1 PM EST: Obama warns Putin, 2 PM EST: Putin invades Crimea

LexusLover's Avatar
By the way, Obama went to a scheduled meeting with other democrats. He may have had a scotch. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I would think Vodka.
LexusLover's Avatar
He constantly lets his compulsive need to appear relevant outweigh everything else. Originally Posted by lustylad
That's a liberal affliction.

If they don't know how to resolve the problem .......

...they either legalize it or pretend it doesn't exist .....

...or blame on some conservative group.
You're referring me to my own post? You are one fucked up moron. What I originally posted in reply to littledix is apropos for other idiots like you. The reason people get you two mixed up is because you both flunked basic English and it shows! Originally Posted by lustylad
Yes you simple fuck then the Jewish Lawyer called me out for it and you backed him up. What a pair of losers. Better study up on English yourself.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Yes you simple fuck then the Jewish Lawyer called me out for it and you backed him up. What a pair of losers. Better study up on English yourself. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Quit casting "dispersions" asshole faggot dicksucker
JD Barleycorn's Avatar

Obama is too busy (why does this remind me of Benghazi?) for a meeting of the Nationa Security Team about Ukraine and Russia.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-01-2014, 04:46 PM
Actually I'm glad Obama is a pussy who is afraid to fight the Russians, since it isn't our problem over there, and our gay marines might find themselves in trouble against a real military. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Real military? ....Damn am I the only one that thinks a gay Marine would shove JL's head up his own ass if given 30 seconds alone with our resident sex slave lover?
BigLouie's Avatar
So what would you do? Send troops? Send bombers? The problem is that A good portion of Ukraine is ethnic Russian and speak Russian and not Ukraine. They identify more with Russia than Ukraine. The best solution would be to leT the ethnic Ukraines form their own nation and let the ethnic Russian part rejoin Russia.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
So what would you do? Send troops? Send bombers? The problem is that A good portion of Ukraine is ethnic Russian and speak Russian and not Ukraine. They identify more with Russia than Ukraine. The best solution would be to leT the ethnic Ukraines form their own nation and let the ethnic Russian part rejoin Russia. Originally Posted by BigLouie
I certainly agree with that line of thinking. I think in Israel we should kick out the Palestinians to form their own nation somewhere else, and have Israel totally controlled by Jewish people.
By the way, are you implying diversity is not a strength? Because diversity being a strength is the organizing principle of the United States, not race like you propose for the Ukraine. I'm with you, insofar as I think diversity being a strength is a great big fraud.
Quit casting "dispersions" asshole faggot dicksucker Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
You love to double down on dumb ass wipe. Plus you can't even spell. His reply was to big Tex you simple ass hole.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I certainly agree with that line of thinking. I think in Israel we should kick out the Palestinians to form their own nation somewhere else, and have Israel totally controlled by Jewish people.
By the way, are you implying diversity is not a strength? Because diversity being a strength is the organizing principle of the United States, not race like you propose for the Ukraine. I'm with you, insofar as I think diversity being a strength is a great big fraud. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Actually, it would be more appropriate for the Palestinians to kick the Jews out. But I digress.
BigLouie's Avatar
I certainly agree with that line of thinking. I think in Israel we should kick out the Palestinians to form their own nation somewhere else, and have Israel totally controlled by Jewish people.
By the way, are you implying diversity is not a strength? Because diversity being a strength is the organizing principle of the United States, not race like you propose for the Ukraine. I'm with you, insofar as I think diversity being a strength is a great big fraud. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
You're such a fraud and you seem to revel in it.

Crimea only became part of Ukraine in 1954 when Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev transferred jurisdiction from Russia, a move that was a mere formality when both Ukraine and Russia were part of the Soviet Union. The Soviet breakup in 1991 meant Crimea landed in an independent Ukraine. Crimea was not part of Ukraine because of any great nationalistic movement, it was because Khrushchev and some other idiots decided to do it. If they had left things along Crimea would still be part of Russia and they would not be having these problems.

Diversity is the great strength of the United States and it is why it's economy is the engine that drives the world. The problems in the Ukraine are because leaders back in the old Soviet Union days decided to cut and paste areas and when it all fell apart the results were nations put together by third parties which leads to problems such as this.

And I agree with COG that it would be more appropriate for the Palestinians to kick the Jews out. This is another example of third parties getting together and forming a nation. Here is a little something I found on the web that should throw you into a rage of name calling.

To better understand the Palestinian bid for membership in the United Nations, it is important to understand the original 1947 UN action on Israel-Palestine.

The common representation of Israel’s birth is that the UN created Israel, that the world was in favor of this move, and that the US governmental establishment supported it. All these assumptions are demonstrably incorrect.

In reality, while the UN General Assembly recommended the creation of a Jewish state in part of Palestine, that recommendation was non-binding and never implemented by the Security Council.

Second, the General Assembly passed that recommendation only after Israel proponents threatened and bribed numerous countries in order to gain a required two-thirds of votes.

Third, the US administration supported the recommendation out of domestic electoral considerations, and took this position over the strenuous objections of the State Department, the CIA, and the Pentagon.

The passage of the General Assembly recommendation sparked increased violence in the region. Over the following months the armed wing of the pro-Israel movement, which had long been preparing for war, perpetrated a series of massacres and expulsions throughout Palestine, implementing a plan to clear the way for a majority-Jewish state.

It was this armed aggression, and the ethnic cleansing of at least three-quarters of a million indigenous Palestinians, that created the Jewish state on land that had been 95 percent non-Jewish prior to Zionist immigration and that even after years of immigration remained 70 percent non-Jewish. And despite the shallow patina of legality its partisans extracted from the General Assembly, Israel was born over the opposition of American experts and of governments around the world, who opposed it on both pragmatic and moral grounds.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
First, I have to point out that BL agrees with my earlier post. Will wonders never cease!

Then he forgets to mention the massacres committed by the Muslims at the founding of Israel. Both sides committed violent acts and both sides had those who thought they could live together in one country. It is disengenous to ignore the one side for the other. He also forgot to mention how the Grand Mufti in Jordan ORDERED the Muslim population to flee Israel leaving their possession behind. They were then ordered to arm themselves and return to slaughter the Jews. There is no similar action on the part of the Jews. So when it comes to morality I have to give the high ground to the Jews because of that one action.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Supporters of Russia seize the government buildings and request "aid" from their neighbor to secure the capital. Planes fly in bringing troops to occupy airports and population centers. The new puppet government requests official occupation of the country. I'm talking about Afghanistan but it sounds so familiar some how.

Even John Kerry is calling it an invasion...for the moment. He may change his mind later.


You have to love this headline from the left leaning Independent of England http://www.independent.co.uk/news/wo...d-9162832.html

I recall a former Vice Presidential candidate voicing these concerns six years ago.
"I looked the man (Putin) in the eye." "I was able to get a sense of his soul."

George W. Bush

If only Dud errrr Dub would not have allowed Putin to manipulate him, we wouldn't be in this situation today.

Oh well, Dubya didn't see 9/11 coming either!

Another Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda moment brought to you by The Most Unpopular (and Incompetent) President in Modern US History!

Thanks Dud, errrr Dub!
I B Hankering's Avatar
"I looked the man (Putin) in the eye. I was able to get a sense of his soul."

George W Bush

If only Dubya had looked into Putin's eyes and made the decision not to 'suck up' to him, we wouldn't be in this situation today.

Apparently, Dub was unable to see the Ukraine in Putin's eyes!

Oh well, Dub didn't see 9/11 coming either!

Another Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda moment brought to you by The Most Unpopular (and Incompetent) President in Modern US History!

Thanks Dud errrr Dub! Originally Posted by bigtex
During a documentary interview CIA analyst Cindy Storer said she, and others, failed to "connect the dots" before 9/11 because the page was "black with dots", BigKoTex. Please cite where you, BigKoTex -- before 9/11 -- predicted that terrorists would hijack passenger airplanes and crash them into buildings. Please cite a prior such incident that could have served as an educational example for CIA analysts to learn from, BigKoTex. Furthermore, why didn't Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator have the terrorists arrested while they were learning how to fly planes into buildings, BigKoTex? After all, much of the evidence that you claim Bush *ignored* was there when Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator was in office, BigKoTex.

Crimea only became part of Ukraine in 1954 when Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev transferred jurisdiction from Russia, a move that was a mere formality when both Ukraine and Russia were part of the Soviet Union. The Soviet breakup in 1991 meant Crimea landed in an independent Ukraine. Crimea was not part of Ukraine because of any great nationalistic movement, it was because Khrushchev and some other idiots decided to do it. If they had left things along Crimea would still be part of Russia and they would not be having these problems. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Imperial Russia invested great treasure and blood to bring Crimea into the empire. That's an important historical fact.

The problem in the Ukraine is that just as many people want a strong tie with Russia as want ties with Western Europe.

This is a tough nut to crack. President Obama should just say as little as possible, because his words have consequences, especially when there is very little you can do. Putin, who is always the 800 pound gorilla in that room, knows this, and sees the US as a big paper tiger who is war weary from too many battles over the past 20 years fighting other people's battles.

This is exactly the same types of territorial disputes that have made that region of the World a powder keg for hundreds of years. Life can get pretty cheap. For all of you Utopians out there, who think that things can't escalate and get out of hand quickly, remember, WW-1, the "war to end all wars", was started over a dispute not unlike what is happening over there right now.

We should sit back, keep our powder dry, and worry about Americans. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Amen to that. I agree America should be the spectators on this one.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin