Trump still promoting 2020 false election fraud claim

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I'm interested in your opinion as to how the "mules" got their hands on valid ballots, forged signatures, and got the ballots entered into the system undetected. There is also no proof that there have been fraudulent votes cast in past elections in Arizona. Maybe the Houston area but I'm suspicious about that claim also, unless you can provide substantiated proof rather than opinion.

Regarding your comments on a "stolen" election in 1960 by Kennedy:

"In Illinois, the most recent and fair-minded study (Kallina’s Kennedy v. Nixon) concludes that sufficient evidence does not exist to determine whether Chicago’s Democratic machine stole more votes there than Republicans did downstate." Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Your source, David Stebenne, is a liberal democrat who writes books about how conservatism is dead. Try again.

Now it is difficult to point to a non-partisan source about the 1960 election but we can look at results; Kennedy 1960 and Nixon 1968.

Kennedy was a philanderer, Nixon was not.

Nixon almost got us into a shootin' war with the Soviet Union, Nixon got us "detent" and a thawing of relations.

Kennedy got us into Vietnam officially, and Nixon got us out.

Kennedy took care of his friends (Dow Chemical, Corning, Standard Oil, etc.) and Nixon created the Environmental Protection Agency.

Nixon the did the honorable thing in 1960 when he did not contest the election that he thought was stolen and again in 1975 to save the country and the presidency from an impeachment trial even though Archibald Cox admitted that he did not have a case to convict Nixon.

All told, would the country have been better off if Nixon had won in 1960? 55,000 lives, a cleaner environment, better relations with the USSR, less nuclear tension, and who knows...a better outcome for the people of Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and Cuba.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Don't spend your life using the "I came up with an idea, so it has to be disproven."

That is the fantasy land of UFOs, conspiracy theorists, and everything that relates to that.

Which closely resembles the world of the scam artists. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Simple question which I don't think you can answer; what rules do you put in place to have a perfect election? And by perfect, a legal, fair election that represents the majority of citizens living in the are concerned.