for us, aka We The People, what are "we" gonna do about it? Sorry, it's a sucky equation to calculate, I get that.

Now, and make no mistake about it either, if the masses fall for this benevolent dictatorial acquiescing shtick and not do enough to inflict maximum pain upon "them" through peaceful voting means and "they" survive and/or prevail in the midterms - they will unleash total hell on earth - IMHO, the net result of which is freedom will be extinguish and the America experiment will be over. Basically, we got one shot to blow on the peaceful option..

For way of reminder, this is how freedom works - you take it, by any means necessary. (Interesting that the Antifa(gs) chose to use that "any means necessary" part though)

Reset your compass to True North (up above for the directionaly challenged, aka atheists) and invest wisely and heavily in voting "them" the hell out of power in the mid-term. But keep your boots and axes handy for a wild-ass romp into 2024. Remember, they are very scared that "they" may have over played their hand, so scared that "they" are willing to let us think (lie to us) that they are giving us back our freedom. Let's take it back instead, while we still can.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Now that Levin, like other Fox night time hosts, has become obsessed with COVID ... Originally Posted by Tiny
...still slicing and dicing the numbers to justify your interpretation of the covid numbers to mollify the fact that you fell for it hook, line and sinker?!?

Hey, we all fall for the random scam once in a while. It's OK so long as your learn from it.

Honk, Honk!

Let's Go Brandon
bambino's Avatar
Tiny, what ever the number of people that lost their jobs, do you think they all voted for Biden and won't now vote against him and take it out on Democrats for following this Bernie Sanders clone?

I know some times my thinking doesn't always translate to what I'm writing, but the point of this was, isn't this one more policy that Democrats will fail with? And when you add up all the other disapproval's, how in the hell do they expect to keep the House? Think about it, are they admitting among themselves but don't care? I imagine them sitting around with stern faces and the conversation goes something like this

Karen #1 So maybe we will have to sacrifice our jobs. I thought from the very beginning that we had to push the social justice, restorative justice, defund the police, mandate vaccines and masks until we say stop not the Governor's, which for some reason have been given their power back after we took it from them.

Karen#2 I'm willing to make the sacrifice. We have this 2 year window and if we can't get passed what we want now, we can forget about it for another two years but to be perfectly truthful since it is just us here, we know the American people do not want what we are selling. Nothing could be more obvious from the internal and external polling.

Karen#3 I'm with President Biden, I don't believe the polls. It's the damn media like CNN and Bill Mahr, that have turned against us. Are you telling me that getting Governor Cuomo fired, Chris Cuomo getting fired, the best ratings CNN had and Jeff Zuker fired wasn't a right wing conspiracy funded by Putin. Come on girl.

Karen#4 The cause is what matters, saving the planet from climate change, which we'll all have to admit, that we don't have a fucking clue how to do that, because stopping domestic oil production only to ask OPEC to produce the same amount of oil that we stopped producing and sell it back to us, thank you, to burn the same amount of carbon emission's we would have burned with our own damn oil. Can anybody be that stupid?

Karen#5 On that anti-Progressive note Karen#4, we'll adjourn because I have to chair 10 more meetings today. I don't know why they can't find qualified candidates for this position. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
The people who died “of” Covid will vote for Joey Bribes, or what ever Democrat runs next.