Women’s boxing in the Olympics

HDGristle's Avatar
There you go, Bam. That's how you tell me you don't know what intersex is without just saying it.

DSD is a thing, Mr. Only Follow the Science I Like or Understand

bambino's Avatar
bambino's Avatar
There you go, Bam. That's how you tell me you don't know what intersex is without just saying it.

DSD is a thing, Mr. Only Follow the Science I Like or Understand

https://www.businessinsider.in/sport.../112218392.cms Originally Posted by HDGristle
You’re hanging your hat on ambiguous genitalia!!!!! LMAO!!!!

Dude doesn’t look like a lady!!!!

HDGristle's Avatar
Actually, you did. You posted the article that brought up intersex.

You were also specific about knowing they have a dick and balls
bambino's Avatar
Actually, you did. You posted the article that brought up intersex.

You were also specific about knowing they have a dick and balls Originally Posted by HDGristle
Yes, post 23 which debunked your BI article a day in advance. BTW, when was BI considered a scientific rag? It’s dubious at best. That’s my opinion just as you posting the Boxing Federations testing is faulty. That’s an opinion not based on the scientific basis of their testing. And one doesn’t have to be a deep thinker to figger out where the IOC is. Their opening ceremonies said it all. A Satanic, Baphomet extravaganza.

I’ll drop the mic. AGAIN


Thanks for playing Mr Gristle. You get a A for effort
HDGristle's Avatar
I see.

Your concept of debunking is pretty limp when you don't even know what testing was performed.

Limp asf. The BI article isn't even my position or a scientific article, just another viewpoint touching on things you brought up.

Limp logic all around, guy
chizzy's Avatar
xy equals male

xx equals female

childish bullshit stating otherwise.
bambino's Avatar
xy equals male

xx equals female

childish bullshit stating otherwise. Originally Posted by chizzy
But but but, Mr Gristle is a man of science!!!!!

HDGristle's Avatar
xy equals male

xx equals female

childish bullshit stating otherwise. Originally Posted by chizzy
You might want to consult Developmental Biology, 6th edition.

In most cases, the female is XX and the male is XY

It covers why it's "most" and is good reading. For example.

However, in the absence of gonads, the female phenotype is generated. WhenJost (1953)removed fetal rabbit gonads before they had differentiated, the resulting rabbits had a female phenotype, regardless of whether they were XX or XY. They each had oviducts, a uterus, and a vagina, and each lacked a penis and male accessory structures
This is where discussions about DSD comes into play and whether the person went through male or female puberty.

That study was around as you both were growing up. And science has continued to evolve.

Like the one looking at Hyperandrogenism's prevalence in elite female athletes and how it impacted their development.

Some good reading from 2020
bambino's Avatar
Fetal Rabbit gonads!!!! Mr Gristle sure is getting deep!!!!! I’m dying here!!!!! Mr Gristle goes full Josef Mengele!!!!! I’m sure he’s an expert on such things. The boxer in question FAILED the chromosome test. But he isn’t a rabbit. I can tell by his ears!!!!!!
HDGristle's Avatar
Knew you'd bite instead of read the info in the link or the second link

You don't know what testing IBA actually did because they've told multiple stories and won't cop to what they actually did or even what labs did the testing.
bambino's Avatar
Knew you'd bite instead of read the info in the link or the second link

You don't know what testing IBA actually did because they've told multiple stories and and won't cop to what they actually did or even what labs did the testing. Originally Posted by HDGristle
Bite this


The IOC admits they don’t know how to test genders!!!!!!!!

You may want to bow out gracefully instead of what happened to your special guest. I feel it coming.

I ran out of mics to drop
HDGristle's Avatar
I didn't say they did, Bam


Khelief is now in the medal rounds
bambino's Avatar
I didn't say they did, Bam


Khelief is now in the medal rounds Originally Posted by HDGristle
You said the IOC kicked the IBF out. Didn’t accept their testing when the IOC can’t test. DUH


Of course the guy advanced. He’d have to be a REAL pussy not to!!!!!

HDGristle's Avatar
The IBA was kicked out for a variety of reasons, Bam. Educate yourself on why. They haven't been involved in Olympic boxing since 2019. They were permanently banned by the IOC in 2023