Tom Cotten wants to boycott the Olympics coming up in China

winn dixie's Avatar
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^

So true lol
Hardcore life lesson!!!!!!!
bambino's Avatar
We can all shine each other’s shoes or flip each other’s hamburgers.

That is just the kids with college degrees. Those that have real skills will be doing jobs that you can’t farm out to the China Man. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Is that Lucas on the left?
HedonistForever's Avatar
So HF, you are in support of higher prices for just about everything.

Yes, if it means that the government we are giving all this capital to, tells us in no uncertain terms "we are coming for you" economically. Ever wonder what this country would be if the dollar is no longer "the worlds currency" because we are no longer the biggest economy in the world? I can only guess that you don't think that is possible. For something that's not possible, every Sunday news show is talking about the problem of a rising China.

And militarily? It is said that the Pentagon ran as many as 12 war games with China invading Taiwan and what we might do about it. Guess what happened? We lost all 12 war games because the Chinese simply have a better, more capable military than we have. The politicians love to warn us against someday in the future they will be better militarily but what they are mostly not telling us is, that day is here and China is increasing what will be if it isn't already, domination in all the things that can severely hurt this country. AI being at the top of the list but I can't think of a single important issue that China will not dominate completely by the end of this decade.

So now, even if you don't agree with me, you know why I have come to the conclusions about China that I have.

They say, the so called experts say, that now and in the future, he who has the most data, wins. And from what I heard from Fareed Zakaria on a CNN special, no right wing raving lunatic he, China is not only winning in the data collection war they are making plans to use that information that we Americans freely give up about ourselves, to break the back and will of America. I guess you don't believe all this or don't care because after all, you have money, no criticism, just using your words. But I do believe it and it is one helluva lot more important than being able to get a cheaper pair of sneakers. I have to laugh at the whole argument that it would be bad for poor Americans if we couldn't get cheap shit from China.

First, nobody needs cheap toys unless we have convinced ourselves that disappointing the toddlers on Xmas morning is worse than facing a day when China calls the shots in the world economy. Yeah, yeah, never happen, I know But again, I believe it.

Someone like me isn’t bothered by the increases that would come but if I understand about 11 threads in this forum from the last 2-3 months, inflation has sent people to the poor house paying for gas and groceries and ruined Christmas. If we boycott China, we can really see prices skyrocket.

Unless China has recently joined OPEC, I don't see what they would have to do with the price of gas and the price of gas wouldn't be a problem if Biden hadn't shut down as much energy producing projects as he has and plans on "bankrupting" oil and gas company's according to one of the lunatics he is appointing. Remember not that long ago how America was now the number one producer of energy in the world. We were virtually independent of OPEC and look where we are now. Biden, begging OPEC to release more oil to save his falling approval numbers and guess what OPEC said? Well, they didn't say anything, they just laughed. This isn't a China problem, it's a Biden problem. And when did we start getting groceries from China? Did I miss that? Aren't we still the number one agricultural exporter in the world? I'll have to look that up when I'm done here, maybe I missed that two. And AGAIN, if the toddlers can't have a mountain of cheap shit from China, under the Xmas tree, will it be to much to handle? Please.

You know as well as I that even supporting that on more than paper and in rhetoric would be political suicide. If you think otherwise, I’ll await politicians leading the charge. Originally Posted by NoirMan

Do me a big favor please, stop saying "you now as well as I", funny how much you sound like 1blackman1, because you and I don't agree on ANYTHING, so how could I possibly know what you know when I think EVERYTHING you know is wrong.

I do not understand how buying the most efficient product selling your soul.

I'm just asking.

Not being a smartass Originally Posted by WTF
... Lighten up, mate... Lucas knows I'm just bein'
a wise-oaf... Nike makes good shoes.

Dont wanna have to school you lads, but it's a
well-known secret that the space people got
the good idea of the Nike Missile from Australia.
Just sayin'

### Salty
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
... Lighten up, mate... Lucas knows I'm just bein'
a wise-oaf... Nike makes good shoes.

Dont wanna have to school you lads, but it's a
well-known secret that the space people got
the good idea of the Nike Missile from Australia.
Just sayin'

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
those nike tennis are made in Vietnam with slave like wages.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
i'm very much in favor of boycotting the chinese olympics.

also ban trade with china. starting with 25% graduated to 100% tarrif on chinese goods and leading to eventual ban.

too much chinese made crap in america. and we're sending dollars to fund their military.
HedonistForever's Avatar
i'm very much in favor of boycotting the chinese olympics.

also ban trade with china. starting with 25% graduated to 100% tarrif on chinese goods and leading to eventual ban.

too much chinese made crap in america. and we're sending dollars to fund their military. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

Short and to the point. Maybe one day I'll learn to write like that!....... Naw,never gonna happen.
those nike tennis are made in Vietnam with slave like wages. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
... Australians can't make everything, mate.
Gotta let other nations do things also.

### Salty
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Well, this thread made me curious to take a quick look in my closet. I looked at only the labels where about 15 items were made. 13 were made in Asian countries and two were made in Italy.

Friday is the day when my housekeeper, pool guy and lawn maintenance guys come also. Not one of them speaks a lick of English so they're probably illegal as fuck so I contribute to that problem as well but I blame their greedy employers more than I blame myself for that.

Long story short, I guess I'm not the best at financially supporting American labor. Oh well, fuck it, I'll live but I need to get down more with the MAGA program when it comes back in Neveruary.
Do me a big favor please, stop saying "you now as well as I", funny how much you sound like 1blackman1, because you and I don't agree on ANYTHING, so how could I possibly know what you know when I think EVERYTHING you know is wrong.

Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Lol. You’re at least entertaining, even if what you say is nonsensical.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Lol. You’re at least entertaining, even if what you say is nonsensical. Originally Posted by NoirMan
Well, at least you read his posts. Dude is way too fucking long winded for me. I just read his initial few sentences and then get bored and yawn.

That guy really needs to look up the definition of "concise" before he posts.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
In my mind ( such as it is ) the best solution would be to encourage Americans to stop buying Chinese products that don't interfere with our national security interests. If China takes Taiwan, we won't have much choice as to who we buy computer chips and rare earth minerals from but we sure as hell don't need to be buying toys and tee-shirts etc. and we don't need to travel to China to look at a stone wall.

We are literally sending money to China to support their military and economic ambitions to destroy America. Just how stupid are we?

I support the decision of the WTA ( Women's Tennis Association ) saying they will not be sending their athletes to China and losing millions of dollars in the process. If only the NBA had the balls of the WTA.

No more of this, let's play nice with China bullshit but leave government out of it as much as possible. Leave it to the people with a good deal of information and encouragement not to help China destroy America. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
As I wrote earlier, put together a list of all the Chinese made products that come from stolen intellectual property and ban importation of all of them. After all, it is a hallmark of American law that you should not profit from your crimes. Put that on the Chinese. Deprive them of revenue and they will squeal. As for the debt that the Chinese own, they can't take property and land in the US with them. If they want to try to walk away, we nationalize their property and divvy it up to Americans. Can we do this? Since we can sue them for Covid and the deaths, yes, I think we can seize their property to pay for their legal debts.
ICU 812's Avatar
Boycot the Olympics in China?

I am OK with that.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-04-2021, 05:20 AM
Boycot the Olympics in China?

I am OK with that. Originally Posted by ICU 812
The Jimmy Carter playbook.

How about we let individual athletes decide.

You get to decide if you want to watch or not.

A novel idea...we give the power of choice to the people instead of the State. You sound like you want our government to rule like Russia and China.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-04-2021, 05:26 AM
As I wrote earlier, put together a list of all the Chinese made products that come from stolen intellectual property and ban importation of all of them. After all, it is a hallmark of American law that you should not profit from your crimes. Put that on the Chinese. Deprive them of revenue and they will squeal. As for the debt that the Chinese own, they can't take property and land in the US with them. If they want to try to walk away, we nationalize their property and divvy it up to Americans. Can we do this? Since we can sue them for Covid and the deaths, yes, I think we can seize their property to pay for their legal debts. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Nationalize? You sound like you want this country to become Venezuela or Saudi Arabia when they nationalized their oil sector because they did not like our oil companies making money from their country.

Damn....this thread is turning out to show how few folks believe in individual choice.